Chapter 24

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"YAH, Taehyung-ah..."I called him. "I asked for the thousandth time, where are we going?"I whined.

He kept on walking while dragging me by my hand. He didn't even spare a second to look at me and instantly just reply "You'll see."

He didn't bring his car so we just kept on walking and walking. He said that he wants to walk with me but gosh, I'm too lazy. That's the reason why I keep on whining.

After a long walk we arrived in front of a store. I had no idea where this place is but I can see that it's quite popular since a lot of people are here. To be accurate, mostly couples.

Once again, Taehyung dragged me inside. The colorful aesthetic welcomed me and I have to admit, it's so beautiful. I looked around and finally realized why so many couples go here.

"Don't tell me we're gonna buy couple items?"I asked and Taehyung nodded.

Oh my goodness, I don't like this kind of cheesy stuff!

Before I could even give any protest, Taehyung already pulled me. He looked so excited and now I'm starting to think that maybe he's really a girl and I'm a boy.

"Don't you dare say no to what I'm gonna pick,"He said and started looking for the couple clothes. I just sighed and I couldn't even imagine myself wearing those clothes.

"You better not give me those cliche kind of clothes."I said and he nodded with a smile. "I'll go to find something there,"I said and pointed to the corner of the store.

Taehyung nodded and I walked there, only to find couple shoes. I don't like cliche kinds of things but I like those shoes. It looks comfortable and sporty.

After looking for some minutes, Taehyung approached me with a bunch of clothes on his hands. The other ones are for him and the others are for me.

"Let's try some of these,"He said and I agreed.

We walled our way to the fitting room. The men's side was parallel to the women's side so it would be easy for us to show each other how we look.

I instantly went in and tried the first pair. I literally don't like this, gosh! It's too pink, it's sleeveless and the skirt is too short!

With an annoyed face, I stepped out. Luckily Taehyung stepped out too. From an annoyed face I literally laughed so hard.

"Bijj, are you a pre-schooler or something?"I teased while laughing so hard.

I need to calm my ass down

"Tss, we're not getting this, I swear!"He exclaimed and I nodded, trying to pull myself together.

"I don't like this either, it's not my style,"I said.

We decided to go change to another pair and this time, I kinda like it. It's so comfy I can literally go to sleep. Mine is peached colored sweater paired with a peach colored jogging pants.

After changing, I stepped out and he was already out of his fitting room.

"On second thought, I think I don't like it,"I said. I realized that I'm not going out like this.

"Yeah, we look like we're in pajamas,"He agreed. We decided buy it but use it when we're sleeping.

So we went inside again. After a lot of tries, we found clothes that we like but we're still not satisfied. I never knew trying out clothes was so tiring.

We tried on the last pair of couple clothes and I gotta say. It's totally my style. There's no way we're not getting this.

Mine is a cropped hoodie with a pair of cargo pants. I literally like the style and the color.

We immediately bought this and the other clothes that we picked. Before we could even leave the store, I pulled him to the shoes section and asked him if he would like it.

He agreed and we tried shoes that would match up with out outfits. We decided to get a FILA one. This time, I insisted to pay since he bought so many.

I have a conscience too, you know?

We went outside with our matched outfit while hand in hand. I know it's a bit cringey but this is the first time I'm doing this  Thankfully I'm doing this with the person I love.

"Let's have fun before you become a working adult tomorrow."

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