Chapter Two

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I woke up early at sunrise to Jay's big arms tightly wrapped around me like a blanket. Last night was mind blowing and it brought back all the memories of the times I spent with him. I didn't even notice how much I'd missed him but nevertheless, a relationship wasn't on my mind. So much happened around the time we broke up and owning a hotel didn't mean he had completely changed.

I wriggled out of his warm comfort and found his shirt to cover myself with. I slipped it on and did up some of the buttons before walking to the window and taking in the magical view of the city of New York.

It was a long time since I'd appreciated the beauty of nature because I was always busy doing something.

"It's a beautiful view isn't it?"Jay's husky voice caught my attention. I turned to look at him as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He looked so sexy just laying in bed like that.

"The sun is beautiful,"I agreed.

"I was talking about your ass,"he chuckled and I threw a pillow on the floor at him.

"I'm hungry Jay,"I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Aight. Lemme freshen up real quick,"he threw the covers off him.

"I've got my stuff in my own room though."

"I got them to move it here and cancel your booking. You don't need that room,"he dominantly told me. It turned me on so much and I was yearning for another round. He hadn't really changed in that aspect because back then he was always confident in what he wanted.

He showed me to his walk in closet and I found all my belongings. We freshened up together then went to his kitchen to get started on breakfast. To my surprise, everything was already prepared for eating.

"Do you have a chef or sumn? Because from what I remember, you couldn't even cook ramen noodles,"I took a seat at the table and he laughed.

"I've got a chef here but I've brushed up on my cooking skills so we're gonna have a competition soon,"he clapped his hands sitting next to me.

""You say that all the time but competition or not, I'm better at cooking,"I smirked.

"If you say so,"he shrugged laughing. We quickly got to eating, which put an even bigger smile on my face.

"So how long am I gonna be staying here, Mr Carter? I'm guessing you don't permanently live here too,"I questioned.

"No, I don't live here but I'll be staying here for as long as you'll be needing to stay at my hotel,"he smirked.

"You ain't got nobody to go back home to?"I raised my eyebrows putting a slice of pancake in my mouth.

"Nobody worth leaving you for,"this was Jay all over. When he had something to hide he always dodged a simple question.

"But you do have someone back home, whether they're worth it or not,"he looked at me and I stared at him.

"Just someone who I don't have a relationship with anymore. The relationship's dead but we've both agreed to see other people,"he shrugged. "I know you don't have anyone at home because you stay loyal as fuck."

"That's me,"I responded. What he said kinda threw me off so I put my fork down and walked away to his bathroom. Back when we we were together he never cheated or even looked at another girl but he had a history of cheating on other girls and I didn't know whether to take his word for it. I trusted him enough to know that he would never cheat on me but what made me so special?

I stepped into the shower and turned it on to adjust it to my preferred temperature. As the water poured onto me I felt a pair of hands on waist.

"Sasha,"he called me by my nickname. Jay used to call me Sassyoncé, Sasha for short. I didn't even think that he'd remember. "You ain't gotta worry about nobody,"he rubbed on my clit.

After a little sumn in the shower we washed up and just laid naked in bed until he suggested we go to the club.

"Hurry up Beyoncé!"I heard him yell from the living room.

"Nigga you better shut up because it don't take no less than an hour to look this good,"I fixed my earrings walking in. He turned his head and licked his lips- speechless. "We going or are we gonna wait for you to pick your jaw up?"I closed his mouth for him.

"Imma have a problem with other niggas tryna steal you from me,"he stood up

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"Imma have a problem with other niggas tryna steal you from me,"he stood up.

"Good,"I winked pulling on his hand to the door. He already had a car waiting for us downstairs so once we got in we were headed straight for the club.

It was a nice scene and it didn't take long for us to get started on the dance floor.

"This is my song!"I put my hands on my knees and began to twerk to the beat as Spice's So Mi Like It blasted. I could feel him getting hard and he started grinding against me.

"Shit,"he grunted. I popped my ass and tic tocked making sure he was rock hard. I was feeling horny myself and my tipsy ass couldn't wait until we got back. "Come,"he held my hand and weaved between the dense crowd. He lead us to an office upstairs.

"Jay do you know the owner?"I held my head watching him lock the door.

"Yeah, you do too,"he took his jacket off.

"Well shit, what else do you own then?"I giggled throwing my purse down.

"I promise, these are all my businesses. Opened this club two years ago today actually,"he sat in his big leather chair.

"Two years ago today, huh?"I sexily walked to him. "Have you ever gotten head in this club before?"I dropped to my knees and unbuckled his belt.

"No,"he bit his lip.

"Well there's a first for everything, right?"he helped me pull his trousers and boxers down to his knees. His dick was standing up at full attention making my mouth water.

Author's Notes:

Chapter Twooooo...

So they're still at it lasting forever or nah?

1)What do you think is going to happen?

2)What problems might show up?

Cheers to Love, Life & Blessings🍾


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