Chapter Thirty Five

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I waited for my mom and my sister to get settled in before we started our regular gossip sesh. They'd come down for the holidays which was a blessing because I didn't want to find myself spending thanksgiving with Eva's family at all and mine and Shaq's first thanksgiving in New York was to be special for the both of us.

Soon enough they came down the stairs and I couldn't help but get emotional and wrap them into another warm hug.

"I missed y'all so much!"I cried; I didn't want to let either of them go because I hadn't seen them since I moved from LA and that was over two months ago. FaceTimes and phone calls just weren't enough and with everything going on I just wanted my mama to tell me what to do.

"Missed you more Thu Thu,"Solange squeezed me even tighter.

"I love you so much Beyoncé,"Mama pulled away before kissing my head. I smiled before placing the fruit bowl I made in front of us and some juice; we were waiting on Shaq so we could order some takeaway for the night.

"I forgot to ask. When did you get your car?"Solange questioned popping a grape into her mouth.

"I got it as a birthday gift,"I revealed.

"From who?"Mama raised her eyebrows.

"Jay, obviously,"Solange giggled.

"Oh excuse me, I forgot there's a 99.999% chance that my daughter and Mr Shawn Carter himself are fondling with each other,"Mama sarcastically said making Solange laugh and me giggle.

"Mommy it's not even like that. And don't say 'fondling', that's weird,"I chuckled biting into a pineapple.

"So where's my grandson? I need to see him and give him a big hug and kiss on the cheek,"Mama asked of Shaq.

"Jay is dropping him off any time now. They usually spend the weekends together and he stays with me during the week, but Jay does come by from time to time during the week too so it's not only the weekends when he sees him. And same goes for me when Shaq is with him. We swap over every two weeks,"I explained and they nodded.

"Y'all are co-parenting good. Is anything going on between y'all?"Solange smirked.

"He's engaged,"I looked at my nails.

"So? If I kidnap her, how long do you think it'll take you and Jay to get back together?"she asked making us laugh.

"So you mean to tell me that there is nothing going on between you and Jay?"Mama paused.

"Not even a baby?"Solange's mouth dropped as Mama continued. "Nothing at all huh?"

"I was going to tell y'all,"I mumbled.

"When? I don't know what you think others think, but I've had two children and I notice changes in you Beyoncé. I knew you were pregnant from the second I saw you at the airport,"Mama frowned.

"Why didn't you tell us?"Solange lowly questioned.

"I haven't told anyone apart from Kelly at all and that's because she's the only person I have that I felt comfortable bringing to appointments. I was just scared and I haven't wrapped my head around the whole pregnancy yet. I mean, I know it's happening but it's overwhelming."

"Wait. You haven't told Jay at all? Or even Shaq?"

"No,"I sighed. "Like I said Jay's engaged-"

"But that didn't stop you from having unprotected sex with him and getting pregnant Beyoncé. And his engagement never stopped him either. He has to know. And why doesn't Shaquille know?"Mama folded her arms.

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