Chapter 9

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Kim Taehyung's POV


"Stay away from me."


"Stay away from me."


"I said stay away from me, didn't I?!"She turned her back on me and was about to leave when I suddenly grabbed her hand, pulling her back to face me.

"Don't turn your back on me, Jennie... Please."I begged, pouting at her while she rolled her eyes on me. "Please, talk to me. Stop avoiding me. If you have a problem with me, just let me know about it but please... Don't ever ignore me."I said and she sighed.

"If I ever had a choice, I wouldn't do this either."She said and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"What are you saying?"I asked.

"It's hard to explain but I think I'm doing this for you."She said.

"For me? Your avoiding me for what?"

"It's not for you to know-"

"But I wanna know."

"I don't wanna tell you! Just do what I say, okay?!"She exclaimed. "I don't wanna avoid you, it's just what I think is best for the both of us! I know we're not that close but--"

"Just tell me and if I can accept your reason then fine, I'll stop pestering you."I said and she sighed. It feels like my heart was being pinched and it sucks.

Why can't I just say the things I want to?

"I-it's just... Sana wanted me to do this-"

"Sana?! For what?"

"Because she likes you, okay?! And she wants me to stay away from you so that she'll leave me alone! So that she'll stop pestering me! I'm tired of going to the dean's office again and again and listen his stupid lessons!"She exclaimed. I was stunned by the way she was talking. I know she didn't mean to shout at me-- I know I'm just too annoying.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't know it was l-like that."I sincerely said and looked down at my feet.

She sighed, "N-no, it's not your fault. Don't say sorry."She emotionlessly said. I looked at her and she avoided my eyes. "N-now that y-you know, will you s-stay away from me?"She asked.

"I'm not gonna stay away from you no matter what."


"Look, Jennie! It's not easy for me to avoid you. It feels like I'm already connected to you!"

"What the heck are you saying?! We've only known each other for weeks and don't even dare to say that you already have a thing for me cause I'm not falling for that stupid joke!"She exclaimed and faked a sarcastic laugh at me.

If you only knew, you wouldn't say that...

"I-it's not like th-that!"I exclaimed. "I just f-feel like you're a s-special friend for me and I can't stand a day w-without pestering you..."I softly said.

"I-I told you... I'm tired of Sana--"

"Then let me protect you."


"I mean-- I won't let Sana do that to you again, I'll always be by your side. She won't do anything to you again, don't worry cause you're not gonna get hurt when I'm beside you."I said and sincerely smiled at her but she sighed.

"Taehyung, as you know... I can protect myself, I just don't want to be the center of attention again."She said. I didn't know what to say. It feels like I can't do anything about it but I want her to feel safe. "Th-that's why I want you to stay away from me."She said softly while looking down on her shoes.

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