Chapter 32

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AFTER hours of riding the plane, we finally arrived at Canada. We're here at the hotel room and I already wanna leave. Irene is being so weird, oh jisoos guide me, my friend here is possessed by cupid.

She keeps on smiling again and again while texting someone on the phone. And I'm not dumb, that must totally be Bogum. The guy who found my passport and reason why I became a thirdweel.

"I know you super like that guy, but can you please stop smiling like that? For goodness sake, I think I really need to call a priest here and let him throw you a gallon of holy water!"I said dramatically and she suddenly started hugging me while screaming.

Oh jisoos guide me, I pray for her asshole soul.

"ACKKK! That horoscope that you told me was totally true! I swear, you won't be able to tease me about not having a boyfriend!"She said and once again strted hugging me tighter while screaming.

"Get off me! Shoo away!"I exclaimed and with all my might, I threw myself away for her to let go.

And I successfully did it. I was so out of breath from all the tight hugging she did there. I felt like my bones were about to pop.

This is the most aggressive thing that Irene did for all her life.

"Anyways, let's go out. I wanna stroll around."I said but she just totally ignored me. "Yah! Pay attention to meeee!"

She's totally so busy with that guy, I'm jealous!

"So you're totally ignoring me for that guy?!"

"Yeah, totally."She said with a bored voice and continued texting while I scoffed. "I can marry this guy, unlike you, you'll just bother me for all the rest of my life!"

Wow, that hurts. Should I go to the hospital now? My heart broke.

"Tss, I'm going out. You're so useless."I said and she hummed as a response, not even sparing a second to look at me!

Why am I friends with her again?

"Yeah, sure. Go find yourself a hot Canadian guy."She said and looked at her with disbelief.

I'd rather grow old alone.

I completely ignored her and went out of the hotel. I don't know any places here in Canada but we have google map. What's the use of that, right?

Just gonna hope that nothing like in the movies will happen to me.

I searched for a near place to walk on the internet. This place is pretty crowded since we're in the center or the capital. I just wanna go to a place that I can enjoy by myself, somewhere peaceful.

After a few minutes, I finally saw something. It's a park near a river, which is a great place to relax and remove all of my stress.

"Okay, let's get walking."I said to myself and just go followed where this thing leads me to.

Btch, I'm independent.

While on the way to my location. I would find some stores and literally just found myself going in and buying stuff. Even though I don't really necessarily need those.

But anyways, souvenirs would be great.

I would continuously encounter stools that sell various street foods. This is a cheat day after all, gonna make sure it won't go down to waste. I brought a bunch of snacks because I decided to eat it at the park later.

Now that I bought a lot of foods and things, I tried my best to ignore other stores that I come across. I checked my map and it's not far away from where I am now. I'm exactly on top of a footbridge.

I looked around and the sky is already setting. It was a nice view to enjoy. The city lights made the place look so cool. I didn't miss this chance to take photos.

Going on, I finally made it to the park after that walk. It already feels so refreshing here. The green land was so wide and even though a lot of people are here, it was quite peaceful since most are relaxing.

"It feels so nice to finally be free from stress..."I said and sat down on the grass, together with the things I bought. "I can't miss this view."

I took out my phone and started taking pictures everywhere. If only everyday would be like this. No people pressuring you, no competition, no people giving you toxic feels.

After I was done taking pictures around me, I started checking all of those. Gotta say, I'm quite amazed of myself. Maybe I should take photography as my hobby...

As if I have any time for hobbies!

As I was checking the photos. One picture caught my attention. My heart started beating fast by the sight of his face.

"It's i-impossible, right?"I asked myself and took a clearer look of the photo.

I can't be wrong... It's him.

I immediately placed my phone in my pocket and stood up. I looked at the place where I took the picture, but he was nowhere to be found. But I wasn't satisfied, I don't know what has gotten into me but I started acting up.

What the hell am I doing?

I grabbed all of my belongings and started taking large steps to the place I saw him in the picture. I was so eager to find him that I kept walking and walking. I completely ignored to what my mind was saying and just did as what my heart was saying.

To go and look for him...

I walked and walked, until I saw the familiar streets I walked at earlier. I'm now in a highway and my eyes stopped at that person. It's him, I can't be mistaken.

He's at the other side of the street but the problem is I need to cross this highway before I get there. I looked at the stop light but it will totally take too long.

"Oh please please, just help me this once."I whispered desperately.

I couldn't settle in my place and kept on stomping lightly. I looked across and I can still see his figure. I gotta go there as fast as possible.

The lights turned green, it was a signal to finally walk. But since I was too eager, I started running. I tried finding him in the crowd. I ran as hard as I can but all I can do was to slap my self.

I lost him again...

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