Chapter Eleven

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I sat in my hotel suite with Eva ready to tell her the truth. I'd just wined and dined her in the best restaurant in New York so she would relax before she finds out. Eva wasn't the type to go from 0-100 like Bey; she was the opposite. This made it a whole lot worse because with Bey, it was inevitable she would freak out but Eva was calm and patient- there was no telling what she'd do. She could be calm today and blow up in a few weeks like a ticking time bomb.

"We haven't done this in forever baby. For a second I was getting worried that you didn't want to be with me anymore,"she lightly giggled.

"Eva...let's talk,"I suggested. She nodded her head and we moved to the bed. We kicked our shoes off and sat on the bed facing each other.

"What is it?"her brown eyes stared at me.

"How do you feel about Bey?"was the first question. She knew we went to high school together but she didn't know that she was my high school sweetheart. Bey was at the club tonight with Elijah so there was no way of running into them.

"Well..."she started looking up and thinking about it. "She's a nice girl, really. She's dedicated to the club so that's a good thing but she seems really reserved about her life,"she replied.

"You know how Bey and I went to high school together?"she nodded. "We used to date,"I revealed.

"Okay,"she smiled shrugging her shoulders.

"You not mad?"I frowned. I was expecting her to be throwing shit at me for lying to her.

"Well y'all used to date so nothing's going on anymore. That explains why she was quiet when her best friend was explaining your high school sweetheart at the spa."

"Who, Kelly?"I confirmed and she nodded.

"I'm happy in fact. We barely see anyone from your high school and you haven't got into contact with any of them apart from Ty Ty and them lot. It's good to see someone from your past, so I'm happy. Now that I think of it, I can picture y'all together,"she broke a smile.

My head was spinning. Eva just accepted the fact that Bey and I lied about our relationship. Now imagine what she'd say if she found out that we had a child together.

"There's more to it though,"I looked down rubbing my temples.

"Babe,"she lifted my head up. "Whatever it is, I can take it. This is good, us being honest with each other,"she tilted her head.

"Bey and I went out in high school for a long time, right up until the end. You know I was into bad business back then, but Bey warned me about it and told me that I'd end up in jail if I wasn't careful. I didn't listen, and on graduation day I was arrested and incarcerated for four years. My problem wasn't just leaving Bey...she was pregnant too,"her eyes widened and she moved back a little.

"And you knew?"I nodded at her question. "Why didn't you look for Bey?"

"I tried, I really did but she moved away and cut herself off from everyone but Kelly,"I defended myself.

"So where's this child now?"she stared deeply into my eyes.

"...15 minutes away from here-"

"Oh my gosh,"she gasped holding her chest. "How long have you known he's here?"

"The engagement,"I lowly mumbled.

"All this time?! Is that where you were that night?"she got up from the bed.


"Don't lie to me! If you don't know where you were I'm sure Bey will,"she slid her heels on and ran to the door. She reacted faster than I thought tonight.

"Eva, wait!"I found my sneakers next to the bed and put them on. By the time I got to the door, Eva was already gone.

I burst out and bolted to the elevator to get me downstairs to the private car park. I pressed on the button about 10 times but it still didn't come up.

"FUCK!"I banged my fist against the wall in frustration. At last the elevator arrived at my floor and opened. Hurriedly, I got in and pressed the car park.

It felt like the longest ride ever. All I could think about was a showdown between Bey and Eva and how bad of a turn our lives were about to take. I knew I'd really hurt Eva and if I'd kept Shaq away from her longer than this, it would only be worse.

When I arrived at the car park I felt for my keys in my pocket and brought out the keys to the Mercedes. Within two minutes I was racing down to the club in desperation.

"Call Bey,"I said unto my Bluetooth.

"Calling Bey,"The Bluetooth replied. Her phone rang and I waited for her to pick up as I neared the club. The longer her phone rang, the more nervous I got about what was going on there.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up,"I mumbled under my breath passing a red light.

I got to the club and didn't even bother going to the car park around the back. I gave my keys to the valet and rushed in past the security and waiting line. The club was bustling and people were literally bumping and grinding.

"Excuse me..yeah, excuse me-sorry,"I apologised as I weaved through the maze of club goers. I made my way to the stairs and skipped steps basically hopping my way up. The lights in Bey's office were still on so I knew that's where she was.

I bolted to her office and bursted through the door. Bey's head shot up with wide eyes from her desk.

"Bey whatever you do don't tell her anything about us!"I blurted out.

"What?!"I turned around and Elijah stood up with flaring nostrils.

"That's not your call, is it Shawn?"Eva walked through the door with her arms folded.

Author's Notes;

Three For My Readersssss🤪🤩

1)what do you think Eva will do?

2)how do you feel about Jay trying to start a relationship with Beyoncé?

3)will their family unit last or will Eva destroy it?

4)how will Jay's family take the news?

Vote and Comment⭐️💬

Cheers to Love, Life and Blessings🥂


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