Chapter Nineteen

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Today was the day Shaq was coming to stay for the weekend. It'd been weeks and Bey had finally agreed to letting him stay at mine instead of the hotel suite. Either she'd had a change of heart or I dicked her down real good that night.

Eva'd been running helter skelter for the past week trying to make everything perfect for Shaq. I mean she was buying his favourite snacks, cereals and all that shit. His room was already done up for the little man- the only thing left was for Shaq to get here.

I pulled my sweats up as Eva pulled her dress down.

"What time is it Shawn?"she asked fixing up her outfit

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"What time is it Shawn?"she asked fixing up her outfit.

I checked my phone on the bedside table and it was 6pm.

"It's 6pm E-"

"What?! Shaquille will be here in less than half an hour and dinner isn't even finished!"she pulled her hair back and ran downstairs. Eva was always rushing somewhere, sometimes it was funny.

I quickly text Bey to make sure Shaq was on his way. This meant a lot to Eva because she wanted to get to know my son.

Baby Daddy🍆😉❤️: baby mama, where y'all @?

Baby Mama👸🏽🔥❤️:New York...

Baby Daddy🍆😉❤️:u play too much. How far r y'all?

Baby Mama👸🏽🔥❤️:we're not far like 2 mins

I knew Bey was chatting bullshit so I called my son to really see where they were at.

"Wassup boy?"I got up and jogged downstairs.

"Hey dad,"I heard his voice.

"Where y'all at?"

"We just left home,"I rolled my eyes knowing Bey was lying.

"Alright I'll see you soon son and tell your mama to stop texting and driving-"

"Then don't text my ass clown!"I heard Bey yell and I chuckled.

"You tried it Bey, bye y'all,"I hung up and watched Eva check on the mac and cheese in the oven.

"Where are they?"I looked at her ass as she bent over. Eva had a beautiful body and I was physically attracted to her but not as much compared to Bey.

"They just left home. Eva you need to calm down,"I chuckled as she ran around the kitchen.

"Shawn, this is your son. I can't calm down because everything needs to be perfect for him. If he doesn't like me then I don't know what's going to happen,"as she ran past me I grabbed her hands and pulled her close to me. "What if he doesn't like me?"she shook and I felt her palms were sweaty and clammy.

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