Chapter 28

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"SO I guess this is how it ends. We're gonna go on our separate ways. I just hope for the best for you. I hope that someday, when the day comes that I'll meet you again. I wanna see you smiling brighter than the sunshine."

Tears ran down to my cheeks and my heart feels like tearing apart. It really hurts badly, every word feels like another stab. Stabs that goes right through my heart.

Tell me, how can I smile when the reason of those smiles is leaving me...

"I need to find him, he can't just leave like this!"I said and gave in all I can to stand up.

I successfully stood up and removed the
thing attached to the back of my palm. I started walking faster, I didn't care if it's going to affect me. I don't care about the pain, what hurts more is the pain that stings inside my heart.

I looked around outside my room and I saw a familiar figure. He was covering his face with a cap so I couldn't see his face clearly. But I know him better than anyone, I can't be wrong.

It's him...

I walked to his way but when he saw me coming, he started walking away fastly. I walked fastly too and tried keeping up with him. But this goddamn stitches are not even helping.

C'mon, pull yourself together and talk to him!

"Kim Taehyung! Please, let's talk!"I yelled. He didn't even turn around and just continued running away from me.

I didn't lose the urge to catch him. We're finally at the lobby and my stitches hurt so bad. I suddenly collapsed on the floor.

"Nurses, help her!"Someone said and suddenly the nurses came and tried to take me.

"N-no! You don't understand, I need to talk to that guy!"I exclaimed in the middle of the pain but they didn't listen and insisted.

"Please, calm down. You need to rest!"

"I can't! Just let me-- Kim Taehyung!"I yelled once again.

This time he turned around. He looked just looked at me for awhile and turned back again. He just walked away from me.

Tears fell down once again. The nurses helped me to sit on the wheel chair and just drove me off back to my room. Irene was so surprised and worried but I couldn't get to even talk to her.

"What happened? Why are you crying? Does your stitches hurt?"She worriedly asked but I suddenly bursted into tears harder. She hugged me and caressed my hair.

"It hurts so bad..."I said in between my cries.

"What does?"She asked.

"My heart... It aches so badly. He left me... again."I said and I hugged her tighter.

Every tears, every pain and every sadness I'm feeling is because of only one person. The person that I loved, that loved me, protected me. He was my strength and weakness.

And now he's gone...

"It's okay to cry..."She said and continued caressing my hair. "You know, they say that  people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. I know he won't forget you, you're special to him. If you're for that person, when you crossed paths again, the skies will tell you that go for that path and you'll be happy."

I wanna believe that everything happens for a reason but I can help but ask why does it have to be this hard. Even the person that I wanted to stay with me till eternity left me. It's just so unfair, luck was never in my side.

You know what's the hardest part about letting go? It's when you held that person's hand tightly and let go when you think it's the right thing but the hardest part is not knowing if when you would ever hold that person's hand again.

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