Chapter 11

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"AM I seeing this right?!"

"Are they really together?!"

"This can't be! Noooo!"

"They don't look good together. I still ship him with Sana"

"Just ignore them, they're just useless."Taehyung whispered and I nodded.

"Ever since you left me, I already got used to it."I teased and he pouted.

"Stop making me feel guilty, please..."He acted all cute and I punched his arm.

"Stop that shit cause I ain't falling for it."I joked and he hissed at me.

"You're so boyish!"

"I know, thank you."I said and walked faster than him.

"Yah! Wait for me!"I heard him yelled.

"Faster!"I joked and he hissed again.

"OMG! TAEHYUNG'S HERE!"My classmates screamed and didn't stop fangirling over Taehyung. I hissed at them and glared.

"Hi, Taehyung oppa!"

"Notice me, please!"

"GOSH! He's so handsome! I wanna marry him already."

I heard those gossips but I just ignored them. Not too long, I saw Taehyung already in front of me. I looked up at him and gave him an annoyed look.

"Stop bringing your fangirls here, Tae"

"I didn't bring them here, they followed me"He said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Why are you even here? This isn't your classroom"I said.

"Because I'm fetching you, Jen. I already know that your lecturer for today is absent and I'm you're going out with me"


"I don't take no as an answer too"He smirked and grabbed my bag, he dragged me along too.

Students were murmuring and I know that they're talking about us again. This is what I hate... Attention. I hate being the center of attention ever since.

"Where are we even going?"I asked him.

"Your favorite place."He said and smiled. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him.

"The arcade?"I asked and he nodded. "Now that's what I like!"I exclaimed happily.

In no time, we reached the arcade using his motorcycle. Yeah, he drives and I do too. We went in and bought our tokens-- actually, he was the one who bought it cause he insisted and I had no choice but to agree.

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