Chapter 29

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I'M too tired. Tired from trying to be stronger than I feel. Tired from all the problems. Tired from all these suffering, And I'm tired of living...

I stood up, feeling anxious but at the same time I feel like this is the right decision, that this will make me feel better or make everything better.

I walked slowly, making my way to the edge of the rooftop. I stood there, the wind blowing my hair away, I closed my eyes and felt slightly relieved but the burden and problems are still on my shoulder. I can never think of a solution better than this.

"I'm sorry... But I can't anymore."I whispered to myself and opened my eyes. "Eomma, jebal, wait for me there."I whispered as a single tear dropped from my eye.

I'm tired of wearing this mask of lies that kept on hiding my weak self, my weak and tired self... Let's just end it here

I took another step forward. One last step, Jennie and we're done... I pursed my lips, leaving a heavy sigh. Just about I was gonna take a step, I heard him. I heard his voice.

"JENNIE-YAH!"I heard him yell, he was panting. I tightly closed my eyes and tears were falling down.

"Taehyung, please..."I said, tears continuously falling down. "Please just let me slide this once..."I said, preventing myself from sobbing.

"What the hell are you saying?! If I let you slide this once, there will be no next time! You can't leave me!"He yelled.

"I'm just tired of everything! I'm tired being stronger than how I really feel! Now, give me one fucking reason on why I should live!"I screamed, tears never stop falling down.

"One reason? I love you and I can't live without you! Isn't that enough reason for you to not leave me?!"He yelled, I could hear him sob but I can't be affected. "Are you gonna be this selfish?"

"Yeah, yeah! I'm fucking selfish but look- who even cares?! Nobody cares for me! Everybody hates me! So why don't you just let me fucking die?!"I screamed.

"You're wrong about that, Jennie! I'm here for you, I care for you and I love you. So please... Just get down here and live"He said, I heard him taking steps to me.

"Taehyung... Look, maybe this is the right time to say goodbye. Just live your life without me, I'll feel better if you do that for me"I said and smiled, even though he can't see me and most of all it hurts me.

I took this chance and took a step forward-


My eyes immediately opened wide. My breathing started getting heavy. I touched my cheeks and all I felt was tears.

I dreamt about it again...

I was drowning from my own thoughts, but I got interrupted when Irene barged in my office. She beamed a smile at me and sat at the couch parallel to me. I came back to my senses and looked at her.

"So, what's this successful  CEO doing right now?"She asked, literally talking about me.

"U-uh... I just got into a nap--"

"Is that tears? Oh my gosh, don't tell me you cried because of the same damn dream again?"She asked, shocked. I looked away and sighed.

Yeah, I kept dreaming of the same dream ever since Taehyung left. It's been five years but everything was going well. I became a successful CEO of my own company. I couldn't believe it either but things got better when Taehyung left.

Although my heart still keeps on aching...

"You're thinking again about 5 years ago, am I right?"She asked and I helplessly nodded.

I mean, how can I not?

"I know it's hard since Taehyung was your first love but you gotta let go of the past. You threw away the old Jennie, right? So it would be better if you let him go too. We're still young and a lot of things could still happen, you'll meet the right person for you, soon enough."She said in a sincere voice.

"Yeah, you're right... I can't just be stuck in the past like this."I said and tried to convince myself.

"So, I have a cousin right here and... I kinda set you up on a blind date with him."She said and smiled while my eyes widened.

"What?! For goodness sake, I'm not going on any blind dates, I swear!"I said and Irene pouted at me.

"Why? I mean, that's a good start for you to move on. Don't forget that you're single, okay? You can't just grow old without a man!"She said with a convincing smile but I just furrowed my eyebrows to her.

"Oh says by a woman right here, who's years older than me and doesn't have a boyfriend too!"I fired back and she acted like she was offended.

"Girl, that hurts! I'm just being considerate, okay? Since I can't find a boyfriend for myself, why not just find a boyfriend for you!"She defended herself and I really wanna laugh at her. "I'm such a great friend, aren't I?"

"Cut your shits, I'm not buying any of those."I said and was about to stand up when she talked.

"I'll buy us an all expenses paid tickets for a trip abroad, just go to that effin blind date, okay? Deal?"She spoke and my mind suddenly started processing.

"Are you sure? There's literally no turning back if I agree."I said and smirked while she rolled her eyes.

A trip to relax is not bad though...

"Yeah, whatever."She said and a smile suddenly climbed up to my face.


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