Chapter Sixteen

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I shot up ready to fly kick someone but calmed down when I saw it was just Shaq, Jay and Kelly.

"Y'all scared me,"I sighed catching my breath. "Thank you,"I took my gift and card from Shaq and hugged him. "You all ready for school?"

"Yeah, but when I come back, I'm in charge,"he pointed at himself making us laugh.

"Okay baby. Off you go now, I don't want to hear about any detention,"I warned him and he kissed my cheek.

"Bye Ma."

"Bye baby,"I waved at him and watched him leave.

"Happy birthday hoe,"Kelly hugged me. "I hope he fucks you today,"she whispered into my ear and I flicked her.

"Dirty minded ass,"I laughed.

"Whatever Shaq got you, it's from me too. Your present is coming later. Now I gotta go before I make your son late. Later Jay,"she fist bumped Jay and blew a kiss at me before leaving to go drop Shaq off.

"Happy birthday baby mama,"Jay sat down on my bed and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you baby daddy. So what's the hold up on my gift?"I teased him with a cheeky smile.

"Spoilt ass,"he smacked his lips before laughing. "The choice is up to you. It's your first birthday as my baby mama, so what would you like as a gift?"I laughed at his stupidity. Jay was what got me through high school because we were joint at the hip.

"Well it's actually my 10th birthday as your baby mama but I don't even know what I want,"I thought. This man made the wrong decision- he gave me the chance to pick anything out of the world and I wanted. I didn't want anything big but I wanted something I could keep and it'd remind me of my two boys. "I'll think about it but first let me hit the shower,"I threw the covers off me and as I walked to my bathroom I felt him burn a hole in my silky, burgundy pyjama shorts.

I quickly got myself ready by doing my daily routine. When I came out my bathroom, Jay was laying on my bed feeding himself grapes like he was a king.

"I can't deal with you,"I playfully rolled my eyes. "You pick out an outfit for me?"

"No, I thought you could roll like this,"he gestured to me standing in my towel. I kissed my teeth and gave him the finger.

"You wish. Give me a minute,"I ran into my closet and picked a little birthday outfit for myself. When I curled my hair and did my makeup, I finally came out.

"Gurrllll you is fine. You could get it any time of the day,"Jay put on a ratchet voice clicking his fingers while recording me on his Snapchat.

"Thank you baby daddy,"I winked doing a little twirl.

"So have you thought about your gift yet?"

"Jay I can't think of anything,"I poked my lips out.

"Let's take a look outside and see if any ideas come into your mind,"I frowned in confusion and rushed downstairs with Jay right behind me.

"Is it a pony?!"I jumped up and down.

"Lol you tried it. Your childish ass always wanted a pony in high school,"he chuckled.

"If it's not a pony then what is it?"

"Blindfolds first,"he grabbed my sleeping mask from his pocket and put it on me.

"If my makeup messes up I'm beating your ass,"I warned him and he chuckled. He guided me out of the house and turned me to the left a little.

"You ready?"he asked me and I kissed my teeth making him laugh. "Okay, take it off now,"he instructed. I took the mask off and screamed when I saw it.

"OH MY GOD I GOT A CAR!!!"I ran to it and examined it.

"Happy birthday baby mama

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"Happy birthday baby mama. I just thought a car would get you to more places than a pony,"he joked and stopped recording.

"I can't believe this. I got my own Teslaaaa,"I stuck my tongue out doing a little dance. I'd always bought myself anything I wanted but just knowing that he bought me my dream car made me feel loved.

"Check the interior,"he told me. He'd gotten the interior personalised and had the seats engraved with 'Queen B' in gold with a little crown on the Q. The main colour was leather and black but he had an accent of gold put in too.

"Oh snap I got my name on my car,"I clapped my hands and laughed. I came out the car and stood in front of him.

"You likey?"he asked looking at the car.

"Me lovey,"I put my arms around him. I was going for his cheek but as he turned his head our lips crashed onto each other. I immediately pulled away, remembering the consequences and drama from the last time. But as I looked straight at Jay and he looked back, it was as if all my worries about the people around us evaporated and all I wanted was him.

He was thinking the same thing, and I knew it, because he leaned in and put his hands on my waist. I didn't stop him because what was the point? It was obvious that if it wasn't going to happen now then it would happen later. Now I wasn't even worried about Eva's ass because she'd become an enemy ever since she called out my son.

I moaned into the kiss as we moved back and I felt myself hit the front door. I pushed it open with my heel without breaking the kiss and continued to move backwards until we hit the sofa and fell onto the carpet. We pulled apart and stared at each other for a few minutes while I grinded on him.

"Should we be doing this? You know it's wrong,"I was the first to speak.

"You wanna stop?"he raised his eyebrows and I quickly shook my head. I couldn't get enough of Jay- ever.

I took my dress off to reveal my black lacy lingerie.

"I know what I want for my birthday now,"I lifted up a little and pulled down his pants.



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