Chapter Twenty Three

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My boy and I were eating popcorn and watching another Madea movie. We were just chilling before he had to go back to school tomorrow. Shaq's mood had lightened up a bit but he was still asking me about his dad. I hadn't heard anything about Jay but that was because I blocked everyone off from telling me. I'd see him when I'd see him, but he was toxic. He never learned his lesson and he paid four years of his life for drugs.

The doorbell rang and I looked at Shaq.

"Ma!"he whined. "I'm too comfy to get up,"he complained.

"I spent nine whole months being uncomfortable with you kicking and turning in my belly, then over twelve hours getting your big head out,"I slapped his head and he held it laughing. "Go,"I threw the blanket off him and he got up getting to the door. I paused the movie so he didn't miss anything else.

"DAD!"I heard him yell and I frowned jumping up.

Before I could even get to the door Jay and Shaq were hugging each other. I stood there and waited for them to finish which took about ten minutes.

"Beyoncé,"he looked up from the hug.

"Shaquille's father,"I rolled my eyes.

"I need to speak to both of you,"he closed the door and walked into my living room. I followed them and sat down on the sofa. Shaq day next to me and Jay sat in the chair. "First and foremost I want to apologise to both of you. I shouldn't have put either of you in that situation. Shaq, anything you wanna ask me before I start?"

"Why were you arrested? We were meant to be spending the weekend together but you spent it in jail,"I could tell Shaquille was getting angry.

"You're growing up Shaq so I'm not going to sugarcoat anything from you. They arrested me on suspicion of drug trafficking, which is basically producing, making or selling drugs. I didn't sell them, but it was my cousin-"

"Uncle Deano?"I tilted my head and looked between Jay and Shaq. So Shaq had met Deano when I specifically said I didn't want Shaquille anywhere near the crazy ass.

"Yes, Uncle Deano. It was him and his friends but they did it in my club so they arrested me because they thought I was helping him. I promise y'all, on Ma's life, I didn't know they were going to sell drugs in the club,"he swore. "I should be setting a good example for you Shaq, and I failed by allowing myself to be put in that frame on Friday. Do you forgive me?"

Shaq nodded and went to go hug his dad. "I'm so sorry boy. I promise I'll make it up to you."

"Shaq baby, go upstairs please so your father and I can talk,"I looked at my nails and heard him go upstairs.

"Beyoncé I'm so sorry that-"as he walked towards me and knelt down to my level and I slapped the life out of him. It was like I had an urge to just hit him for everything he put us through.

Jay held his cheek nodding his head.

"I deserved that,"he mumbled.

"You deserve more. Frankly, you deserve jail,"I spat.

"Is that why you left me in there? That's not fair. Deano set me up. I didn't know anything about what he was doing,"he defended himself.

"So is that meant to make up for everything?! You were arrested in front of our son!"I screamed.

"And I apologise for that but he's still my son!"he yelled back.

"I'm not disputing that. Shaq is old enough to decide if he wants to spend time with you and he clearly does but me? I'm tired of your bullshit,"I folded my arms.

"You're tired of my 'bullshit'? What happened to my bail money, huh?"

"I put it towards my business,"I smiled. "What happened to you changing? Giving up the street life?"I called him out on it and he hung his head.

"That's why,"he whispered. "So you didn't give my bail money because you heard it was to do with drugs?"

"Absolutely. You missed out on four years of your life, graduation, everything because you were selling drugs. I don't give a fuck about Deano. You knew he was around and you brought him around Shaquille. I took Shaquille away because I didn't want him around that life and here we are again!"

"I'm going to talk to Deano and get him to tell the police it was all him. He ruined my fucking business-"

"No you ruined your fucking business. You should've sent his ass away knowing damn well what he does for a living,"I lashed out.

"He's my family. No matter what he's doing he's still my blood. Shaquille deserves to know his father's side! It's not my fault he doesn't know him,"he threw in my face making me laugh and clap my hands.

"Boo motherfucking hoo! You cry and scream about not seeing Shaquille for years, you don't even act like he matters to you! You're still doing the same shit I blocked you from seeing him for! I should've never come to New York and I should've never gotten involved with you,"I stood up from the couch and walked away from him.

"So all this was for nothing?"I heard him as he walked right behind me.

"It's worth nothing,"I spun on my heels. "The only thing we're good for is having sex. We've never gone out together, we've never said 'I love you', I've been to your house once! All this was because we were together back in high school. I was so stupid to think that one day you'll just magically wake up and leave Eva for me,"before I could even stop myself tears were falling down my face. "You need to go back home to your fiancée because this,"I pointed between us. "Is over. Lord why did I get involved with him? Now he's a part of my life forever,"I fell to the floor bursting into tears. I felt him touch my arm but I slapped his hand away and got up.

"I'm telling you, this wasn't me. It was all Deano and I'll prove it to you seeing as you don't trust me,"I watched him stand up. "I might as well get back to my fiancée at home. She really stuck by me all weekend. What were you doing this weekend, huh? Fucking another man?"

"No nigga, taking a damn pregnancy test,"I revealed.

Author's Notes:

So Beyoncé took a pregnancy test🤭

1)Do u Jay was right for leaving Eva in the lurch right after she bailed him out?

2)Can Jay ever get Beyoncé to forgive him? Can he get the police off his back?

3)Is Beyoncé actually pregnant or was it just a scare?

Cheers to Love, Life and Blessings🍾


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