Chapter Thirty Six

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Eva and I drove in silence as we made our way to Shaq's first ever basketball game. I was in a horrible mood ever since Bey broke things off with me and the only thing keeping me happy was my son; apart from him I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Shawn? You've been in a bad mood for the past couple of days. What's wrong? It's thanksgiving in two days,"Eva rubbed my arm as I drove the Range Rover.

"Nothing,"I mumbled.

"You can talk to me-"

"I said it's nothing! Damn,"I snapped and she turned her body facing the window. I shouldn't have snapped like that because it wasn't her fault. I was just angry, confused and hurt because Bey and I were having fun at the club a day before she broke it off with me. There must've been something else because I knew Bey; she wouldn't try and tell me something like that on one of my biggest nights in my career knowing how important it was.

"I'm sorry,"I apologised.

"My family's going to be gone by the time we get back,"she checked her phone.

"To Philly?"I asked a bit too joyous.

"No,"she rolled her eyes. "I mean out of the house. I know you don't like everything crowding into our home and invading your space so they're staying at hotels nearby. It shouldn't have taken too long but it's all sorted now,"she explained. It did make me feel a bit better knowing that I could go home to my home but I still couldn't shake Bey out of my mind. All I wanted to hear was that she didn't mean it and I'd be fine.

"Thanks Eva,"I thanked her with a weak smile.

"So that's clearly not what you're upset about,"she huffed when she saw that my expression hadn't changed. "Shawn I don't like how you're not talking to me about how you feel. Is it the wedding? It's literally in two weeks and I'm nervous too but everyone gets nervous. I mean, is it Beyoncé?"

"Don't worry about me Eva, I'll be fine soon,"I assured her and she sighed nodding her head. We pulled up to Shaq's school and I found a parking spot within three minutes because there were so many cars.

We walked in and we signed in at the reception also putting down that we were here for Shaquille. Parents began to look and whisper as we walked into the basketball court. It wasn't unfamiliar because majority of New York had been to my club or hotel at at least one point in time.

"There's Beyoncé,"Eva pointed her out through the large crowds. We arrived towards her and she looked up from her phone.

"Hey Beyoncé!"Eva greeted her as we walked up the bleachers.

"Hello Eva. I didn't know you were coming,"Bey tilted her head.

"I just wanted to come and support Shaquille. You never know, he could become a basketballer in the future,"Eva grinned and sat down leaving a seat between them for me. I sat in between them.

"Hey baby daddy,"she lightly smiled trying to ease the tension between us.

"Hey baby mama,"I responded only because we were here for Shaq. "Where's my main man?"I asked scanning the court for my son.

"Over there,"she pointed and I easily spotted Shaq in a huddle with his teammates and their coach.

"Eva!"we all turned and saw a man and woman approach us.

"Oh hey y'all!"Eva stood up and hugged them. "Shawn, Beyoncé, this is David and Karmen, they're friends of my family. David and Karmen this is my fiancé Shawn and his son's mother Beyoncé,"she introduced us.

"Hey y'all. Nice to meet you,"I stood up and shook their hands.

"Hi,"Bey waved.

"Eva come and see the kids. You won't believe how much Dexter and Kylie have grown,"the woman who looked to be around late 30s ushered her over.

"I'll be back in a few. Let me just go and say hi,"Eva pecked my lips before going off with them leaving me and Bey.

"I can understand if you don't want to help me out with my launch party,"Bey crossed her legs looking at me.

"Why would I do that?"I frowned. "I love you Bey and you're my son's mother. If you're good then he's good and if you're not good then he's not good. What are you and Michelle thinking?"of course I was still gonna help her out because she was Beyoncé. She was more than just my baby mama even though she broke things off.

"We both agreed that the hotel will be a good venue and the caterers at the hotel are good so we'll use them. Kelly's cousin is a DJ but we're thinking about decorations,"she told me.

"Don't worry about all that. Leave the venue to me,"I assured her. "...Beyoncé."

"Not now Jay. I told you how I feel,"she huffed.

"And that's how you really feel?"I raised my eyebrows. She didn't say anything but she blinked hard.

"It's for the best,"she whispered and I shook my head. She knew we'd eventually find ourselves back with each other but I had no idea why she flipped on me like that.

We both turned away from each other because I didn't know what else to say to her. She was being difficult and this whole thing came out of nowhere because that couldn't have been what she wanted to tell me at the club.

"What's up with you guys?"Eva asked as she came back to her seat. Neither of us answered her and she looked between us.

"Hey y'all! Have we missed anything?"our moms and our sisters approached us. I even forgot that Ma, Mama Tina, my little sister Shilo, Solange and Kelly were coming to support Shaq at his first game. I was so focused on trying to work things out with Bey that other things were slipping out of my mind.

"They're just about to start,"we all hugged each other and sat down so we could watch the game.

"So that's the fiancée?"Mama Tina whispered so Eva couldn't hear and Bey nodded. "Eh, she's aight. You could've done better Shawn,"she shrugged making Solo and Shilo laugh.

As the game began I admired my little man's footwork, teamwork skills and aim. His ability as a shooting guard made me even more proud of him and it brought me back to the days when I played shooting guard too.

"Shawn he reminds me of you when you used to play when you were in high school. So much energy and dedication on the court,"Mom smiled. Shaq shot from the three pointer and we all stood up with excitement and cheer.

"Go on son!"I punched the air clapping my hands.

"That's my baby!"Bey jumped up and down. Shaq turned to us with a grin before waving.

"Aw y'all have the cutest child ever!"Shilo gushed. I looked at Eva and she quickly looked away sniffing. She'd always wanted a child with me but I didn't want a child with her yet anyway.

We continued to watch, encouraging Shaq and hyping him up until it got to half time.

"He's a future star,"Eva smiled nodding her head. "Hopefully our child can be that good one day,"Eva rubbed my arm and the others made noises giving her the side eye. Solo sipped her drink before smacking her lips.

"So when are y'all planning to have a child?"Mama Tina crossed her legs.


"Not too long after we get married because we've been together for years now. For me, I just want a little Shawn running around as soon as possible,"Eva interrupted me.

"Oh you're gonna have a little Shawn real soon,"I frowned at Solo as she scratched her head and Eva giggled. Bey looked uneasy in her seat and she fidgeted and shifted around.

"What's wrong?"I asked her and she shook her head.

"Nothing, it's just a little hot in here,"she fanned herself. She was acting weird or strange since we got here and the others weren't exactly making me believe otherwise. There was something going on but maybe they knew about me and Bey and were just keeping quiet about it.

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