Chapter Thirty One

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I hummed along to Michael Jackson as I drove to the shopping mall with Jay and Shaq in the car. Jay's cousin's son had a birthday outing going on so I was taking them there and then we'd go back home together. I couldn't stand Jay's cousin Shenice because she always had too much to say.

"Y'all want anything while I'm out shopping?"

"That pussy on my face,"Jay muttered under his breath and I hit his chest making him chuckle.

"Our child is in the car Corey,"I bit my lip rubbing my thigh.

"Just get me whatever. You know what I like and don't like,"he shrugged swiping through Snap.

"What about you baby boy?"I checked my rear view mirror looking at Shaq.

"Sneakers and new headphones. The ones from last week broke,"he bluntly admitted. We came to a traffic light and I looked at Jay with wide eyes. Jay frowned looking up from his phone, looking at me then looking at Shaq.

"Jay you know what I should get him with those headphones?"I asked.

"Maybe an ass whooping. What do you think son?"Jay turned in seat to look at Shaq in the backseat. I continued to drive as the light turned a neon green.

"No,"he smacked his lips.

"You got a new pair of headphones last week. What, you got headphone money?"Jay spoke to him.

"No but my mama and daddy do,"I laughed shaking my head.

"You tripping, child. You getting sneakers, end of,"I finalised it. "With your birthday in less than two months and our businesses, you're not getting new headphones every week boy,"I pulled into the car park for the shopping centre. Shaq got out first.

"Can I go please? We're already late,"Shaq whined and we nodded, cautiously watching him attentively cross the road. As soon as Shaq entered the shop and his other cousin Tyrone came out and gave us the thumbs up I turned to Jay.

"How long y'all gonna be?"I asked him. He intertwined his fingers with mine and kissed my hand.

"I'm not sure, probably two or three hours but you know you can always join us when you're finished,"he offered.

"I might pop in but I don't wanna hear anything from your cousin, Corey,"I warned him raising my eyebrows.

"I'll tell her. You look sexy,"he looked my outfit up and down and I flipped my hair.

"As per usual,"I stuck my tongue out.

"Come here,"I leaned in and we French kissed for about two minutes with soft moans here and there before breaking away. He rubbed his hand on my ass as I slid my hand across his package and kissed his neck.

"We're not having sex in my car,"I mumbled against his skin.

"It'll only take a few minutes Bey. I'll be quick,"he reached under my top and unclipped my bra.

"Jay come on, Shaq is waiting for you,"I forced myself from his grasp, really wanting to just feel him inside of me but knowing I couldn't for the time being.

He grumbled and kissed his teeth as I put my bra back on.

"Man look at me,"he gestured to his dick at standing point. I tried to muster my laugh but it made me feel good that I still got it.

"Maybe later, I promise,"I fully took off my seatbelt and got out the car.

"'Maybe later'? Beyoncé we're doing it later, no questions,"he followed suite and once he was out I locked my car. "You know imma tap that ass later,"he came around the car and snaked his arms around my waist with a smirk.

"We'll see. Send my love to all your family but Keisha,"I winked kissing his lips.

"Petty,"he chuckled kissing me back. We pulled away and I made my way into the shopping centre to start my shopping.

I actually liked shopping by myself because I wasn't under pressure to rush for someone else. I bought a few things from Gucci, Sephora, MAC, Kate Spade and JD for the boys. As I slowly meandered the store for matching tracksuits I could get the boys I stumbled across a gorgeous little tracksuit for babies and instantly fell in love. I gently picked it up as if it was a delicate piece of china and stroked the soft material. My thoughts instantly went back to the child I had been carrying for two months already and it would have been fun to get the outfit so he or she could match with their father and big brother but neither of them knew yet and I wasn't ready.

"Baby clothes are so cute,"I frowned at the voice and turned around to see Eva standing behind me with a big wide grin.

"Mhm,"I put it down and walked away to get the tracksuits.

"Beyoncé, please. We haven't spoken in a while and we need to clear the air,"she pleaded following me.

"The only thing we need to get clear is that your existence is irrelevant to my life,"I rolled my eyes and looked through the black Nike tracksuits for both their sizes.

"We're going to be in each other's lives for a while so my existence is more relevant than you think,"I laughed at her shaking my head. "All I'm asking for is ten minutes of your time. Nothing more, nothing less,"she begged me. I rolled my eyes and sharply huffed.

"Give me ten minutes,"I walked past her and walked to the queue with Jay and Shaq's clothes in my hands. When I was able to get to the front of the queue and pay I met Eva at the entrance of the store. "Zizzi,"she nodded and we walked to the Italian restaurant in silence.

We arrived at the restaurant in no more than ten minutes and were immediately seated due to a reduced number of people at the restaurant. Once we ordered our food Eva began talking.

"I saw the outfits you got for Jay and Shaquille. They're cute. Maybe one day I'll get him to match with our own child,"she giggled.

"I doubt that,"I mumbled picking up my phone and saw a text from Jay.

Baby Daddy🍆😉❤️:I miss ur sexy ass😫there's a room @ the back. 15 mins max...😏

Baby Mama👸🏽🔥❤️:no luck baby. U can wait til tonight😂🤪

Baby Daddy🍆😉❤️:so can u. Have u bend over backwards

Baby Mama👸🏽🔥❤️:I'll look forward to it daddy

"Who's got you all smiling? A man?"I looked up from my phone and Eva was grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"A man indeed,"I smirked placing my phone down.

"I'd like for Shaquille to be a part of the wedding,"I raised my eyebrow and watched as the waiter brought us our order.

"Depends on how he feels about that,"I shrugged sipping my water.

"Beyoncé why do you hate me so much? I mean, shouldn't it be the other way round? You slept with my fiancé and dropped a child on us all. Life was smooth and sweet before you came to New York,"she spat.

"Well I'm in New York and I'm staying so whatever 'smooth and sweet' life you once had won't be coming back any time soon if I'm the only reason.  Yes I slept with Jay, yes I have his child, no I'm not bothered. There is a child between me and Jay. Literally,"I rubbed my stomach under the table because one hint and Eva could find out.

"All I'm asking is that we're cordial or civil. I want my life to be easier and I understand that you're not going anywhere but neither am I,"I perked my lips feeling an urge to just blurt everything out but like Jay and I agreed, we had no commitment.

"I'll try as long as you stay out of my way,"I stirred my spaghetti around my fork.

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