Chapter 10

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Jennie Kim's POV

"JENNIE, your phone is ringing."Irene said and handed me my phone. I stopped wiping the tables and look at the caller's ID.

Kim Taehyung.

I sighed and walked out of the restaurant before answering the call. "What?"I answered and sat at the bench outside.

"Jennie, let's meet right now, please"He said, straight to the point. I was still a bit annoyed since earlier and I couldn't understand him either, making me hesitate to agree... But in the end--

"Sure, meet me at the convenience store near the university."I said. I didn't listen to what he was gonna say and just cut off the call already.

I walked back in the restaurant and approached Irene who was busy cleaning the counter. "Irene-ah,"I called her. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows.

"Do you need anything?"She asked smiling.

"I'll be out for a bit-- is it okay?"I asked and she nodded.

"Sure, where are you off to?"She asked. I removed my apron, revealing my black hoodie and my black ripped jeans. I grabbed my black cap and slipped it on my head.

"At the near convenience store, I forgot to buy something."I lied and she nodded.

"Alright, be careful. Be back before we close, okay?"She asked and I nodded.

"Bye."I waved and walked out of the restaurant. I pulled my earphones from my pants and slipped it on my ears. I played a music while walking.

It didn't take time since the convenience store is near from my working place. So, I sat down on one of the seats and looked at the time on my wrist watch.

"You better hurry up, Taehyung or else you'll be a dead meat."I mumbled to myself and continued waiting for him. Tonight wasn't that cold but my hands and cheeks were all cold.

Soon, I felt someone's presence. I looked up and saw Taehyung, dressed almost the same as how I am dressed. He sat in front of me and smiled.

"Sorry for making you wait"He apologized and I nodded.

"Yeah, whatever-- make it fast. Someone's waiting for me--"

"Your boyfriend?"He cutted me off and I glared at him.

"Pft. You've got to be kidding me"I said.

"Why? It isn't impossible though."

"That's not what you're here for, right? If it's the case, I think I should go--"

"N-no! Stay... That's not what I'm here for."

"Then what?"

"The truth."My eyes suddenly got fixed on him and I didn't know what to say. "I want you to know the truth so that you'll understand."He said and I nodded, signalling him to continue.

"G-go on, tell me. I'm willing to listen."I said and he lightly smiled.

"I'm back, Jennie."He said and I got confused.

"What do you mean you're back?"

"Remember me... Kim Taehyung. Your best friend."

My body stiffened and I didn't know what to say. Now words were escaping my mouth. I stared at him... Should I believe him? I looked at his eyes and felt something that I felt before. It was very familiar.

"A-are you telling m-me the truth?"I asked and he nodded. "If you are, then why are you back?"I sternly asked.

"Because of you-"

"You chose someone else, you were one of the people who bullied me, you left me when I needed you the most and now you're suddenly gonna show up like nothing happened?"I sarcastically asked and faked a laugh. "What bullshit do you want huh?!"

"Let me explain, Jennie please!"

I scoffed, "Go on, tell me more bullshits"

"I'm sorry for being jerk. Please understand, we were still young that time and I know I'm such a bastard for doing that to you. I'm sorry for leaving you all alone, I didn't want to do that either."He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Then why did you have to leave me? When you eventually know that I have no one other than you?"

"It was not my decision. My mother and father forced me. They thought that you were a bad influence to me. I tried talking to them but they didn't listen. If I don't stay away from you, they'll bring me to America for good and I didn't want that. I'd rather stay away from you for a short time rather than forever."He explained.

I couldn't process every words that he say. It was like my mind was blocking everything he says. All he did was the right thing for us, right? But there is still a part of me that's hurt when he left me.

"I'm sorry for leaving you, don't worry, I'll never leave your side again. As your best friend, I won't let you suffer alone."He said and smiled at me. "Am I forgiven?"He asked. I became hesitant for a while.

"Y-you're forgiven."I said and smiled lightly. His face immediately brightened up and he stood up, walking towards me. He suddenly hugged me and I felt happy.

"Thank you for accepting me as your best friend again... I promise I'll make everything up to you."He said and I hugged him back.

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