Chapter 35

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I'M scared...

I wanna run away.

My mind started taking over me that was full of worries. It ignored how my heart wanted things to be. Instead of staying here, I stood up. I felt Irene held my arm and she stood up too.

"Jennie, I-I didn't know--"I cut her off and tried my best to smile even though my lips were trembling.

"I know... But I need to go."I said and lightly pulled off from her grip.

I immediately passed by Bogum who was puzzled because of how we reacted but I didn't mind that. As I was near to approaching the door, the nearer I'm walking to him. I felt my heart wrapped with worries that it can't break free from it.

I thought that I'm ready when I finally found him... I thought it would be easy.

I could feel his gaze was still on me but I tried hard to ignore it. I lowered down my head and passed by him. I didn't look at him since I know I would get swayed once I saw his eyes again.

I left the café and my heart stings. My brain says that I did the right thing but my heart was againts what I've done. It keeps on making me feel that I should go back and be glad that I could finally have the chance to talk to him.

But I'm still a coward after all...

I shook of all those thoughts and just tried to walk away from that place. I know that I'll regret this decision anytime soon but this time, this is what I think is right. At least maybe...

Third Person's POV

ONCE Jennie was out of sight from the café, Taehyung immediately had the urge to follow her. His mind was in the battlefield of emotions but the desire of talking to her has taken over. He chose to run after her and don't let this chance go to waste again.

He walked off without any words, leaving Irene and Bogum puzzled with there actions. Bogum was about to go after him too but Irene held his arm and shook her head.

"I think they would need to settle this problem among themselves..."She said. Bogum sighed and nodded although he couldn't fully understand the situation.

On the other hand, Taehyung constantly looked around for her. He was desperate to talk and hold her again. He knows he's at fault for everything, it was his consequences for being a coward and this time, he wants to change things.

Ever since he left her, all he have are sleepless nights, mind full of worries and regrets, and most of all is he feels empty. He was longing for her and couldn't overcome the heartbreak like Jennie.

People passed by him but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get a glimpse of her again. He was reminded of the day when he left her helplessly at the hospital, his heart aches because he saw how she cried and begged for him to stay. Even when the day she saw him at the park, he ran away like how Jennie is running away from her now.

But how can he blame her when he did the same to her. There were so many times when he left her when she needed him the most. He understands that she's scared of getting left once again but no matter what, his heart still cries for her.

Taehyung sighed in defeat. There is no way he can find her in this crowded place, plus, he's not familiar with the surroundings either. He lost his hope and with an aching heart, he just went to wherever his feet takes him. He didn't care at all, his minds was filled of regrets.

If only I wasn't a coward and fought for you... He thought.

The both of them were drowning in their own thoughts. Jennie immediately rode a cab earlier to avoid him and went to the hotel where they're staying at. She feels the same as Taehyung, hearts broken by their own choice.

Her feet immediately dragged her inside the room and sat at her bed with a lifeless soul. Her eyes that feels so heavy, full of tears who wants to break free but she, herself couldn't even cry. She was so done with how life is playing with her.

It was a battlefield of emotions, she didn't know if she's satisfied of avoiding him or regrets wasting a chance given like that. She blames herself. If she didn't turn into a coward, she must've felt euphoric in his arms again.

Staring at a blank ceiling, her mind full of thoughts but her heart was empty and broken. She didn't bother to turn on the lights inside, only the window was the source of light. The place was dim, just like how she wanted it to be.

As time passed by, she was still on her bed. Under the blankets and now silently crying. She was used to crying silently without anyone knowing it. All her life, she didn't show anyone that she's weak, she made a mask for her true and weak self to hide underneath it.

As she was crying, a faint sound of the door opening alarmed her. She knew it was Irene, she quickly wiped her tears and covered herself with the blanket. She pretended that she was asleep when she felt that Irene was nearing her.

Irene sighed at the sight of her when she opened the lights. She's fully covered by the blankets but she knows her too well. She knows she's crying and just didn't want to show her.

Even though Irene wants to approach and comfort her, she knows Jennie wouldn't like that. She's the type of person to keep her problems only to herself. No matter how hard, how tough or cruel that situation is, she doesn't want to show anyone she's weak.

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