Chapter Twelve

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I had no idea what the hell was going on in my office. Elijah and I were having an interesting conversation about Jay and Eva when Jay burst in telling me not to tell Eva about us, then Eva came in after looking like she wanted to kill me. All I was doing was trying to move past Elijah's attempts to get me out on a date. Honestly, I blamed Eva for pushing us as if we didn't meet each other a few weeks ago and I was still messing with her own man.

"What's going on?"I asked looking between the crazy couple.

"Eva please don't do this here,"Jay begged her.

"Whatever she's got to say, she can say it Jay. Ain't nothing to be worried about,"I put my pen down crossing my legs. "What is this Eva?"

"You've got a nerve,"Eva chuckled walking to my desk. "Asking me what 'this is' when you've been the one lying to my face,"she took the seat in front of me and crossed her legs.

"Aye what have you done to my sister?"Elijah stomped towards Jay.

"Sit yo' pussy bitch ass down,"Jay smacked his lips.

"I'm not even mad about the fact that you and Shawn lied about having a relationship in high school, because that was ten years ago, it's worthless."

"Not that worthless,"I rolled my eyes.

"It's the fact that ever since you came he's been lying to me. It was never like this before. I was so sure about our relationship and I confided in you and Kelly,"she croaked up as her voice quavered.

"Eva let's talk about this at home. I can get Bey to come tomorrow,"Jay walked behind my desk and stood behind my chair.

"You ain't gon' get Bey to do shit,"I kissed my teeth. "Listen, I admit, we have lied about things but don't blame me for Jay lying to you,"I rolled my eyes again.

"I still don't get it. Is there something y'all know that I don't?"Elijah questioned from the other side of the office.

"Jay and I have a 10 year old son together,"I sighed looking between them all. All I wanted to do was go home but Eva was being all dramatic and shit. We could sit down and have a talk because that was the original plan but clearly Jay was on a different wave.

"So you lied to my sister?!"Elijah paced around my office.

"Listen Eva..Jay didn't know about Shaq until a few weeks ago. I decided to keep our son from him because of how things turned when he went to jail,"I explained.

"But you sat there and lied to me. I told you I want to have kids with this man and you didn't think to tell me he already has one with you?"

"Wasn't my place,"I shrugged my shoulders.

"Was he with you that night?"

"Which night?"I frowned.

"There's more than one?!"Elijah growled.

"Our engagement party. Was he with you that night?"she repeated. I looked at her before looking up at Jay. He huffed and looked away. I kept my mouth closed not wanting to say a word. Saying 'no' would only mean building another mountain of lies but saying 'yes' would mean a mountain of pain and hurt for Eva.

Either way, my silence confirmed the truth.

"I can't believe y'all,"she held her head as tears fell from her eyes. "You blamed it on my family Shawn and when I spent money trying to make myself more attractive for you as an apology, you, Beyoncé, watched me blame myself for letting my family wild out. And y'all have a son which makes everything ten times worse,"she sobbed as Jay and I looked at each in aid for what to do next.

"It wasn't meant to happen-"

"But it did! And I can't get it out of my head that y'all lied. Oh my-I need air, fresh air,"she stood up covering her face and stumbled to the door. Elijah followed after her shaking his head at us.

"That went well,"I rubbed my forehead and closed my eyes.

"I'll talk to her about it. I just don't know if this means the end for us,"Jay sighed.

"Well it's definitely the end for me and you,"I grabbed my bag from under my desk and rose from my seat.

"What? Bey I meant-"

"I know you meant what you said but is it really smart for us to jump on each other all over again? Your fiancée is hurting, go chase her,"I weaved past him walking out of my office.

I drove straight home with the weight of the world on my shoulders. Eva owned the club with Jay, and although it was 50/50 between them, she could have my ass out and Jay would support her because of how clear I made it that we weren't happening. Obviously I needed to talk to Eva one on one and see where her head was at but my weekend was so busy, there'd be no 'Eva time' any time soon.

Once I got home I kicked my heels off and plodded upstairs to my room. Kelly and Shaq were on my bed watching tv.

"Hey Ma,"he jumped up to hug me.

"Hey baby. You should be in your bed sleeping, not in mine watching tv,"I scolded him.

"I'm not tired Ma,"he whined.

"But you've got a long day tomorrow school shopping for Monday. I don't wanna hear you say you're tired tomorrow when we're shopping so get to bed,"I told him.

"Aight. Night Aunty, night Ma,"he hugged us both and left.

"Now that the child is gone,"Kelly turned off the tv. "Tell me what's wrong,"she sat up at full attention.

"I'm not in the mood Kelendria,"I dropped my bag and started changing out of my clothes and into my ebony silk dressing gown that Jay bought me just a few days ago.

"Oop, full name? But I ain't ask you I told you, what happened between you, Jay and his bitch?"

"How you know it's about Jay?"I playfully rolled my eyes and I joined her on the bed.

"Because that man basically controls your feelings. He's the only person other than Shaq that can drive you cray cray but happy at the same time,"she winked and I lightly smiled looking at my nails.

"He told Eva about Shaq,"I revealed and she raised her eyebrows.

"How did she take it? That bitch always happy so she's probably cheesing about having a stepson,"Kelly kissed her teeth and I laughed.

"Stop Kellz. She didn't take it too well and she put two and two together, came up with Jay and I sleeping with each other at their engagement,"I finished. "All this drama that has come with Jay coming back into my life is exhausting,"I blew my breath.

"But you're here for it as long as you have Jay. I know you Bey, Shaq and Jay are your lifeline and you're only denying it because you don't want to deal with no excess baggage. No matter what you say you'll just go back to him and it's not because he was your childhood sweetheart, it's because you love him deep down. You can say you only want to talk to him about Shaq and the club, but eventually you'll fall into his arms again,"she nonchalantly stated.

Thanks a lot Kelly. I was hoping she would tell me I was right and reassure myself but now I doubted myself even more.

Author's Notes:
Sorry for the hold up🥵

1)what do you think Eva will do?

2)can this officially end Jayoncé?

3)what u think about Elijah😫😂

4)how would you handle the situation if it was you in Beyoncé's position? Or Eva's?

Vote and Comment⭐️💬

Cheers to Love, Life and Blessings🥂


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