Chapter Twenty Four

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"Yo wassup man?"Deano said with too much excitement. I came to visit him in prison because he needed to tell the truth. Everything I'd worked for was in jeopardy and it was all because he needed a new place to sell his gear. I couldn't spend time with my son, my fiancée was running around New York trying to find bail money and Bey was wallowing in self pity all the while taking a 'pregnancy test'. She told me she lied about it but I knew she was lying about that because it came out unexpectedly. Shaq was in school so I had plenty of time to get the truth out of her.

"Don't 'wassup' me. What the fuck is all this about?"I looked him up and down.

"Man, it's kinda complicated. I needed a new place and your club happened to be there. We're family though, you feel me?"

"I ain't feeling the family spirit. You need to tell them that it was all you."

"Why? Man we used to roll together back in the day. We used to do this shit together,"he pointed between us.

"And for the last ten years you've been doing it without me so you'll be fine nigga. You know that's my business. I've worked hard for that club,"I shook my head.

"The only reason I involved your name is because I know you know people that can get me and my boys out. And you left me on my own in the streets and you never came back."

"Deano I had four years in here for doing that. This very same prison and I can't be back here, especially for something I didn't do. I've got my son with me. Matter of fact, he was there when I was arrested. Do you know how he felt watching me be put in handcuffs?"I balled my fist up. He messed everything up for me because he was selfish and reckless.

"I didn't know!"he held his hands up. "I'm sorry man. Must've been hard for little man. Nephew okay?"

"He will be but I only just got him. I can't lose him again to this life. I'm on the verge of losing him right now,"I looked around the prison.

"Nah Bey won't let that happen. That's your wifey right there,"he chuckled.

"'Wifey' where? She held my bail money while Eva had to find more for me. She's pregnant right now,"I whispered and his eyes widened.

"Word? Y'all having another baby?"I nodded.

"You see why I can't get my name ruined? If I'm in prison then that's another child I'll be missing out on. Look bruh, all you gotta do is tell the police that I wasn't involved and you made it up because you were angry. As soon as my name is cleared I promise I will help you. I can get you bail, lawyers whatever. Just do the right thing and when you get out, we can be partners in business as long as you give up the life,"I offered him.

"Word? Actual business partners?"

"You're blood, D. I can't turn my back on you just like that but you can't drag me into your mess because I've got my boy back home and a potential baby. You feel me?"

"Yeah I do. I'm sorry man,"he apologised.

"No worries. I'll get back to you with bail and lawyers,"I dapped him up. "Stay strong, D,"I tucked the chair in.

"Always,"he grinned.

When I left the prison I took a long, deep, needed breath of air. The first part of my day was over with and I was glad with how it went. I was grateful that this was family I was dealing with because Deano wasn't always this willing to give something up but we grew up like brothers. He was a loose cannon 75% of the time but I felt he needed a way out.

My next task was to get Bey to take another pregnancy test. She went on yesterday about how she 'knew her body' but I knew it too, and I wanted her to take it in front of me so I could see with my own eyes.

On my way to hers I stopped at a CV and bought three pregnancy tests of different brands.
When I got to here I knocked on the door but heard no response.

"Beyoncé! Open this door before I have this neighbourhood know your name!"I yelled banging on the door again. I waited for five more minutes and when Bey didn't come to the door I looked around the front and remembered her spare key was buried in the flowerpot. I dug hand in and pulled the key out of the soil. I used it to get in and Bey was watching tv eating pop tarts. She rolled her eyes when she saw me and turned her tv off.

"Dang. I was hoping you'd go away,"she bit into a poptart.

"I wish I could stay away but you're the mother of my child and you're pregnant again so-"

"I told you I'm not pregnant. I took a pregnancy test but it came back negative,"she got up going to her bedroom.

"So you won't mind taking another one then,"I followed her and she laughed.

"You're a clown. Lord knows what imma do if I carry another one of your babies. That'll be a whole 18 more years with you, your fairy princess fiancée, her bitch ass brother and your fucked up cousin. I can't wait(!)"she sarcastically jumped up and down.

"But it'll be eight more years if you take another test and it comes back negative. Just do it,"I pulled them out of the bag and gave them to her. She just stared blankly at them and I huffed. "Take the damn tests Beyoncé! Why's everything got to be so damn difficult with you?!"

"As soon as these results come you better get the fuck out of my house,"she kissed her teeth stomping to her bathroom.

As Bey did the tests I sat on her bed and thought. If she was pregnant then everything would just have to change by force. It'd mean having to break up with Eva because I couldn't put another child on her- she was too sweet and it was bad enough that I cheated. I'd also have to take less time from the businesses. The club was still debatable as we'd lost thousands of money from the days it'd been closed but I still had the hotel and that was doing well on its own. Having another child would also mean having to sort everything out with Bey. We were on hostile terms and Shaquille was the only thing that was keeping us all together because if it wasn't for him, Bey would've probably moved back to LA and I would've cut myself off from her. Now she had me thinking if I really loved her. Yes, it'd mostly been about sex between us but I would choose Bey any day of the week. The problem was that Eva had stuck by me and I knew that she'd always stand by me. Take the weekend for example; Bey didn't bother at all but Eva dropped everything for me. You would've thought that me being Shaq's father, Beyoncé will take my bail money to get me out instead of using it for her business after she specifically said she didn't want my money. Maybe I was reminiscing on the days we barely had problems and the only issues between us were deadlines for essays. There were only two options: officially be with each other or remain cordial for the sake of Shaquille and a potential baby. Either way we couldn't go on like this.

There were fifteen more minutes before Bey came out her bathroom holding the tests in tissue.

"Surprise,"she handed me them and I read them. "I'm not pregnant. Like I told you before,"she folded her arms.

Author's Notes:

1)do u think Jay will go through with his plan to help Deano?

2)Based on what's been happening over the last few chapters, do u think Beyoncé and Jay will be right for each other?

3)She's not pregnant...what's their next move?

I've got a whole month of exams coming up so I won't be as consistent but I'll try my best🤗

Cheers to Love, Life and Blessings🍾


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