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A momentary silence, then the music blasted, forced her to yell in glee with the other, move as waves of hands, packed tightly together. to  Wall and floor trembled to the music as the light flashes above, and she swayed in motion with so many bodies around her. As the music changed to a slower tempo, she realized a hand placed on her open waist as he danced very close to her body and he moved in sync behind her. She let him as he grazed his fingers to her lower body but then he gripped her ass and start to grind, but as she turned around, he slipped away.

Feeling the thirst overcome her once more, sweeping like a hunger, she turned around looking for suitable someone to feast, yet the music boomed again, and the bass moved her to dance along, drowned inside the tides of body and sweat.

Just about several feet away, at the tables,  Blake sipped his drink. It didn't take too long before Alec seated beside him, his hand fanning his sweaty neck.

"Don't you want to dance?" Alec nodded.

"Nah" Blake sighed, sipped another drink.

Alec glanced at him and took his own drink, sip that. He took his box and fished a cigarette, sniffed from end to end to enjoy the aroma and light it.

"Want some?" He offered the box to Blake who took one cig and held it in his hand while Alec lights it.

He took a drag of the cig and huffed a ball of smoke. "Getting laid lately?" Suddenly he blurted out.

"Too busy to do that lately." Alec took another drag and make a ring of smoke flying above his head.

"This forsaken two weeks I fingered two girls, got a blow job from another, got some real one from two but hell did I even enjoy one. I never felt so empty." Blake took another puff of smoke.

Sipping his drink, Alec took the lime and suck it. "Whatcha mean empty?"

For a little while, Blake's eyes sweeping above the sea of hands and head as people raved at the slightly lower floor in front of them, invested at the purple and blue light led on the floor and wall behind them, and the flash of laser above that pulsed and switched color with the beat, washed and tinted all the bodies underneath it.

"Honestly, I always thought that sex far than equal to making love. The two is not the same. Sex is a primal thing that every animal need to release sexual tension, to avoid sex frustration and that's it. We are animal, so we do that." He puffed another blob of smoke, that flew up, pushed by all the body heat.

"Maybe I just haven't found a girl with good enough skill at the bed after someone we both know, or maybe I'm just tired with those fake moans and overall girl that easily come, I don't really sure. I banged those girls yet I still felt sexually frustrated, and felt, restless."

Alec took a good look at his friend beside him, noticed that Blake's eyes somehow has a deep black line under it, his mane far from tidy, his stare unfocused. He looked down and found stubbles on his friend's jaw, unshaved out of neglect, then took another sip of his drink, wondering silently.

"Yeah," He said at last. "Girl with a good sex skill has stamina, is somehow rare."

Blake nodded. "True. But maybe it is not the case too"


"I don't know. There is this hole inside me, that long for something ... the urge to protect and maybe love. But making love with a random woman, I mean casual sex, doesn't give you the peaceful, satiated feeling that I was looking for."

Alec started to grin. "You know, I can give you a summary to all those philosophical talking. You miss someone."

Blake snorted. "I don't intend to build any relationship. I want to only satisfy my lust, and not love."

Alec sighed. "Pal, your brain is not your heart. While your brain might commit to your desire and sexual cravings, you will find your heart harder to tame."

Chewing on his cig filter Blake raked his hair. "Whatcha mean," He said at last.

"You said it yourself. Sex is not making love. If your heart aching for love, it is useless if you try to soothe it by random sex. Yet, if you have someone you love beside you, you could actually make love by doing numerous thing, but sex will be the ultimate." Alec said.

"Darn" Blake huffed. "Thy sexual freedom be damned"

twist of time (18+)Where stories live. Discover now