Chapter 15

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"OH, goodmorning, Jennie. Looks like Taehyung's not with you today huh? Did he already see your ugly bitch attitude?"Sana once again started making a scene here inside our classroom.

All of my classmates and students from other sections are crowding to look at what's happening. Once again, there's no peace happening for today.

"Why do you keep on flirting with him huh? You know that I like him, right?"She exclaimed and pushed me using her finger.  Our batch mates made noises and started talking trash about me. I took a step backward but my eyes still locked looking at hers. I bit my lower lip and brushed my hair using may fingers.

"Why do you keep on messing with me when you know I don't care?"I fired back and this time, the crowd made some noise for me. Sana scoffed and glared.

"So? We're taking about Taehyung here. It's about you being a snake taking Taehyung away from me!"She screamed and I raised one of my eyebrows.

"Taking Taehyung away from you? As far as I know, Taehyung isn't yours and he doesn't wanna be yours."I calmly said, smirking but the crowd goes wild again. Sana gritted her teeth and was about to attack me but a familiar student walked infront of me blocked Sana.

"What the hell are you doing here, Lee Taeyong?"She asked, mad.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that, Sana? Why are you making a scene? Aren't you ashamed?"He asked and Sana scoffed.

"So, you're on Jennie's side? Why? Cause she flirted with you too? Oh I'm not even surprised."She said and smirked.

"Shut the hell up, Jennie never flirted with me. Just stop making a scene and leave this room!"He exclaimed and Sana glared at him.

"I'm still not done talking to you!"Sana said, pointing at me and stomped out of the classroom.

Everybody went back to their classroom's again ang Taeyong faced me. He sighed before talking.

"I'm sorry for what she did."He apologized.

"It's not your fault, don't say sorry."I non-chalantly said and he smiled a bit. "Anyway, thanks. I think I owe you a bit."I said and patted his shoulder.

I walked out of the room and made my way to my hideout. It's our homeroom subject, and luckily, our teacher is not around.

My heart keeps on beating fastly, I don't know why. Usually, when I get in an argument with Sana, I don't act like this. I just get back to my normal self but today is different. My instinct is telling me that something ain't right.

I sighed and as I grabbed my phone. I looked at the time but was surprised when there was an incoming call from Tae. My soul suddenly jumped from joy, it was not my usual self.

"Hello?"I said without any expression.

"Is my best friend sad because I'm not around?"He teasingly asked but I kept my emotions in myself.

"Keep on dreaming, I'm just tired."I said and he sighed.

"Why are you tired? Did something happen while I'm not there?"He asked.

"Nope, I just didn't get enough sleep."I totally made an excuse.

"Your lying, you know that I know you too much."He said and I sighed.

"Fine, I just got in an argument with Sana, that's all."


"I said--"

"I know, I know! Why?"He asked, worried.

"It's nothing biggie, okay? He just wants me to be embarrassed again."I said.

"I shouldn't have gone to this trip with my family if I knew this would happen to you."He said.

"You don't need to do that. I'm already matured enough to know what I need to do."I replied back.

"Okay, fine. Just stay safe, okay? You know, I actually got a dream and it's worrying me."He said and I became curious.

"What is it?"I asked.

"I'm not really sure but I think I saw you crying and once I woke up, I was also crying I mean it felt real. Tell me, nothing bad happened to you, right?"He asked but I bit my lower lip.

"Nothing,."I said but the truth is I'm also nervous, I'm feeling very anxious. I get this feeling that something unwanted will happen today. I shook off that thought and got back to my senses.

"Just always be careful, okay? I don't want anything bad happen to you."He said and I hummed as a response. "Alright, I gotta go, I'm boarding here at the plane."He said.

"Alright, bye, stay safe to you too."I said and hanged up the phone.

I sighed and walked out of my hideout. I went to to the music room downstairs and sat near the piano. Nobody else is here so I started playing the piano softly. Flashbacks ran through my mind when I was still a little kid playing the piano with dad.

I smiled at that thought and stopped playing when I heard footsteps coming in. I looked back and saw Sana and Dahyun smirking with crossed arms. I stood up and was about go out when Sana pulled me back.

"What the fuck do you want?"I asked irritated.

"I told you that we aren't done yet, haven't I?"She asked, curiously.

"I'll do anything to avoid you but not to stay away from Tae, alright?"

"You're not going anywhere!"She screamed and suddenly pushed. I stumbled back and fell on the floor. Sana approached me while Dahyun kept on guard of the door outside, making sure that no one will go here.

"Let's make a deal, shall we? If you stop on meeting Taehyung, I'll never mess up with you and if you don't, I'll have to do it my way."She said and smirked. "Hurry up and pick, your time is ticking."She said and raised one of her eyebrows. I scoffed and stood up.

"Do what you want but I won't stay away from Taehyung--"

"Well, you left me with no choice."She said and suddenly pulled out a blade. My eyes grew wide and without wasting any second, Sana ran and started attacking me.

"What the fuck?! Stop with this bullshit, Sana!"I screamed while trying to push Sana away from me.

"You don't want to take it the easy way, right? Then I'll have no choice but to get rid of you!"She screamed again but I took the chance to kicked the blade off her hand and it landed near the wide open window.

I ran to get it and when I finally had the blade, Sana smirked and ran to me aiming to push me. She ran fast but I moved out of the way causing Sana to fall out of the window.

"AHHHH!"I heard her scream and my eyes grew wide when I saw her landed on the ground.

"What happened here?!"Dahyun busted in and looked around. "Where the hell is Sana?!"She screamed and I she ran to me too look at the window too. She was surprised and got furious. "What the fuck did you do to her?! You're gonna get it, Jennie!"She screamed and ran out of the room to approach Sana who is lying on the ground, unconscious.

I lost my strength and my legs felt weak, I fell down on the floor and felt a stinging pain on my cheeks. I used my shaking hand to wipe it off and as soon as I saw it, I was already crying.I lowered down my head and started crying heavily.

What's the hell is happening? Did I really hurt her? Am I really this miserable?

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