Chapter 1

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"KIM Jennie, you bitch!"This certain female student screamed, running to my direction. She looks really mad that she might turn red at this moment. I didn't respond to her, instead I just gave her a bored look.

She furiously stopped in front of me with burning eyes. I wanted to laugh at her actions but I wanted to keep my cool.

"Can you just get off my face?"I said in a bored manner but I made sure to look at her in the eyes like I was threatening her.

She stuttered many times before answering clearly. "Oh? Why would I?! And FYI before I do that, you should be out of my sight and out of this school!"She screamed at my face.

I narrowed my eyes at her and gave her a humorless laugh, which made her furrow here eyebrows.

"Again with that same shit?"I sarcastically asked and she rolled her eyes, trying her best to keep her posture. "I ain't gonna buy that anymore, think of something better next time."I said smirking.

I gave her a pat on the shoulder with a sarcastic smile. She looked at me full of anger while she started dusting off her shoulder like she was disgusted. So, I just chuckled and left the crowd like nothing happened.

"WE'RE NOT DONE YET, KIM JENNIE!"She screamed on the top of her lungs but I didn't even bother to look at her.

Just the same bullshits everyday.

"KIM Jennie! Detention now!"Mrs. Han yelled at me. I gave her a not-so-surprised look and stood up grabbing my bag, making my way out of the classroom,

All the students' eyes were on me. Everyone whispering to each other, I didn't give any shit though. Once I stepped out of the classroom, mrs. Shin was outside, a.k.a the guidance counselor of our school. She stopped her tracks and paid attention to me.

"Oh~ ms. Kim, off to the detention room, are we now?"She asked with that sarcastic tone of hers as I nodded nonchalantly. "Let's go, shall we?

She instantly led the way, while I just simply followed her, no words escaping my mouth since I'm too lazy to even talk.

After a long walk at the corridor, we're finally at the detention room. I sat at my usual seat at the corner and did not pay attention to mrs. Shin who was nagging me before locking the door again.

I sighed in relief, because I would like it more to be in the detention room instead of listening to those stupid lessons in the classroom with those stupid kids. It's a good thing that there's only a few students here.

I fixed myself and was about to fall asleep, when the door suddenly opened, making me flinch in my seat but glared when it's mrs. Shin again.

"Kim Jennie,"She called.

"What?"I answered.

"Come at the dean's office after your detention, okay?"Again, I nodded, nonchalantly because I'm too sleepy to even reply to her.

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