Chapter 13

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"LET'S have lunch together, okay?"Taehyung asked on the phone.

"I don't eat lunch-"

"Do you think that's good? Aish! Look at your body, you're so thin!"He exclaimed but I just glared even though he can't see me. "I'll fetch you at the study area near our room, arasseo?"He reassured.

"Okay, whatever."I said. "Where are you anyways?"I asked him. 

"I'm just here at the faculty submitting all my requirements. I won't take long so just wait for me."He said and I just hummed as a response. "Nice, gotta go, Jen, see you later!"He said.

"Ne, see you later. Make sure you won't take long or else you won't see me until lunch is over."I said. I didn't wait for his reply because I already cut the line and shoved my phone in my pocket.

Since I'm still in our classroom, I just walked a few steps and reached the study area. I sat at cement chair, and played music with the earphones in my ears. This place was so calm that I felt relaxed. The only noise was coming from the swaying of the leaves of the tree and nothing else. I closed my eyes to relax and wait for Taehyung to arrive.

After a few minutes, I opened my eyes and realized that I fell asleep. I grabbed my phone to look at the time and almost half an hour already passed by. I heaved a sigh and opened my phone to look if there are any missed calls or messages from him but I was a bit disappointed when I saw nothing.

I still have an hour for vacant but I'm not even in the mood to eat because I'm alone again. I sighed heavily and stood up. I'm not really a patient person, so I get irritated easily. It was already new to me that I waited for him for half an hour but no matter what, it was still wasted. I walked my way to my hideout and since it was at it is at the third floor, I still need to go upstairs. 

While walking, my eyes saw very familiar figures and my foot suddenly stopped walking. My heart sank for a moment, not knowing why but I know that it hurts. My heart couldn't believe that this is really happening right in front of my eyes.

There, I saw Sana ang Taehyung, giggling and smiling together from afar. For a moment, I couldn't walk. I stood there still, my heart aching and my eyes shaking. I didn't know what to do, there was this something that makes me wanna break them apart but I cannot. I shook off all my thoughts and made a turn to avoid bumping into them. 

Once I reached my place, I made sure no one was around before entering. I locked the door and turned the dim lights again, walking straight to a chair. I slumped myself on the chair and sighed again. All I feel right now is sadness. I closed my eyes and all I want is to drift off to sleep but my mind wasn't cooperating with me. The image of Taehyung and Sana being happy keeps on showing up, the more my hearts sinks.

"OKAY, class dismissed, go home safely!"

Afternoon passed and I'm still ignoring Taehyung. I grabbed my phone and went for Taehyung in my contacts.

"I'm busy today, I can't tutor you."I sent it and turned my phone off again.

I walked out of our room, praying that I won't bump into him for today. I just feel really upset. Maybe because I'm not in good terms with Sana and seeing them together makes me really upset. When I walked out of the room, I looked at the direction of Taehyung's room and gladly, there was no signs of him.

I sighed in relief and continued walking, but I guess luck wasn't in favor for my idea. I bumped into someone's chest. I looked up and I didn't like what I was seeing. It is him, the person that I am avoiding, and the person that I am upset with is now in front me, pouting.

"Yah, Jen..."He said, in a whining tone. "Why are you avoiding me?"He asked.

"Better ask yourself."I replied fast and was about to turn away from him but he pulled me by my wrist.

"I'm sorry for not eating with you. I had to do something important. Will you forgive me?"He asked. I looked at him and looked down again.

"So being with Sana was more important than eating with your bestfriend? PSh! Who do I think am I?"I whispered to myself.

"Did you say something?"He asked. I shook my head and looked at his eyes. "Well, did you eat?"He asked again.

"No."I replied. "I gotta go."I quickly said and turned away from him not waiting for his reply. As I was walking, I heard him sighed, then my phone vibrated.

1 new message from Kim Taehyung

Taehyung: I'm really sorry, Jen. I know I let you down but please forgive me, I promise this won't happen again. Promise me also that you'll eat, okay? It's bad for you if you don't take care of yourself. I know we are not in good terms but I'll always be your bestfriend :)

At this point, I didn't know what to feel. A part of me was happy but a part of me was still upset. This mood of mine continued until my part time job was over. At work, I couldn't even focus, I admit, Taehyung leaves such a big impact to me. The rest of my time was full of overthinking until I drifted off to sleep after going home.

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