Chapter Thirteen

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I drove my way to Bey's house today to pick her and Shaq up. I was still devastated about last Friday because it was a hot mess but everyone needed to cool down and I was trying to smooth things over. Instead of sleeping at home I slept at the hotel to give Eva some space. I knew she would come around but everything had basically been a walk in the park for her- no one had ever really lied to her or broken her heart. Yesterday was calmer between me and Bey but it was mostly because we had Shaq with us for the whole day. I was hoping today would be a little bit better because we were seeing my mom and sister and I just wanted it to be a day about family.

I drove into the estate and parked my car outside Bey's house in the driveway. We were going to Ma's house so she could properly meet her oldest grandson for the first time ever. I knew her and Bey had seen each other at the engagement party but they barely talked because after a few minutes...

I knocked on the door and Shaq opened it.

"Dad!"he threw his arms around me and I hugged him back.

"Wassup lil man? You ready?"he nodded and closed the door behind me. "Where's your mom?"I asked looking around.

"She's still getting ready upstairs. Aunty Kelly went out I think,"he answered.

"Alright you stay down here and wait for us. We'll be downstairs,"I patted his back and jogged up the stairs to Bey's room. The door creaked open and I noticed she was curling her hair and styling it.

"Damn. No wonder I knocked you up,"I licked my lips. She turned around and playfully rolled her eyes.

"Stop Jay,"from her reflection in the mirror I could tell she was trying to hide her smirk so bad.

"But look at that ass,"I clapped my hands checking out her backside. "My baby mama fiiinnee,"I clicked my fingers and she giggled shaking her head.

"You're out of control, you need to calm down,"I crept up behind her and hugged her from the back. "Nigga I said calm down!"she slapped my hand.

"But why you gotta copy my outfit? You always tryna steal my spotlight,"I watched us in the mirror looking like a bomb ass couple even though we weren't. Bey and I always ended up coordinating but I low-key knew she was just copying my style.

"Lmao you tried it,"she laughed. "Okay I'm ready,"she unplugged the curling shit and checked herself in the mirror once more, spraying herself with perfume.

"You know that's my favourite,"I dug my face into her neck and inhaled the scent.

"Stop boy! You weird as hell!"she laughed moving away from me.

Eventually we got into the car and made our way to my mom's place. I knew the ins and outs of New York and it was only a half hour drive. When we parked we casually walked up to the door.

"You nervous Bey?"I asked her as I put my arm around her.

"Not really. I mean, it's not like I'm meeting them for the first time. I'm more or less nervous about Mama Gloria because I was only thinking about you. I didn't think about how she'd feel about having a grandchild,"she expressed.

"Well you were always her favourite child,"I shrugged and Bey laughed.

"No I wasn't, that was Shilo,"she beamed.

"See, here I was thinking that you were gonna say me but you went ahead and said my damn sister. You just broke my heart,"I held my chest.

"Either way, as soon as Grandma sees me, I'm going to be the favourite child,"Shaq proudly walked past us and up to the door to knock. We laughed at our little boy and waited with him.

"Bey! I can't believe it, I missed you so much!"Shilo opened the door and threw her arms around Bey.

"Oh I missed you too Shilo. It's been forever,"Bey giggled.

"I know,"they pulled apart. "And is this the little man we've been waiting to meet?"she knelt a little to meet Shaq's level. He was getting taller but he wasn't that tall.

"I'm Shaquille but you can call me Shaq,"he hugged his aunt.

"He's so cute Bey! And he looks just like you,"I leaned back trying to see if anything was strange about Shilo. She knew damn well that boy was the spitting image of me but as usual, whenever Bey came around my family I was invisible.

"Can't I get commended for my half of the boy?"I held my chest.

"Oh hey Jay, I didn't even notice you,"she hugged me. I smacked my lips and we walked into the warm house that immediately smelt of home cooked food. "Y'all just get comfortable. I think Ma's almost done with the food,"we sat on the couch and Shilo went to go call Ma. Within seconds she burst into the living room screaming.

"Beyoncé! My favourite child!"

"Mama!"Bey jumped up and they met in the middle. They hugged for a good five minutes declaring how much they missed each other before they pulled apart.

"My new favourite child! Shaquille!"Shaq stood up and they hugged. Ma even cried and I actually felt bad for her. Bey was shedding a few tears too but it was emotional for everyone.

"Dang, can't I get no acknowledgement up in here?"I joked to lighten the mood.

"Oh, hey Shawn,"Ma slapped the back of my head and we laughed. "I'm so happy. I've finally met my first grandchild,"she wiped her tears. "Come, come. The food is hot and ready,"she kissed Shaq's head of curls and Shaq immediately started running to the kitchen.

We gathered round the table and said grace. Soon enough we started eating and I must say, nothing beats your mom's cooking.

"So Shaquille, you're starting school tomorrow right?"Shilo confirmed and he nodded.

"I'm excited,"he tried to get out but he had so much food in his mouth.

"Sweetie don't talk with your mouth full,"Bey raised her eyebrows.

"So what is this combination I'm seeing? Are y'all together?"Ma looked at me and Bey.

"No. You know I'm still engaged to Eva,"I internally rolled my eyes and Bey shifted in her seat.

"Jay just likes to copy my style,"Bey rolled her eyes.

"Who?"Ma tilted her head and Shilo laughed.

"Eva Culhane. You know, the one who owns the club with me?"I tried to refresh her memory.

"Oh still? I'm sorry, I'm so used to you and Bey as a couple that she evaporated from my mind. Whoopsies,"she shrugged and Shilo laughed.

"Wait who's Eva?"Shaq asked us and Bey and I looked at each other.

"Eat your food baby,"I scratched my head.(Authors Notes: you guys should know this meme with Jay and Blue😭)

"How are you liking New York anyway?"Shilo asked Shaq.

"I love the food but I miss my friends."

"Baby you'll make new friends tomorrow,"Bey ran her hands through his hair.

"I got a friend who's son goes to that school. I'll make sure he looks after you? Okay?"I assured him and he agreed with a smile.

Author's Notes:

The Carters have finally met Shaquille!

1)will Jay and Bey eventually get together?

2)how do you feel about Ms Gloria meeting her oldest grandchild?

3)with Beyoncé reuniting with the Carters, will this push Eva away or make her try even harder?


Don't forget to share too

Cheers to Life, Love and Blessings🥂


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