Chapter Five

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We watched as  the waitress brought our food to us.

"Here's your salad, here's your pasta and here's your ricotta. Enjoy,"she presented the food to us and left. Elijah, Eva and I were at lunch after we tasted some new cocktails for the bar. It was originally meant to be just me and Elijah but like Elijah said before, Eva tagged along. I didn't know where Jay was, but then I didn't care either.

"So Bey, why don't you come to the engagement with Eli? I'm sure he needs a plus one,"Eva suggested.

"Eva! I can ask for myself, I don't need you speaking for me,"he grumbled.

"I didn't know I was coming to the engagement,"I put a mouthful of my pasta in my mouth.

"Of course you're coming! Why won't you come?"

"Ummm...we have a club to run,"I said in a 'duh' tone. "That's why y'all hired me and Elijah, right? To run it for you and Jay?"

"One night won't kill us Bey. Damn, you're so focused on work,"Elijah chuckled.

"That's all I've been used to for a few years now. I hate to admit...I'm a workaholic,"I dramatically revealed.

"Admitting is the first step. I'm proud of you,"Eli put his hand on his chest going along with it before we bursted into laughter.

"Y'all have great chemistry,"Eva ruined the moment. Like damn, can't two people just banter around?

"So why do you call Shawn 'Jay'?"

"That's what we called him back in high school because he used to rap a lot,"I shrugged.

"How close were y'all?"Eva questioned. I saw her give me that look and I knew she was onto us.

"We were real good until the end of high school. Obviously we went our separate ways and we've been on our separate ways until Monday,"I lied through my teeth. Friday, Saturday and Sunday were off topic for sure.

"Do you think you can invite anybody from y'all school? Jay hasn't invited much people and I know he wasn't the shy, quiet type back at school."

"I'm not sure. I didn't keep in contact with a lot of people and they're all down in Texas anyway. I doubt any would come up here for a wedding,"I rolled my eyes. Both Eva and Jay were getting on my damn nerves. It was obvious Jay didn't want to get married but he was still going through with the wedding, and Eva was too blind and dumb to see.

"You okay Bey?"Elijah asked.

"I'm sorry..I'm just a little tired and weddings aren't exactly my thing. I prefer something more small and intimate,"Eva was making this wedding big and extravagant and I'd already heard more than enough about her plans.

"I just want this to be perfect for us. We've been together for five years and I feel like this is long overdue. I want to get married and start on our family straight away. I love him and he loves me."

Obviously not enough baby girl.

"Can you please come to the engagement though Bey? My family is a damn trip and I need somebody to keep me company while I run away from all my aunts,"we laughed with Elijah.

"Send me the details and I'll try and make it. Is there a dress code or something?"I checked.

"Just don't outdo me, that's all I ask,"Eva begged and I giggled.

~•Engagement Party•~


"Tell me I look good,"Eva whispered in my ear as the party continued and we made our rounds.

"You look good,"I smiled kissing her cheek

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"You look good,"I smiled kissing her cheek.

"Shawn! Eva! Congratulations,"two of her aunties ran to us.

"Aunt Sal and Aunt Mabel, so lovely to see y'all,"Eva hugged them with me doing the same after her.

"Thank God you're getting married Eva. We were getting worried that you wouldn't be making it down any aisle ever!"they laughed between them making Eva look at me for help.

"I guess I came at the right time then,"I intervened putting my hand on her back.

"Please tell us that babies will be coming right after the wedding. We need more babies in this family,"Ms Mabel pleaded.

"Oh most definitely. We've already started,"Eva laughed but I didn't join in. We hadn't had sex in a month so I didn't know what she was on about.

"Listen, Eva, imma be back. I gotta holla at my boys for a minute,"I kissed her cheek and paced to my friends Kanye, TyTy, Bleek and Swizz.

"Aye look it's the groom!"Ye raised his drink.

"Yo don't even mention it,"I sat down. "I'm fucking tired already. Her aunts asking about babies and shit. We been engaged for 5 weeks and ain't had sex in 4. Ain't no damn baby on the way,"I kissed my teeth and they laughed.

"You still hung up on ole girl?"TyTy asked. Out of them all TyTy was the only one who knew Bey because he went to school with us too.

"Day and night bruh,"I blew my breath while Swizz poured me a drink.

"Who is she anyway? I ain't heard of her,"Bleek asked.

"That's because she moved to LA and basically cut everyone off after high school. But her and Jay were kicking it real good back then. They were Bonnie and Clyde,"TyTy hyped.

" and Beyoncé were together, y'all didn't speak for ten years and now y'all meet and fuck in the shower. Well that makes sense(!)"Kanye drunk his drink and we laughed.

"I would drop Eva in a minute for Bey though. And I know you wouldn't even let me throw a shot at Bey. Nigga too damn selfish like that,"TyTy smacked his lips and we laughed again.

"Bey ain't talking to me right now but that's how it always is at first. We'll be friends again,"I shrugged.

"So explain this Beyoncé to me because I'm really trying to paint a picture in my head and I've just got a big booty gangster chick from Houston,"Bleek groaned.

"Light skin, blonde hair. About 5 ft 6. Hourglass figure so she pretty thick. Light eyes, plump lips,"I described her.

"So basically a light skinned Eva?"Bleek assumed.

"No, so basically that right there,"Ye pointed as Bey walked into the party.

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