Chapter Twenty Five

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"So y'all are not messing around anymore?"Kelly asked for the 100th time and I nodded.

"Officially done with Shawn Corey Carter romantically and sexually. The dick was good but not good enough for me to lose my sanity over,"I flipped my hair as I drove us.

"I can't lie, it's a big relief. When y'all argue, y'all argue bad and Shaquille can't be around that. Plus he has a fiancée. If he loved you like he professed he would then he would've dropped the bitch like a bar of soap. I love you both but it's hot between y'all,"she scoffed. "BB where are you taking us?"

"You'll see,"I weakly smiled. "Anyways, how's Mr Witherspoon?"I changed the topic.

"Everything is just beautiful between us. Things have been going strong and I want you, Shaquille and Jay to meet him soon."

"Why Jay? He ain't shit,"I gave her the side eye.

"Because he was like my big brother back in school and even though y'all are having trouble in paradise, I still look at him as my big brother. It's not going to be any time soon, maybe next week or in two weeks so y'all have plenty of time to be friendly again."

"That's not happening,"I made a left. "He said some harsh things to me. He basically called me a hoe!"I recalled.

"And you basically called him worthless. You both said 'harsh things' to each other so try again Beyoncé Giselle,"I pulled up to the clinic and Kelly frowned. "Sis, why we here?"

"I'm pregnant,"her eyes nearly popped out her head and she choked on her Fanta.


"Since two months I believe. Let's go,"I parked and got out my car.

"Girl you better explain from the beginning. How are you pregnant?"she asked getting out the car.

"Well on the night of his engagement party, he inserted his pe-"

"Yeah, I understand the whole procedure but why didn't you use protection?"

"Because when we were taking each other's clothes off I wasn't thinking about 'protection'. I know it's not accurate but I actually thought he pulled out. Either way, cheers to the next 18 years!"I sarcastically exclaimed, signing into the clinic and waiting for my name to be called.

"Does he know?"

"No. In the heat of the moment I told him that I was pregnant but I regretted as soon as and said I was lying and I wasn't pregnant,"I explained.

"Bey why would you do that? You know how everything went down with Shaquille,"she sighed.

"Exactly. I was only a few months pregnant when he was arrested for drug trafficking and I'm only a few months pregnant and he's done the same thing all over again. I'm not shutting him out of this child's life but best believe I'm keeping him out of this pregnancy because these next few months are going to be about me preparing myself for the next journey. Me and Shaquille. Not me, Shaquille, Jay, Eva, Elijah and the rest of New York!"she laughed shaking her head.

"Beyoncé Knowles?"the OB/GYN called my name. I stood up and followed her to her room with Kelly.

I immediately knew what to do, laying on the bed and lifting my shirt up so she could see my belly. It already looked like a bump so it wasn't a question about if I was pregnant. It was about when I became pregnant so I could clarify a few things...

"So my name is Dr Nicole and I'll be your OB/GYN for your pregnancy. So we'll just go over a few details so I know I have the right information. So your name is Beyoncé Knowles. Your birthday is September 4th 1991 and you're 27 years old. You reside in New York and you have no allergies or illnesses, am I right?"she checked.

"You are,"I confirmed.

"Great. So is this your first ever appointment?"

"No. I've got a nine year old,""I smiled.

"So you already know the gel is cold,"she joked and I jumped at the coldness making us laugh. "Either way, it's nice to see some support whether it's your first appointment or your 100th appointment. Support is always key in times like this,"she smiled at Kelly and she moved the wand around my belly.

"She's the father of my child,"I held her hand and she smacked her lips laughing.

"Best friends?"Dr Nicole assumed.

"More like sisters,"Kelly held my hand as I stared at the screen. My pregnancy with Shaquille was rocky and high risk because of all the physical effects of the emotional distress I was going through. I kept on having nervous breakdowns and anxiety attacks; I kept on pushing when I wasn't meant to so both me and my son nearly lost our lives during labour. It was important for me to have a settled mind for the remainder of this pregnancy and that meant leaving Jay and Eva to continue with their business while I continued with mine.

"So judging by what I'm seeing here, you're about 8 weeks into the pregnancy and your due date is around May 16th. The baby is of normal size for this stage and there doesn't seem to be any abnormalities. It's better to start taking your vitamins Beyoncé and don't eat undercooked meat and eggs, raw sushi, fish like mackerel and anything unpasteurised. Your next appointment will be next month so you can make the appointment at the desk,"she explained while wiping my belly for me.

"Thank you Dr Nicole,"I got off the bed and pulled my top down. Kelly and I left the room and made my next appointment at the desk.

"I can't believe you're pregnant Bey. I'm still trying to get my head around the news. How long have you known?"Kelly questioned as we walked to my car.

"A few days. I just don't know whether I should tell Jay but not involve him or not tell him at all. I don't know, just seeing his child grow in me made me feel some type of way I wasn't feeling before I went in there. What should I do Kellz?"I asked her.

"Baby girl it's all up to you. I think you should sort y'all relationship out before you tell him. I can put it on anyone's life that Jay will take care of his child but the problem is between you and him, not his ability to take care of his son or daughter,"Kelly shared her view.

"I'll tell him,"I decided. I saw a figure at the car park and recognised one of Jay's friends. We locked eyes and I spun facing my back towards him.

"Kelly, Jay's friend,"I whispered adjusting my sunshades.

"Where?"she stretched her neck looking around.

"Kelly I'm at a maternity clinic miles away from home after telling his friend I'm not pregnant. You don't think he's going to walk over?"I whisper yelled still not facing him. I didn't know Bleek well but I recognised him and if he told Jay then things would just escalate.

"Oh shit, that's why he's walking over here now,"my eyes popped as Kelly notified me.

"Beyoncé?"I looked up to the heavens before forcing myself to turn around and plaster a smile.

"Hey Bleek. How are you?"I tried to put on a façade so he wouldn't have anything to tell Jay.

"I'm good. How are you?"he asked.

"I'm doing alright. Um, this is my best friend Kelly. Kelly, this is Jay's friend Bleek,"I introduced them scratching my head and clearing my throat.

"Hey,"she waved and he greeted her back.

"So wh-"

"I'm sorry Bleek but we're in a rush. We're trying to beat the rush hour,"I grabbed Kelly's hand and pulled her away.

"You know damn well he's telling Jay,"she mumbled.

"He can't prove I'm pregnant unless he has x-ray vision,"I sighed.

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