Chapter 26

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Author's note: To all my Filipino readers here, I just published another Taennie story hihi :>>

I just published it this morning but it already has 35 chapters. So if you're interested, go to my profile and look for that book. Libre din yung follow button para pindotin,,, charot lang hakhak.

 Libre din yung follow button para pindotin,,, charot lang hakhak

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Kim Taehyung's POV

AFTER a happy and fun day with the person I love. Below the night sky, sitting near the shore hand in hand. That was my dream date when I was still in high school.

I never expected that it would come true. The girl whom I prayed for all my life. The girl whom I'm willing to fight for no matter how complicated life can be.

"Do you still remember how I wake up early when we were kids and ran to your house just to play with you?"She spoke and I nodded.

"You have such fluffy cheeks back then, and nothing changed."I said with a smile and lightly pinched her cheeks. She smiled at me then stared back at the skies.

"We're finally growing up, it's so fast. I felt like I just blinked from those days when we were still kids and then boom-- we're here."She said and we both chuckled.

"Yeah but I didn't know growing up would feel so euphoric."I said with a smile.

"Me too. When I was in high school, I would think a lot and worry on how I'll survive for the next years but I guess when I met you my mind was finally at ease."She said with a soft voice and leaned her hand on my shoulder.

I wrapped my arm around her. I caressed her hair and placed my head on her head. It feels so warm in this breezy beach.

"Maybe because I felt like I'm home when I'm with you..."She said, still staring at the starry sky.

"Do you know what my dream is?"I asked. She looked at me and shook her head.

"What is it?"She asked. I smiled at her before answering.

"My dream is to spend every moment of my life with the person I love, reach my dreams with her, be successful with her, build a happy family with her and grow old with her... And I'm happy that you're the one doing all that."I said and she looked at me with smiling eyes.

It was shaped like a crescent and her smile was so gummy. She leaned closer and peck a kiss on my cheeks. She hugged me right after that.

"I feel like I wasn't the best girlfriend to you, but I'm trying..."

"You don't have to try, you already are."I said and kissed her forehead.

We looked back at the stars after that. It was a relaxing night before a hectic schedule tomorrow. It was a nice way to relax and think about life.

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes and decided to take walk to a bus stop. Hand in hand, through this silent and peaceful evening. I could literally do this everyday day, as long as I'm with her.

"Let's go for snacks before I fetch you home?"I asked when we saw a fast food restaurant across us.

"Hmm... Sure, let's go!"She said enthusiastically.

We were about to cross the street but a phone call stopped us. She signalled me to take it, so I did. I looked at the caller's ID but it's not registered. I still answered it since there's no other way to know who this is unless I take it.

"I'm gonna go there first to reserve a seat for us."She whispered because I'm currently in a call. I signalled her 'Ok' and then she smiled at me before crossing the street.

I paid back my attention on the phone but the person isn't saying anything. Is this just some kind of spam? Or prank calls? Or whatever.

"Hello? If this is just a nonsense call then--"I was cutted off when the person finally spoke up.

"You sure had fun today with that girl huh?"The person said with a low tone bur sarcastic one. I suddenly became cautious and nervously looked around.

"Who are you?"I asked but the person on the other line suddenly chuckled before speaking.

"Maybe your worst nightmare?"He said in a teasing tone and I suddenly became mad.

I know something's gonna happen...

"Too bad your happily ever after won't come true, curious why?"He teased me again and I couldn't help but feel so impatient.

"Shut your mouth and show yourself to me. Stop hiding, you son of a b*tch."I was so mad but I couldn't scream. Jennie might get worried and get back here.

She was already across the street and waiting for me outside the restaurant. She's playing with her phone since she has nothing to do there alone. I paid my attention back to the caller and immediately felt eagerness to find him before he do something.

"Calm down there, any minute now you can finally see me. Now prepare for your worst nightmare."He said and laughed mischievously.

"Don't you dare even go near Jennie--"

Before I could even finish my sentence I heard a loud scream from across. I turned around and my eyes immediately widened because of the sight. My heart broke into millions of pieces in just that second.

She was stabbed by a man riding a motorcycle. He drove the motorcycle so fast that I couldn't even recognize who he was. Without knowing I suddenly just dropped my phone on the ground.

"J-JENNIE!"I screamed and frantically ran to her.

Since people gathered around her, I needed to pave my way. My tears were already on the verge of dropping. My heart broke into millions of pieces in that second.

I knelt down to her and hugged her immediately. She was bleeding a lot, that made me a lot more worried. I couldn't help and just knew tears were already falling down.

"Y-yah, I'm here... Hang in there, please."I cried and she looked at me.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine."She said in a soft voice but I shook my head held her hand tightly.

"No! You're not okay!"I exclaimed but she suddenly smiled lightly to me. "Call an ambulance!"I screamed to the people around me and thank goodness, someone called.

How can you manage to smile even though you're hurting like that?

"Please hang in there, promise me you won't close your eyes huh?"I asked but she suddenly started coughing blood. "Yah... Jennie, don't do this to me!"

"I'm sorry..."She said but I shook my head.

You did nothing wrong please, just don't give up.

"C-can you promise me something?"She asked and I nodded while tearing were flowing continuously. "Please promise me that you'll be h-happy no matter what happens to m-me, okay?"

"How could you say such things! Of course I'll be happy with you, you're gonna be okay!"I said and tried to convince the both of us, but she just laughed lightly before coughing more blood.

"I-I... love you."She said. My heart sank when her eyes suddenly closed.

"H-hey, Jennie! You can't do this to me! You said you'll be staying with me until we grow old, right?"I said but no matter what I do, her eyes were shut close.

"Jennie, please don't leave..."

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