Chapter Four

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I rolled my eyes as my fiancée continued to go on about how Elijah and Beyoncé should get together.

I didn't want Bey with anyone else other than myself but the problem was I was already with Eva. I sounded selfish as hell but I still had feelings for her and she came at the wrong time. I didn't want to tell Bey anything about Eva because I knew she wouldn't even come to have a drink with me but I missed her for all these years. We'd been apart for too long and she had a massive impact on my life.

Bey wasn't just pissed- she was furious and she'd been avoiding me all day. We needed to talk but she was being difficult with me.

"I don't see why they have to get together Eva. They don't even suit, I'm telling you,"I checked my suit in the mirror.

"And how would you know? I thought y'all were just classmates,"she put her hand on her hip.

"We were friends too. Just drop it okay?"I snapped.

"Sorry babe,"she held her hands up. "You've been off today. It's the wedding isn't it?"she slowly walked to me and fixed my tie. "Next week is the engagement party. Before you know it we'll be on the sandy beaches of the Bahamas. Drinking sangria, catching some rays..."she dragged. "Come on, we've got a club to run,"she rushed out our office.

I regretted not telling Bey the truth and this was the first time I'd actually lied to her but I had my reasons.

I walked out the office to see Elijah and Beyoncé overlooking the club on the balcony.

I cleared my throat grabbing their attention.

"Beyoncé can we talk please?"

"About what?"she spat looking me up and down.

"Club business,"I lied.

"You need me too man?"Elijah spoke up. He was a good brother to Eva but like his sister he was always where he wasn't needed.

"No, just Beyoncé,"she rolled her eyes at me and walked into my office with me.

"What is it Mr Carter?"I closed the door as she sat on my desk.

"Don't be like that Bey,"I put my hands in my pockets walking to her.

"Like what? As of today we don't have anything to talk about other than business,"she glared at me.

"I'm sorry I lied to you. I didn't want you to leave when I saw you again,"I apologised.

"I don't think you understand Jay. Honesty has always been one of our strongest factors and even though you lie, I've never known you to lie to me. You said that y'all relationship is dead and y'all agreed to see other people then three days later I find your engagement party is next week!"she screamed. "So everything you said to me was a lie basically?"

"No it wasn't,"I grabbed her hands and she pulled away. "I meant every word I said but things are a little awkward right now. I want to be with you but the wedding planning has already started and Eva's been through a lot."

"Well so have I, Jay, believe me,"she scoffed.

"This doesn't mean we can't continue,"I grabbed her waist and she pushed me off her.

"The nerve of your lying camel looking ass! Sex can't solve everything between us. We're not 18 again!"she clapped her hands. "I don't want anything to do with you anymore unless it concerns the club,"she sneered.

The door opened and Eva came in. I stood back a little because Bey and I were actually really close to each other.

"Am I interrupting something?"she looked between us.

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