Chapter 23

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Kim Taehyung's POV

"BRING Jennie here later for dinner,"Dad said in a stern tone.

After I walked out of the dinner. I had no clue on what happened after. I just stayed inside my room and never came out until this morning. Dad and mom suddenly just came in here using their spare key.

"What for?"I asked. I know he still doesn't approve Jennie for me and he won't easily want to meet her like this.

"We approve her for you,"Dad replied but still, I wasn't convince with what he said.

"You think I'll believe that?"I asked Dad scoffed. Mom stepped forward to me and suddenly slapped me.

"How can you be that disrespectful?"Mom exclaimed and I gave them a sarcastic laugh at them.

"You're wondering why?"I asked in a sarcastic manner and they looked at me with confused faces. "You can't even respect my decision so why would I respect you?"

"Kim Taehyung!"Mom shouted but I just ignored her.

"Damn this shit! Why can't you just accept the fact that Jennie's the one I love? Is it that hard to understand?!"I exclaimed they suddenly couldn't answer. 

I know this will only make everything worse but all I know is I wanna fight for Jennie. I can't be a coward and just let them break us apart. No matter what happens, I'll keep my promise to protect her no matter what.

"I'm not going to marry Sana, I'll marry the person that I love and that's Jennie, accept that."I said and walked out from them. I was already about to leave the room when dad said something that made me stop.

"Make sure that this is your final decision and I'll make mine too,"He said in a stern tain.

I'm confused with what he said but I ignored it and continued to walk out of the house. I used my car and drove off. I just realized that I was already on my way to Jennie's house.

It's still early in the morning and I don't know if she's already awake. I'm already outside of her house but I can't make up my mind if I'm gonna knock or just walk off. But after a few minuted, I decided to just leave.

I took a step away but the door suddenly opened. I turned around and once she saw me, her eyes widened and quickly covered her face.

"Y-yah! What are you doing here early in the morning?"She asked in her morning voice but still covering her face.

I walked closer with a smile on my face. I didn't bother to think what she'll react and just hugged her. She was stunned for a minute but immediately hugged me back.

"Let me stay like this, please..."I said while hugging her then I felt her palm rub my back.

"I know something's going on with you, but I know it'll be alright soon,"She said in a comforting voice.

In this bad and cruel morning, all I need is her. I don't need anyone else cause jut by seeing her, she can make a worst day into the most beautiful day.

"Tell it to me when you're ready, okay?"She asked and I nodded.

We stayed like that for awhile then I lightly pulled away. She tiptoed and suddenly gave me a peck and smiled afterwards.

"Cheer up, It's okay to feel sad sometimes but it's better to smile."She said with a smile flashed on her face.

This is the reason why I'll never give up on her, on us...

"I know you still haven't eaten anything, let's go inside, I'll cook for you."She said and held my hand.

We walked inside her house and we immediately went to the kitchen. She started cooking while I stared at her and adored her. She looks so cute in her pajamas.

It didn't take long when she was done. She placed the foods on the table with the plates and utensils. Then we started eating.

"You cook so well,"I said right after a took a bite of what she made. She flashed a smile and thanked me. "Oh I remember, when will your job start?"I asked.

"Mmm... Tomorrow morning,"She said and stuffed food in her mouth.

"Let's go out today, I know you'll be busy tomorrow."I said and she nodded with a smile.

"Arasseo, right after this you should go back home and change into something warm, it's getting cold,"She said with a worried expression and I nodded.

Like what she said, right after we were done eating, I went out to go home. Before leaving she went to me and kissed my cheek.

We waved goodbye to each other before I went inside my car. I can see that she's still looking at me with the mirror so I smiled at her.

On the way home, I can't help but feel anxious. I suddenly remembered what dad said earlier. It started bugging my head and couldn't think of anything else.

"Calm down, everything's gonna be alright, okay?"I said to convince myself.

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