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Somehow, my memory messed up again and I found myself sitting in my own room, on my own deep grey beanbag, yet my wrist handcuffed to the table. Blake lay down on my broken white bed while Alec was playing with his phone on the thick brown carpet, leaned on the wide window in front of me.

"Why did you cuff my hand?" I said to them, as my eyes changed focus between them both.

Blake jolted and sat down, while Alec put his phone down. They both look at each other.

"Let her go? She seemed calmed enough?" Alec asked as he took a good look at me.

Blake shook his head. "We don't really know how she changes, and when. So no, it's not safe for the three of us."

I bit my lips. "Not safe. Okay." I sighed. "What do you mean? Did I attack you two?" As these days I faced so many consequences of my actions, I was ready for the worst. "And what do you mean when you said I changed?"

Blake sat on the carpet, stretched up and sighed. "Oh man, I don't exactly know too, Babe. I wish I can explain it to you, but it's so confusing"

Alec wiggled his feet while he thought hard. " I know how to explain it, Pal," He said, and took a piece of paper from my table, put it over the large book and draw a circle.

"Now this is you" He drew a big circle, add two stick hands and two stick legs, then draw a girl head above it. "Inside you, you have a you, A nice, naive, flat,  warm and fun to talk, tend to be silent, yet very closeted person" He drew another circle inside it. "Get it?"

I frowned and shook my head.

Blake chuckled. "Lets name that one May, cos I know you prefer to be call that right?"

Alec write the description and the name on it. "Okay this closeted, naive, fun to talk and warm is the current you, May. Follow me this far?"

I nodded.

He draw another circle inside the big circle beside the May circle. "Sometimes you dissapeared, and someone is there, a very hot, sexy, steaming sex maniac that couldn't even get her hands off of any men she chooose, she couldn't even spend one minute without masturbating OR doing sex. Lets call this person MF. I slept with her, so is Blake, and so is Britney's Ex." He make a shooting gesture with the pen.

"But this is not you. Cos I gather that you don't even remember anything about this person. But, because you couldn't tell that to another person, you just go with the flow. Am I right this far?" Alec's brow shoot up.

I nodded figorously. "Yes, exactly, exactly like that!" I almost scream with glee. "You understand me!"

He smiled. "Then, somehow, sometimes, you becomes this person" He draw another circle. "She is menacing, ruthless, arrogant, manipulating us to get what she want by seducing us, or playing trick with us. She is the smart and sexy Princess of the Sky"

I snorted. "Princess of the sky. I kept dreaming as her. She was tied in the ship mast, and this pirate is lusting over her, and all, but she took control of all those, she want it"

"Oh okay this is new" Alec draws the circle bigger and make it crossing with my circle. "So its like this, right?"

"If it means memory, yeah it is" I said.

Both of them looked each other and sighed.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing" Blake said.

"What do you mean nothing"

"I'm not an expert" Blake said. "So is Alec, so we couldn't say our suspicion. BUT what we could say is, this person" He pointed to MF's circle. "Is often drag you into uncomfortable things, and dangerous event. We don't exactly know how many men did you slept with, and I bet you don't have any clue about it"

"Why this is dangerous" Said Alec. "Cos first, you could get STD, AND, she didn't want it. She practically raped herself using our body, and that is stupid. It's different with you. When we do it together, we could feel you actually GAVE your consent, and enjoy it. Didn't you?"

I blushed, but I nodded anyway. "Yea I consented."

"And did you enjoy it?" Blake smirked.

I snorted and looked away.

"Hey I am serious" He said.

"Yea sort of" I answered.

"What sort of" Alec attacked.

"Yeah I enjoyed it okay?" I blushed deeply while both boy grinned and bumped their fist.

"Okay, so, back to the handcuff" Blake couldn't erase his smile, but I saw him trying hard.

"We decided to handcuff you cos we don't want you to get yourself into trouble again, or something you would regret afterwards." Blake continued.

"This is a bit harsh I know Darl. Um can I continue caling you that?"

I nodded.

"Yea this is a bit harsh, but It is needed, cos if MF didn't get what she want, Princess comes out and crushed everything in vicinity to make MF succeed. So yeah, that is the dangerous part"

I nodded. "I understand now" I said. "Thanks" I smiled. "It just, how I gonna pee right now, cos I want to go to the bathroom"

They both look at each other.

"Well, we think it will going to be like anime pervert scene that we both have to cuffed each other and you know" He wiggled his eyebrow. "But we like each other right? So its okay I think"

I rolled my eyes.

twist of time (18+)Where stories live. Discover now