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Clicking her heels through the campus alley, Lana walked at a brisk pace as she held her fashion bag. "Yeah, I think we should think to show up in the Portrayal of Female in Game discussion tomorrow." Lana nodded to the invisible person that spoke on her phone while her eyes at the clouds.

"I do not fear anyone and you should too. We have to beat those dudes mindset. DEFINITELY." She massages her temple and closed her eyes as she waited for her friend to answer.

"I don't care if Nate showed up. I can beat him up in any argument he threw at us." She listened some more. "Yes, I do have the statistic?" She moved her head left and right in mocking manners.

She puckered her big red lipsticked lips. "I know he said that my argument is false, my statistic is pseudo science and all. You know, I don't care!" She listened some more. "Don't tell me that you actually tell that my argument is lame too?"

"Oh, I know it! You just don't want SJW label don't ya?!" She closed the connection and walked in annoyance toward the parking lot, grumbled silently about a coward and female movement. She opened the antique BMW Isetta 300 door and enter it with a bit resistance due to her curvy body.

Sitting on the driver seat, she flicked her phone and bit her lips as she saw the screensaver. Before it was her, May and Britney picture there, but now it's her fitness training pictures. She sighed and dialed.

"Hello? Yeah, Britney? You okay?" She started the engine.  "I will be there in a minute."

She drove out from the campus parking lot and soon she was on the street, concentrating on how to get to Britney's place near the beach. Somehow after Britney's romantic relationship end, her best friend seemed in a  total mess, maybe because at the same times they lost May that was so dear to her heart or maybe it because she care for him very much or probably the fact that he dumped her for May. It just Lana would never know for sure. 

Honking at one of the cars that rather slow, she swore as she saw a man was inside.

"Slow as a man's mind" She cursed and park at the small nook behind another car. Her antique cute small cars never had any problem with parking place, cos it was very small, compared to its price.

She parked and locked her car carefully since she didn't get that whopping amount of money from her parents, despite having a Dad that is an orthopedic doctor (yes, the highest paid profession in the world) and with a Mom that having her own company. No, it was from her own sweat as a trainer at the gym, well yeah, her mother own that and a lot of models train there. And the fact that her grandparents actually sold that at a stupid price to her was something else.

Stopping at a sandwich joint, she bought a box of sandwiches and milkshakes cos somehow after the broke up, her friends lose her appetite and rarely eat. Taking the responsibility, she felt compelled to take care of her health and thus, she felt bringing her food is one of her responsibility. It just she never understand why Britney rarely touch that. After the sandwich done, she climbed a flight of white stairs beside the place, since above the sandwich joint was her friend's small apartment. 

"Yea?" Weak responses welcomed her knocks at her door.

"It's me, unlock the door," Lana said.

A sound of key clicking and the door opened.

"I brought you sandwiches, it's your favorite" She walked inside. "You like ham and bacon sandwiches right? With a lot of dressings" Lana put the box on her tables and turned to her.

Britney's expression usually filled with glee everytime she saw food, but now the blonde girl just sat on her bed, bit her lips and sighed. Lana sat on the chair, opened a box that she bought for herself, and bite that bit by bit, clearly teasing her friend's appetite.

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