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I opened my eyes. I glanced at the clock in front of my bed, just above the wide window. It was three am in the morning, I carefully glanced around. There was no sign for anyone else myself. I remember all the crazy things that had happened. But everything seemed so normal at this moment.

I think everything is just a dream.

  I shivered, opened my blanket and get up slowly, hugging myself, then glanced downward.

No bra. 

I was braless under my shirt while my pants and my lingerie bottom was on my knee, leaving my bottom nude.

So, Alec and Blake were really... and I was really...

I dropped myself on the bed again and close my eyes. Something hot rolled out from the corner of my eyes.

What the fuck did I do?

Stupid me.

I just so stupid.

I just...



The sky raining heavily outside, while another storm raged in my heart, tears streaming on my cheek while I abandoned my disheveled self.

It was four when finally I regain control of myself. I limped as I went to shower then wrapped myself in a towel. Throwing a huge sweater over my body, too tired to wear anything else and then flopped myself on the bean bag and closed my eyes. As I walked and sat, the sting between my thigh whispers and remind me of everything.

Stupid shameless self!

Shameless slut!



And another stream of tears came until I fell asleep in the same place.


The bird was chirping, and I could see the sun playing on the carpet below my feet, but I was too tired to move. Somehow I just want to hug the bean bag and forget everything else. So I close my eyes again and sleep.


My phone rung somewhere. But I felt too lazy to take it. Yet it rang again and again, so I struggled to get up and took the phone. It was three pm. I opened the connection as I slumped again to the beanbag.

"May, what were you doing? Why did you skip the class?" It's Britney.

"I just... too sick to go to school," I said, hoarse.

"Ooh... that's sucks. Get well soon then." She seemed to worry. "Don't forget to eat."

"Yea thank's and I won't" I smiled a bit as I replied. She closed the connection and I flopped my phone to the carpet as I closed my eyes.


"Darl..." Something warm patted my cheek. "Darlin. Lana said you're sick." Alec's voice.

He touched my hand "Your hand is so cold." He said. I opened my eyes lazily and saw that he crouched in front of me.

"Alec?" My voice still hoarse and I just lifted my head a bit.

But I didn't even move as he looked around. "Nothing change from yesterday and no dirty plates. You haven't eaten from yesterday haven't ya? Wait a minute Darl, I'll be back"

I closed my eyes again. Time went unnoticed and it felt only a minute passed until someone reached my cheek and patted it.

"You must eat. Open your mouth, come on Darl" His voice again, and he pried open my lips, spooned something inside. I gulped. It was hot and sweet. I think its tea. He did it several times, and at last, I was able to open my eyes and moved my body.

"Feel better?" He looked at me and pushed the bean bag behind me to shape it into some sort of single couch so I sat a bit straight. In his hand, he has a steaming bowl with a Chinese spoon.

"What's that?" I croaked, while my belly growled under my pink sweater. 

"Chicken soup, open wide"

"Nah I can do it myself"

"Just open your mouth"

I snorted.

He sighed. "Just open it"

"Okay" I give in.

For a while, there was no other sound else than slurping and clunking as the spoon sometimes hit the bowl. The bowl was empty in a few minutes, as my stomach felt cozy.

"It feels way better isn't it?" He said, smiling.

"Yeah," I said, smiling back.

He moved around collecting my laundry and tidying up the room while I rolled up on the beanbag.

"Darl, you should wear underwear else you catch a cold"

"I know," I said, rolling up my feet.

"Come on"

"In a minute"

"No, I mean right now"

"I don't want to walk. It's painful"

Alec froze. But then he walked into the drawer and rummaged as I closed my eyes.

"Here" Two pieces of clothes flopped into my lap.


I eased myself into my underpants and lie down again.

"No, you got to wear the trainer"

"Yea okay,"I said, forcing myself to get up and pull it to cover my butt.

Then I feel a bit odd. "Where is my bra?"

He blushed "I just forgot, but... " He took something from my drawer and toss it to me. "I like you without it."

I rolled my eyes. But then I realized that I had to open my sweater to actually wear it, and I didn't wanna strip in front of him, so I just rolled back and closed my eyes once more.

"Great! You really look better braless, and it has to be shirtless or an open shirt. Perfect." He gave an ok sign.

I opened one eye and snorted. "I don't want to strip, so I skipped the bra"

"Yea, for the better," He said, winking while he continued to do chores.

I really wanted to throw something but I didn't want to waste my energy. So I just let him.

"How did ya get in?" I said as the fact popped into my mind.

"We made a copy of your key"


"Blake and I."

"You didn't even ask me first," I said, a bit angry.

"Oh, I know you would say yes." He said confidently.

I snorted, but the room fading as I drifted away to sleep.

A blanket warmed my body, and someone kissed my cheek.

"Good night darlin,"

Then he got out and locked me inside.

twist of time (18+)Where stories live. Discover now