Chapter Thirty Two

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I pulled my pants up and picked up Bey's burgundy, lacy panties up off the floor.

"I'm keeping these,"I waved them in the air and she rolled her eyes with a smile, rolling over into the messy, ebony sheets with her ass up.

"You're a creep,"she laughed into the sheets. I crept up behind her and slapped her ass.

"Bring that ass here,"she turned around and stood up on the bed. Bey leaned down and we kissed as I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me.

"Mmm fuck,"she moaned before pulling away.

"I'm keeping Shaq for the weekend at the hotel and we're having lunch with Eva tomorrow,"I mumbled against her lips.

"Who agreed to the lunch part?"she pouted her lips.

"You did. Ten minutes ago,"she jumped off me and playfully pushed me.

"When you had me doing acrobatics like a damn gymnast? Shit, of course I'd say anything. I'd confess to a murder I didn't commit,"I laughed at her and she pulled my shirt down.

"We need to make things comfortable around us. It's hostile between you two,"I stuffed her panties into my pocket.

"Of course thins are going to be hostile. She's your fiancée, she came for me and our child, I'm sleeping with you and you're cheating on her with me. I don't know why you'd want us all to have lunch when we already did while you and Shaq were at the party. As long as she stays clear of my child then things won't need to be 'hostile'."

"Come on Bey,"I softly kissed her neck until she sighed and gave in.

"As long as you're cooking. For all I know she might try to poison me so she can have you all to herself,"I followed Bey as we walked down the stairs still laughing at her nonsense. "Can't you just stay for a little bit longer?"she wrapped her arms around my neck and I kissed her neck.

"I've got to grab a few things before I head to the hotel. Spend tomorrow night with us,"I suggested and she nodded.

"Only if you order me some Chinese tonight. With your money, by the way. You're my sugar daddy,"she stuck her tongue out and I jokingly rolled my eyes.

"I'll see you later baby mama. You still want me to pick up Shaq or are you?"

"I'll do it. Bye baby daddy,"she walked me to the door and I gave her a quick peck before leaving her house. I hopped into my black SUV and drove home listening to Tupac. Eva had travelled to Pennsylvania to see her family for a few days so all the while Bey and I had been on our daily shit. We were just enjoying ourselves but not only that, we had quality family time with Shaq during the evenings. I loved this because it reminded me of what I lived for and what I enjoyed the most. I was sure in my heart that I was going to slowly break things off with Eva because I couldn't string any of them along. Not once had I thought about my own fiancée for the whole week and that just proved who I really wanted.

I pulled into my estate and noticed many cars surrounding the car park, scattered like disintegrated swarms of bees. Ignoring the strange change, I parked, got out, locked the car and used my key to get into my house.

"Eva!"I yelled her name locking the door. I turned around and my eyes widened as I witnessed her entire family spread out around the house.

"Hey Shawn! How are you?"Eva's cousin Melissa beamed.

"Uh..I'm good,"I scratched my head.

"Hey sweetie,"Eva came down the stairs with her arms out. I kissed her on the cheek with a hard frown on my face.

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