Chapter Forty One

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I watched my baby as he ran around with his friends enjoying himself. A whole 10 years old? Where did the time go? I could still remember all his milestones like it was yesterday but he was growing fast. Looking at him, I wasn't perfect but I was doing a good job.

"Beyoncé!"I turned around and saw some of Jay's family.

"Hey!"I hugged them all.

"Happy birthday for Shaquille. We got him a few things and we hope he likes them,"Jay's uncle handed me a few gift bags.

"Aw thank you! Do y'all have seats? I think there's space over there. Make yourselves comfortable. Eat, drink, dance, have fun!"I pointed over to a space where I was sure no one was sitting. They thanked me and immediately went over to where I directed them to. There was dozens of people here and of course, who invited them? Jay. Like I said he went all out for Shaquille so he invited half of the industry and their kids. I saw Diddy's family, Usher's family, Kevin Hart's children, Kanye's and people I couldn't even recognise.

"Here, let me take them for you Bey,"TyTy took the bags from me,

"Thanks Ty,"I smiled. My phone rung and I picked it up again.

Unknown Number:u look dirty as hell rn!

I looked around to see if I could spot the person who was texting me. It didn't seem like a prank because they kept on texting and it wasn't funny. I blocked their number and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Bey!"I turned and Jay came up to me. "It's like 6. Shaq needs to cut his cake now so we can cut them into cake boxes,"he told me and I nodded. As he approached the DJ I went to go get Shaq who was having the time of his life.

"Shaq! Come here baby!"I yelled grabbing his attention. He came to me and hugged me.

"Ma, I'm glad you're my mom. Thank you for everything and you're the best mom ever,"he kissed my cheek and I nearly melted.

"Thank you baby and I'm glad you're my son,"I kissed the top of his head. We gathered with Jay behind his birthday cake and everyone else gathered around.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Shaquille, happy birthday to you!"everyone sung in unison as the photographer snapped pictures and we all cheered for him.

"Make a wish little man,"Jay chuckled.

"Now wait a minute, before Shaq makes a wish..."I pointed to our left and we all turned our heads. "It's still your birthday Jay!"I giggled.

I organised for Jay to receive a birthday cake for him and Mama Gloria was carrying it in lit up. We sung again for Jay as he chuckled in surprise.

"Now you can make a wish,"they both closed their eyes and wished before blowing out their candles. We snapped pictures as a family [which I knew was going to turn out amazing because I made us all coordinate our outfits] before others began to join in. I meant it when I said that I owed this to both Shaq and Jay. I had my reasons for leaving but they'd never celebrated a single birthday together so this was my way of giving that to them.

Once the family had taken pictures and it was mostly friends that were having their shots I decided to slip away into the cinema room that we were using to show Shaq's baby pictures.

"So is this your motive?"I turned and saw Eva sitting on the stairs with teary eyes. "To steal Shawn?"

"Girl he's the father of my child. If both of us are good then our son is good. Stop looking so desperate all the damn time,"I rolled my eyes walking off to the cinema room.

It was nice to get away from the huge party and be surrounded by silence, but even amongst the midst of silence the thought of my baby was ringing loud in my ear. Reminiscing on all of Shaq's precious baby moments as they played in front of me made me wonder how the baby would look. Would he or she look more like Jay like Shaquille or have more of my physical features? Would they crawl into a ball when they sleep like Jay and Shaq? Would they love dancing and singing like me? All of this and I still hadn't told Jay that I was pregnant.

I jumped as I saw a figure beside me but calmed down when I realised that it was only Jay.

"You keep popping up behind me, imma have the get a taser,"I joked and he chuckled.

"His first steps?"he gestured towards the video that was now playing.

"Those were his first steps,"I confirmed.

"You've been good to me today. Thank you."

"I don't want any bad blood between us. We still have Shaq and we have a lot of history together. I just want us to be good,"I turned my body to look at him and he did the same to me even though we were both sitting down.

"I still want you though,"he pulled my body closer to him.

"Like I've said a million times over, we can't have each other."

"I'm done with Eva,"he breathed. "I'm done with her. What we had has been dead for a while and I'm done with her. I want you Beyoncé. Forever,"I doubted him because I just saw her. But then again she was crying on the stairs asking me if it was my motive to take Jay.

"I don't want to repeat the cycle Jay,"I sniffed and he bit his lip.

"So let's break it,"he smashed his lips onto me and I leaned back onto the chairs.

I let a light moan while he unbuckled his pants. I removed my shoes and jumpsuit and he traced his fingers along my body. Thank God it was dark because you could hardly see the faint outline of my baby bump. This was never planned because it was never my intention to have sex with Jay today of all days but it was already happening.

"I never gave you your birthday present,"I whispered against his lips.

Author's Notes:
Two more chapters!!!

I'll be publishing the last two chapters probably tomorrow or Monday but look out for it👀

Cheers to Love, Life and Blessings🍾


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