Chapter 25

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"ARE you serious right now?"I said with a blank face while looking at Taehyung.

"Yeah, I'm dead serious."Taehyung replied but with a small smile on his face.

"Stop messing around, gosh! I'm not riding that thing!"I exclaimed while pointing at what his riding.

Like why in the world is a 24 years old woman and man gonna ride that bicycle for kids?! Tell me! He's so childish at times, I can't handle him.

Lemme just call a mental.

"C'mon please, just this once, please?"He said while acting all cute and pouting.

The kids and parents around us are literally looking at us. I just wanna pretend that he's just a patient from a mental hospital that I'm taking care of.

"For goodness sake, let's go!"I said and pulled him out from that bicycle thingy.

Once we were far from that place, I looked at Taehyung and he's still pouting. He's literally a 7 years old kid trapped in a body of a 24 years old man. But tbh, he's cute that I wanna pinch him.

"What?"I asked, acting all innocent.

"I'm sad, cheer me up."He said in a baby voice but I sighed.

"Are you a kid? Will you put me in jail for child abuse if I don't cheer you up?"I asked him teasingly but he suddenly acted all grumpy.

Are you bipolar or something?!

"You better cheer me up, hmp!"He said and I just couldn't believe what I'm seeing.

How can he be cute and annoying at the same time?!

I didn't know what to do. I'm not good wiht this stuff, you know? I hate everything that's cringey.

But I had no other choice. I tip toed and lightly kissed his cheeks. His face suddenly flashed a smile.

"Happy?"I asked with a light smile and he nodded.

"Happy! Now let's go!"He said and grabbed my hand. Then we started running.

We went to various places. We watched random performers on the streets, played some games in the arcade and eat different kinds of foods that we see.

This day was extra fun and memorable. I don't know when I can enjoy things like this again but I know someday, we'll get to enjoy new things together.

After that, we decided to go visit where my mom and dad was buried. We took a bus and it didn't last long when we arrived at that place.

It was already a late afternoon so the skies are turning a bit dark. The cute thing was it turned purple. It looked so pleasing that we stared at it before talking to mom and dad.

I was so busy admiring the skies when I heard Taehyung already talking to my mom and dad.

"Hello, Jennie's mom and dad. I'm Kim Taehyung, your daughter's boyfriend."He said and bowed like my parents were actually there.

"I know you the both of you left early but I can say that your daughter grew up very well because of you. She's a strong and brave girl that she overcame so many obstacles in life, I admire her for that."He said politely while smiling.

How I wish mom and dad were alive so they could meet him.

"You remember me, right? I'm also Jennie's best friend when we were young. I promised the both of you that I would take care of her for you, and I'm gladly doing my duty."

He's acting as if he's really talking to mom and dad. I remembered the day when we promised each other that someday, we're gonna marry each other.

"She's the best girl I know and I can guarantee that. She also became a lot prettier. But she's still the same Jendeukie that I know."He said with a smile. "And I'm willing to fight for her no matter what."

My heart felt like melting. He was so sweet and I couldn't ask for more. He's smiling but then a tear dropped from his eye.

I suddenly felt like crying seeing him like that. I slowly walked to him and hugged him. The best way to show him how I love him is this.

"Thank you,"I mumbled and he caressed my hair. "Thank you for staying by my side through everything. If it wasn't for you, I must've been gone from this world."

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