Chapter 7

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"WOW, Jennie~ you look so pretty!"Sana sarcastically said and smiled mischievously while holding an empty glass. I sighed, I wiped my wet face and looked at her.

"What the hell are you thinking?"I asked. She laughed and flipped her hair.

Nasty bitch...

"Oh didn't I tell you to stay away from Taehyung? Are you that stupid to not understand that?!"She exclaimed and pointed her finger on me.

I scoffed and glared. I know that she's irritating me so that we could pick a fight and in the end, she will just say that it's all my fault. You can't trick me you fool.

"What, Jennie? Are you scared?"She said and walked slowly, coming nearer to my face. "Are you too coward to be called a 'trash' again for messing up with me?"She smirked and I scoff.

Bitch. I can't control myself anymore. One more mocking, one more of your bitchy attitude and one more step closer, you'll get what you want...

There, she stepped forward and was about to push me but I instantly grabbed her hand and held it tightly, too tight that's she's already screaming in pain. "What the fuck, Jennie?! Let go of me!"She screamed and yelped in pain.

I scoffed before replying, "You just got want you want. So, why would I let go? You want me to fight back, right? So why do you look like you're regretting messing up with 'me'?"I emotionlessly said and smirked. Every word that I say, the harder I clenched her hands.

She yelped so loud in pain and I smirked. Coward fucktard.

I roughly let go of her hand, she stumbled back. "Stop bullying me, Sana while I can still think straight or else you'll get what you really deserve."I said and turned my back to her.

I walked like nothing happened while students were all looking at me. I didn't mind them and just kept on walking but something was bugging me. It was like I did something wrong earlier.

I did the right thing, didn't I? If I didn't fight back, what could've happened to me? But should I really make Taehyung stay away from me, just to stop this shits? I thought.

My heart was beating uncontrollably fast, without any reason. I felt like I'll regret something I did earlier but I just shook off all the thoughts and just focused on walking.

Moments passed by and now, Taehyung is already in front of me. "What do you want?"I asked, non-chalantly.

"I just want to talk you, okay? Chill."He said and smiled. I started walking and he also did. "Anyway Jennie, I heard another rumors about you and Sa-"

I stopped my tracks, making Taehyung stop talking and walking too. "What's the rumor? That I started the fight? And I'm the bad one again? Oh I'm totally used to all of these shits."I said and sighed.

"W-well, are you okay? Does anything hurt?"He asked and I looked down.

It took me time before replying, silence was filling the atmosphere between us but it wasn't awkward, it was somehow calming me down. I sighed and looked at him before saying anything.

"Taehyung..."I called. He hummed as a response. "Can I wish something?"I asked.

"Sure, anything for you."He said and smiled.

Let's stop all of these nonsense now...

"From now on, can you... Stay away from me?"I said with a low voice. He was a bit shocked, it was obvious.

"W-what are you saying? And why would I stay away from you?"

"We're nothing right? I'm just your tutor, so please... Stay away from me from now on, I don't want to be with you ever again."

"J-Jennie... Did I say something bad? Did I hurt you? Tell me, did I do anything wrong?"

"You did nothing wrong."

"So? Is there any problem?"

"Stop asking and just stay away from me, starting now. Find another student that can teach you cause I'll be backing out."I said and he was speechless.

I turned my back on him and sighed. I walked, my feet feeling heavy but I ignored it all. There was this feeling again, why am I feeling all of these?

The bell suddenly rang, signalling that break time was already over. I didn't feel like going to class again, so I made my way to my hideout.

As soon as I got there, I plumped myself down the broken chairs and sighed. I feel very tired even though all I did was have a trash talk with Sana and a small talk with... Taehyung.

"Ugh! Why do I feel like I lost a lot?! All I ever did was make him stay away from me!"I screamed. "I hate this feeling..."I mumbled and looked down on my toes.

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