Chapter Three

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"When am I gonna see you again?"Jay put his hands on my ass bringing me closer to him in the elevator. Our wild weekend was over now, with yesterday being a calm Sunday, and now it was Monday and back to business.

"I don't know. I've got a lot of clients around this time and I've got to move around New York for a bit,"I pouted.

"Well it was fun seeing you...all of you,"he licked his lips and I hit his chest giggling.

The elevator doors opened and we pulled apart walking to the revolving doors of the hotel.

"Did I tell you you look good as well?"he looked down at my outfit with a smile.

"Yes you did

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"Yes you did. You're making me not wanna leave,"I didn't want to leave because being with Jay was fun but I needed to make my money.

"Then don't. You can live here forever,"he gave me the puppy dog eyes sounding like a little baby.

"You know that's impossible,"I laughed. "When I'm near I'll call you, I promise,"I bit my lip.

"Secret handshake promise?"we did our childhood handshake before laughing. "Until soon, Sasha,"he kissed me.

"Bye Jigga,"I left the hotel and hopped into my car that Jay had his workers pull round for me.

As soon as I was on the road to the store I called my best friend Kelly through Bluetooth.

"Is it you Beyoncé? You're not dead?!"she joked and I laughed.

"Kelendria you are a mess. How've you been?"

"I've been good but I wanna know where you've been all weekend. Matter of fact, I wanna know who you've been all weekend. I know you were abducted by some New York dick,"I rolled my eyes smiling.

"Well let's just say I ran into an old friend and we were both occupied with each-"

"OH MY GOD BEYONCÉ'S ENGAGED!"she screamed through the phone.

"Damn Kelly,"I rubbed my ears. "All we did was spend time with each other, not get engaged,"I laughed.

"Bey you haven't had a man since we moved to LA. Just let me bask in this moment while it lasts. I'm so happy for you,"I heard her cry and I kissed my teeth before laughing.

"I can't deal with you right now,"I shook my head.

"You know what? Throw me some New York when you've got the chance. I'm tired of this Canadian bacon,"I busted out laughing.

"Don't do Aubrey like that, Kell. You know he into you for real. He's a good boy."

"Nu uh, not no more. If your man got a cousin or brother or sumn just send me his number so I can leave this prick,"This was Kelly straight up. She always said she wanted to settle down but never stayed with someone for too long. But you know what they say- a princess gotta kiss a few frogs before she finds her prince.

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