Chapter 4

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CLASSES were already over. Since I have to tutor Taehyung again, I had no choice but to go to the canteen, since he said he will meet me there.

I packed my stuff and walked my way to the canteen. Students were all out of their classroom, as I walked my way near the other sections, Sana and her group were all smirking and staring at me.

I took a glance at them without any expression and didn't bother to look back again. Just when I thought everything was over-

"Kim Jennie!"I suddenly stopped my tracks, I sighed and rolled my eyes. As I heard footsteps walking towards me, I turned around and crossed my arm while looking at them, expressionless.

"Look what we have here? If it isn't Kim Jennie... Bitch"Sana smirked at me and I just rolled my eyes.

When will you ever learn your lesson?

"Yah! How dare you roll your eyes on me?!"She screamed and walked closer to me while I was just staring at her.

Not again with this crap.

"You really aren't gonna speak?!"She said and pushed me, causing me to stumble a bit and her friends to laugh.

"You clumsy bitch, we heard another news from the students and I didn't like what I've heard"She said and crossed her arms.

"So? Do I look like I even care?"I said. She scoffed and you can sense that she is irritated and mad.

"Well, shut up and listen!"She exclaimed. "I don't care about you either but my only concern is Taehyung, alright?"

"And? Why do I have to be involved?"I said and for the second time, Sana scoffed.

"You really are dumb... C'mon, Jennie. I know you're tutoring Taehyung because you're flirting with him! But let me tell you this, back off! He's mine and only mine!"She screamed and I rolled my eyes.

You close minded ass...

"Psh... You're still so childish as ever"I said and her eyes grew wider than normal.

"W-what did you s-say?!"

"Are you deaf? Or you're just dumb?"I smirked and she gritted her teeth.

"What the fuck?! Now you're calling me deaf and dumb?! Do you want me to kill you-"

"Go on, it's not like I care, infact it's a great favor for me"I said seriously and she laughed fakely.

"Wow, did you hear that girls? Isn't she way dumber than me?"She said and laughed and so did the girls.

Irritating bitches...

"So you finally confessed that you're dumb?"I smirked and she looked at me mad again. "C'mon, Sana. Don't be childish. I don't like Taehyung, so you can have him all day long, I'm just doing my job so stop pestering me"I said and turned around.

I was about to leave the scene but then- Sana pulled my hand roughly, causing me to instantly turn around. I roughly turn around and didn't notice what was happening. I got slapped by fucking Sana.

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