Chapter 40

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Third Person's POV

IT was finally the day were Jennie's new products would be launched. There would be a launching event and it's only exclusive to those who are shareholders, business partners and also to the employees of her company. Since her company is really famous in the industry, there would also be medias there.

"Ms. Kim, would you like to finalize the names in the guest list?"Her secretary asked but Jennie shook her head with a light smile.

"No, it's okay."She reassured and her secretary nodded. Just in time, her own personal stylist and makeup artist came.

Meanwhile, Taehyung is preparing like her. And yes, he is in the list of the invited guests. Since their company is one of the business partners of her company, he needed to be there, plus, Taehyung said to himself that he couldn't miss any chance like this anymore.

In no time, they were already dressed and styled up. It was the right time for them to go to the venue, which is a private cruise, owned by your one and only Jennie Kim. She wanted this event to be grand she knows how high the expectations for her are.

Jennie was extremely nervous because she wants to leave good impressions to the people again and she's afraid to fail but it was not likely to happen, Jennie's company is really soaring high. Meanwhile, Taehyung was as nervous as her. Besides the fact that he would finally be representing their own company, it was most likely because of Jennie.

Just like how Jennie's afraid of failing, he is too. He's afraid of failing to approach and talk to her again. It's an opportunity that comes once in a lifetime and it would be such a waste to lose it again.

Taehyung took a deep breath before entering the cruise. After a security check, he finally stepped inside. A bright elegant place welcomed him with the invited guests.

He saw a group of familiar faces and their faces lit up when they saw each other. He fastened his pace to immediately hug all of them. Once again, the boys met after a long time of being apart. This event is really a memorable one, besides getting to see her again, he got to see his best friends again.

"Yo, dude. You look dashing there!"Hoseok immediately beamed with his bright smile. They went for a group hug and their smiled were worth more than gold.

"Look at our maknaes growing up..."Namjoon said with a proud smile on his face along with the other older guys.

"You guys are getting handsome but it still doesn't reach the level of my handsome face though."Seokjin said and threw a flying kiss out of nowhere. Some of them gave him a facepalm, a laugh, and of course the disgusted face.

They started catching up with each other's lives since the event wasn't starting yet. The sight of them being together was like watching a beautiful scenery. Before, they were just young boys who wanted to live a fun life but now they met again as successful men, just like how they truly deserve.

After quite a while, the presence of the host on the stage holding his mic caught their attention.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Right now, we are all here to witness the exclusive launching of JNK's new products!"The host started off, receiving cheers from the guests.

Jennie was trembling because of nervousness behind the stage but Irene quickly grabbed her hand and gave it a light pat. They looked at each other and smiled. It comforted her in some ways but she couldn't shove off the feeling of being nervous.

"Let's all welcome the successful CEO of JNK Company, Jennie Kim!"The host announced and it was a queue for Jennie to go up on stage.

The cheers gone louder once she stepped her foot on the stage with the spotlight following her. With her elegant evening gown and a charming smile, everyone was in aww. She's indeed the prettiest that night.

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