Chapter Eighteen

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Some weeks had passed and things were going well. Of course Jay and I were still on the regular but that wasn't changing any time soon. Despite my happiness with him I was feeling different and I felt my body was changing. It could be anything from the fact that I'd just moved across coasts and the climate was different to the drama that was going down.

Shaq has settled well into New York and he'd made a group of friends Jay and I liked. It was nice seeing him happy and going to his friends' houses while they came to ours too.

I'd finally gotten my name off the club which was a relief. The bad blood between me, Eva and Elijah would only wreck the business and I couldn't do that when Jay had worked too hard for Heat. I'd found a mixer for my line and her name was Michelle. We were getting along really well and to be honest, we were friends aside from business partners.

Now I had just come out of a meeting and I really wasn't in the mood. The distributors had said they didn't think my product would sell and all I wanted to do was kick and scream and fight.

I drove home in silence and parked. Once I got in Jay was there making tacos. I gave him a key for when there was an emergency, not for using my kitchen when he put his chef hat on.

"Hey baby mama,"he grinned but his smile faded when he saw my expression. "What's up?"

"Nothing,"I barely muttered going upstairs to my room and kicking my shoes off. I heard him come up behind me and wrap his arms around me. "Leave me alone."

"Not until you tell me what's going on,"he mumbled against my neck kissing it.

"The distributors didn't like my products. They said it's too common,"I closed my eyes swaying in his arms.

"But you're the Queen Bey."

"Not when it comes to business. I'm just shit at this,"Jay spun me round with anger in his eyes.

"Don't talk like that Beyoncé. If they don't want your products then someone else will. You're not shit at this. Remember when you used to coordinate all our projects back in high school? We got A*s because of you so don't let me hear that come from your mouth ever again. Do you understand me?"he grabbed my face and I nodded. "Now let's go eat the tacos I made and talk through it together,"I couldn't help but smile. Jay was always there for me to lean on when I was having a hard time. I was even surprised that he was at mine making tacos. The only question was- why weren't we together? Even though it was playing through my mind like a broken record he was willing to help me and people like Jay didn't come very often.

I changed into more comfortable clothes and joined Jay downstairs for the tacos.

"So remind me of what's been done so far, what you need to do and what you're worried about. Because I know it's not just the distributors,"he started.

"Well,"I bit into my first taco. "I've checked out the FDA rules and regulations so I know about the guidelines of what I can do before I get hit with a lawsuit,"I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. "And I've got Michelle, so I've already got that space in the laboratory to test out my products. I've thought of my name for the brand,"I smirked.

"Well let's taco 'bout it,"I smacked my lips at his lame ass goofy joke and laughed.

"BeyBeauty. It's got a nice flow to it, like it just comes out nicely,"I noticed Jay grin from ear to ear.

"BeyBeauty. BeyBeauty can help you Bey Beautiful like the Beautiful Bey,"he said in a french accent.

"You gotta stop with the jokes now,"we laughed for a good five minutes.

"I like it. So what's the problem?"

"Jay, it's the money. And before you say anything I don't want money from you, but it's going to cost more money than I thought and have. I'm renting out the lab as it is, and it's probably going to take me a year or two to actually get a place for the shop. Now that I've looked at the reality of it, it's not going to work because I'm trying to sell cosmetics. I'm talking lotions, soaps, shower gels, hair creams, hair oils, facial creams, perfumes, shampoos, makeup, everything."

"Well why don't we start with one part of the body?"I nearly choked on my taco when he asked that question. "Which one do you think you can start off with first? One that's in high demand now,"he chuckled.

"Well I'm not in a rush to do the perfumes and makeup,"I shrugged.

"So we'll focus on the lotions, soaps, shower gels and facial creams, yeah?"I nodded at the sound of that. "I think you're worrying too much about the location. You can always keep the products at home or even at the hotel."

"And we can put free samples in hotel rooms so people can use it and see how they like it. Then we can start selling it online!"I clapped my hands as if the answer was always there.

"See baby, you are good at this,"he pinched my cheek. "You don't need a shop to start selling. Start selling online through your own website and let people know your product. Then when you know that the first batch of products are selling well, start something else in the process like makeup or hair oils or shampoos or perfume. As you make more money you can finally get the shop you want and before you know it everyone will be flying from all over the world just too see the Bey-utiful face behind the beautiful BeyBeauty brand,"I playfully rolled my eyes and left my seat to sit on him.

"Thank you Jay for supporting me. I probably would've given up if I didn't have you with me. I'm always leaning on you for shit,"I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Aye, I'm strong enough for you and Shaq to lean on. I go to the gym every now and then still so,"he shrugged and I laughed. I felt on his little tummy and he jumped (he was ticklish) and we nearly toppled over.

"Either way, thank you baby,"I gave him a passionate kiss.

"You're more than welcome baby,"he mumbled against my lips before returning to the kiss.

Author's Notes:

Beyoncé's on a new business venture💸

1)Will Eva or Elijah come in between Bey's new business idea?

2)can the club survive without her?

Cheers to Life, Love and Blessings🍾


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