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It was almost total darkness. Clouds thickened, the sky was stricken, blotting out the moonlight and stars. The wind arose to push the still waters, morphed into mountains of angry waves.   The gulls are tossed paper in a storm, flashes of white in the grey, tumbling as they struggle against the gale. Beneath them, the sea rises as great mountains, anger in the form of water, turbulent and unforgiving

The wind slammed the rain into our faces like hails. The ship pressed, first up waves at forty-five degrees, and then crashed down jarring our bones. At one point the waves spun the vessels.  And while the battle commenced, they slithered and slipped, on the rain-soaked deck. One by one the pirates fell into a mush of meat and a bloody pool or washed by the waves, rolled to the raging sea, until no one left beside me and the pirate werewolf captain.


The sword hit each other as we parried. For a few fractions of a second, the swords pushed each other, as we tested our strength.

"Shhh!" his raw voice brutal against my ear. I struggled against him, shooting my right leg to the waist but my movements were too slow, he dodged it easily. Our hands moved and our sword hit each other with a metallic dance music. But the big Pirate Captain seized my arms, trapping them to my side. He pushed me roughly further to the edge of the ship, while his agile gesture swished the swords on both of my sides, and my sleeve cut by his sword.

"Are we gonna continue this all night?" He grinned as his husky voice whispered. I couldn't help glimpsed to his ripped shirt, showcasing his perfect abs.

I held the blade even, a perfect, undaunted horizon; always leveled with the nose, while my other hand balled in a fist. I had stalled his strike, but as I watched his hair swirled by the wind, perfect blue eyes in mesmerizing pools, A strange sensation swept over me and somehow my knee weakened. A wretched, grin split the pirate's lips as my blade shivered under the brutality of his strength. "My dear Princess, your dainty hand suited a ring more than a sword" he throatily crooned, pressing closer to her face. The blade flashed as he brought it over his head and hummed a low, swift tune when he brought it down.

My breathing ragged, and my ribs pounded.

He chuckled.

"Damn it!"

I surprised as I feel something snaked up from the ground to my feet. While bending down I tried to catch the thing but too late, the rope slithered very fast and bind my legs, waist, and hands and I lose my footing. I closed my eyes, as I fell into the raging sea.

A muscly arm caught my back, and as I opened my eyes toward the stormed sky, his smile clouding it, and he spun me over to the deck.

"What.. what the hell ...."  I stuttered.

Soft lips covered and shut me down, bit and chewed mine. His finger caressing my hair traced a way through the rope and under my shirt.

"I just..." Breathing heavily, he sniggered as he devoured my lips once again. His soft eyes locked mine for a second, hypnotizing me with two deep blue pool underneath his long lashes. His lips released me, as his arm still framed me, he peppered my neck with kisses, while his finger busily undid my clothes.

I closed my eyes as his hand caressed my breast,  bit my lips when his tongue found the crown of my bosom. He sucked and chewed it a bit, and my body arched.

"Babe" He whispered.


I awoke with a start.

The wide window in front of me showed the unstarry dark blue night, with the rows of white lamp lined alongside the empty street outside my place. On the sides of the street, parks, and houses, and some low apartment just like mine stacked as if Legos at the play town.  I glanced at the clock and sighed.

"Uhh, its still four am"

For a while, I just sat there, tried to calm my raging breath and my racing heart. My finger tangled as I raked my drenched sweat hair. The dreams felt so real. I massage my temple for a hangover that suddenly there.

The bit end of my nose moved a bit when I smell something odd. It's alcohol.  I didn't even remember having a booze, yet, somehow my body reeked of it. Funny, I stopped drinking, even socializing for months. Well, maybe somehow a bottle of cologne fell and spilled into my clothes.

I yawned and closed my eyes again, slipping my head inside the softness of my blanket on my cozy white bed. Alas, I never stand the stench of alcohol. I rolled and turn, shut my eyes and stay still, yet I couldn't sleep. At last, I dragged my body to the glass box beside my bed, slipped out from my clothes and showered. I wrapped myself in a towel and get dressed.

The phone beeped.

I lazily took the phone. It was text from an unknown name. I frowned, as I gaze upon the text.

Good morning sexy


twist of time (18+)Where stories live. Discover now