Chapter Twenty One

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I licked my lips as I read a text from Curtis.

Curtis:morning beautiful. Wanna get coffee later in the morning?

I didn't bother replying to his message because I wasn't in the mood for no damn coffee. It was 6:30am and I'd hardly slept a wink all night. Last night had me feeling all sorts of emotions and I couldn't settle down for no more than ten minutes.

When I got to Jay's house, Shaq was in tears with his bags by the door. Jay was nowhere to be found but Eva was with Shaq trying to console him. I got Shaq in the car and when I asked Eva why Jay was arrested, she told me shit went down at the club and Jay was arrested for selling drugs in the club that evidently had a woman overdose. Eva recalled how the police showed up not long after dinner and they arrested him on the spot in front of Shaquille. She told me Jay said I knew where his bail money was- and I did because I was keeping it for him- but I wasn't willing to get it and get him out; Eva would simply have to look for it herself.

Kelly's words played through my mind like a favourite song.

Y'all barely know each other now.

Y'all are just holding onto the past.

Have y'all even been out to a serious, evening dinner?

I didn't want to hear a word she was saying last night but truth be told, Kelly was preaching every word. Every time she asked me why I was selling myself short for an engaged man I always told her that Jay was my 'childhood sweetheart and the father of my child'. I had to stop repeating myself like a parrot because he still wasn't over what he went to jail for. And to think I was defending him to Curtis and Kelly that very night he got arrested for doing the exact thing?

We hadn't been to dinner with just the two of us in the weeks I'd moved to New York. It was always either my house or the hotel. Here I was feeling butterflies in my stomach whenever I thought of him but he went home to Eva every single night- nearly. If he really loved me then he would've broken up with Eva for me.

Why would he do this? Eva had been blowing up my phone and so had Elijah surprisingly. Jay's mama, his brother and his sister had been ringing me too. I didn't care about bail money because frankly, I wanted him to stay in jail. It was like he hadn't learnt his lesson. Even if he didn't do it, why would he put himself in that predicament? He went to jail for selling drugs. He missed out on graduating college with the rest of us because of drugs. How could he let drugs into the business he'd built from scratch? How?

My shattered heart lay amongst my thoughts as I felt Shaq turn in my bed and cuddle closer to me. My baby boy. He cried himself to sleep last night because he was terrified for his father and he'd never seen anything like it. He could barely get any words out last night and I cradled my baby as he slept off. Whatever Jay was doing, he clearly didn't think about Shaquille. The first weekend he was to spend at his house, it ended up cut short because he was arrested. This was exactly what I was protecting my child from and last night just made me more confident in the decision I made. Over my dead body would I let Shaq see his dad be arrested every time he went to spend time with him. Shaquille was my priority now and this meant that I had to cut everything off with Jay. We'd only communicate when it'd come to Shaq if he got out this time.

By the time I checked the time it was 7:30am. It was a Saturday morning and I didn't want to wake Shaquille because he'd had such a traumatic Friday. I had a few things to do and none of my tasks involved returning any calls or tending to Jay the Jailbird. Today was going to be about me and my child.

I crept out of bed and slowly went into my bathroom to freshen up. After my shower I went into my closet and just got ready there, throwing up jogging bottoms and a plain t-shirt. I tied my hair up into a messy bun and looked in the mirror. I myself looked like a horrible mess and I wasn't in the mood for stepping out the house.

When I came out Shaq was wide awake with red eyes.

"Come here baby,"I held my arms out walking to him and I embraced him in a hug. "How're you feeling?"

"Angry. Tired. Upset,"at least he wasn't on his own. I couldn't imagine how he must've felt watching his dad being forced into a police car.

"Well today we can just have a lie-in, me and you. Nobody is coming over to the house today but Aunty Kelly might pop over later. If you want to get some rest, go get some,"I kissed his head.

"Is dad going to be there forever? Am I ever going to see him again?"his eyes watered and his bottom lip quavered.

"I don't know baby. I haven't heard anything,"I closed my eyes. I didn't want to lie to him but what other choice did I have? I was the one basically keeping him there because I had his bail money and nobody else.

"Okay,"he sniffed. I wiped his tears and held him again for a few minutes before he pulled away. "Thanks mommy,"he pinched my cheeks just like his father did.

"You're my big baby. You know I'll be here for you until my very last breath,"I kissed his cheek.

I left him in my bed and retrieved to my bathroom. I grabbed the packet from the cabinet and stared at it for a good few minutes.

I needed to do this. Ever since last night it'd been gnawing at my mind and this was going to change my life entirely. I was afraid, terrified, worried, but it was important. I felt an urge that I couldn't get rid of and I knew I needed to do this to get my mind off everything...

Author's Notes:

Enough suspense, here it is😂

So Jay's locked up for the time being until somebody finds bail money for him.

1)Do you think it's fair for Beyoncé to keep his bail money?

2)Do you think Jay has anything to do with this or is he back to his old ways?

3)What do you think Beyoncé is doing?

Keep the book active. Comment, vote, share🤙🏾

Cheers to Love, Life and Blessings🍾


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