Chapter Forty Three

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I stretched my arms and legs out as the sun's rays broke into my room through the blinds. Last night was spectacular with Jay and it made me realise that no matter how much I tried to hide it and deny it, I couldn't stay away from him because I loved him with all my heart and soul.

I rubbed my eyes and opened them slowly. I was back in my house obviously but Shaq had spent the night at Jay's to end their birthday celebrations.

From my understanding, the wedding was meant to be in two days but Jay had called it off so there was no wedding at all. I wasn't bothered about Eva but I wanted to spend the day with my little man and my main man.

I got myself ready and came out of my bedroom to see my mom, Solange and Kelly downstairs in my kitchen.

"Good morning sleeping beauty,"Kelly laughed. "How was your night with Mr Carter?"

"I don't know what you're talking about,"I played it off.

"Beyoncé don't lie to us. Since we've been in New York this has to be the happiest you've been in a morning,"Mama raised her eyebrows sipping her tea.

"Where did y'all get to yesterday anyway?"

"Uh uh, y'all know where we were yesterday,"I sat down with them at the island.

"So does this mean you two are back together officially?"

"Nothing's set in stone but it looks like it. We just have to slowly get back to where we were when we were happy together. He's broken up with Eva for good,"I couldn't hide my smile. I was just so happy!

"Finally! But have you told him about the baby yet?"Solange asked.

"I'll get to that. I'll tell him today in fact,"I assured myself. If things were going to go ahead with us then I had to be honest with him no matter the consequences. I'd been having dark, low thoughts for a while and with all the drama I just wanted to escape from New York for a little bit and take a break, but this was making me feel more optimistic and I was excited for us.

"Good. I'm happy for you Bey. You're finally getting what you want,"Mama rubbed my back.

"Y'all I've got to get to my appointment but I'm going straight to Jay's house after so don't wait for me,"I winked getting my things together to make it to my appointment.

"Hmmm you're spending the night?"Kelly looked at my suitcase by the door.

"It's just a night,"I shrugged.

"Well just be careful. You know he just came out of a relationship and fiancées don't tend to back down easily,"Mama warned me.

"Nothing's coming between us now,"I smiled. I got my suitcase and put it in the boot of my car before getting in and starting my journey.

I could literally see myself sitting on cloud nine. I couldn't wait for what the future held and now I was more confident in telling him about the baby. Of course I was still nervous because he stated he didn't want a baby right now, but if he meant everything he told me last night then I was depending on his promises.

My appointment didn't take too long at all- no more than 20 minutes. I should've brought Shaq but I had my baby scab printed at the clinic so I could announce it to them that way. After my appointment I decided to do a little shopping and treat myself to a manicure and pedicure. I deserved it and I needed a retouch on my nails.

On my way back I was bumping to Cardi B when I got an incoming call from my little man on my Bluetooth.

"Hey baby, how are you?"I smiled.

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