Chapter 34

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"RISE and shine! We gotta hurry for breakfast."Irene's voice was like beaming through my ears. I felt her hands pull my arms with all her might, causing me too sit up but with my eyes still closed. "Wake up, sleepy head. We gotta start the day early."

I groaned in annoyance and as I opened my drowsy eyes, Irene was in front of me with a wide smile on her face. I stared at her for no reason and I would just catch myself closing back my eyes. But before I could get back to my slumber, Irene did all kinds of things to make me stand up from bed.

"What time is it? You're already so energetic."I asked with my groggy voice.

"Past 6:30 already--"

"What the f-- how can you wake me up this early?!"I hissed at her but she shrugged with a mischievous smile.

"I told you we need to start the day early."She said and I glared at her. "So get your stubborn ass at the bathroom and fix yourself cause we're going down for breakfast. Let's take a bath later so we won't be late for it."

I didn't have a choice, so with an annoyed face, I instantly went to the bathroom. When I got inside, I immediately closed the door and looked at my reflection on the mirror. My skin doesn't look that nice since I always get to bed so late but nevertheless it's not that bad.

Moving on, I quickly gargled and washed my face. Since I can't take too long, I just used my soap and cleansed my face.  After that, I made sure to dry up my face before heading out.

Irene was already busy with her phone so she didn't even bother to take a look at me. I clicked my tongue but quickly went to my bag to find my specs. Since my eyesight became a bit bad, I had to use one. I opened my bag and searched for it, when I found it I quickly wore it and went to Irene.

"Yah, I'm already done. Let's go for breakfast."I said and Irene looked up at me. She immediately nodded and stood up.

She grabbed her phone along with the key card and we went put together. While inside the elevator my stomach kept on making weird noises, or should I say it keeps growling. Irene would laugh and I would hiss at her. A good thing about it is no one is actually with us here.

Luckily, within a minute or two, we finally arrived at the ground floor where the breakfast buffet is served. We immediately made our way there and my stomach was already flipping when I smelled the freshly cooked dishes.

We went to where the dishes are and since it's still early, only a few guests were here, meaning it didn't take long when we finally got our foods. While walking to an empty table, the sight of the foods on my plate I'm carrying is enough to make my mouth water. Disgusting but good thing I'm not doing it literally.

We took a seat and without wasting any second, I immediately started eating. I literally didn't eat dinner last night, I only ate those street foods so that's the reason behind this growling stomach. But moving on, it's great that I have an appetite to eat.

After that good breakfast, we headed back to our hotel room. Irene started bugging me, saying that we should already prepare for the day. I was kinda annoyed since I still want to go back to sleep after that stomach full of foods. But since Irene is here, I couldn't. She signalled me to already take a shower and I did.

"CAN you atleast dress up?"She asked looking at my clothes.

"What's wrong with this comfy clothes? We're just going to stroll around, right?"I questioned her while analyzing myself through the mirror.

Girl, I have no one to impress but myself.

"Uhm... We're kinda going on a double date, ya know."She said and my eyes suddenly grew wide. Did I hear that right? Or am I just hearing things early in the morning?

"What the f... A double date?!"I reacted with my eyes all still wide open. "I'm not going anywhere, you can go yourself."

"Oh, c'mon, please? I can't go without you,"She pleaded but I shook my head immediately. "Just this once I again, don't worry you can trust me! It's Bogum's friend anyway, plus I promise, this will be the last time I'm gonna do this!"

I sighed in defeat, it's Irene after all. "Okay, fine, I'll dress up a bit, but make sure this will be the last time or our friendship would be on the edge!"I said and she nodded enthusiastically with a wide smile on her face.

With a not so excited soul, I grabbed a more decent cloth from the closet and went to the bathroom to change. I also made sure to wear my contacts. It didn't last long when I was finally done, so I stepped out. Irene smiled at me and instantly pulled me put of the room with her.

I don't know where we're going but I didn't protest at all. All I did was ride the taxi with her whilst I kept on a smug face. I know I should trust her but there's suddenly a part of me that's saying I shouldn't go. But what can I do? She's my best friend.

The ride in the taxi finally ended. We stopped at a street where there are a lot of people. It must be a famous street here, plus the stores here looks interesting. I felt ease when I was looking around, I mean nothing can go wrong here, right?

"So, where exactly are we going?"I asked and Irene pointed at a vintage style café.

"We'll meet them there,"She said and I nodded.

We started walking on our way there. Once we arrived inside, the delicious smell of new brewed coffee welcomed us. The place was actually aesthetically pleasing and the foods look quite mouth watering. This might be a quite famous café since there are a lot of costumers, but not too crowded though. The barista welcomed us with a smile and wr smiled back whilst walking our way to the counter.

"I'll go order, you can find us a seat,"She said and I nodded. I looked around and found an empty place instantly.

I immediately went there and sat on one of the seats. I chose a place near the glass wall where I can see people outside. It's actually a nice spot since I'm entertained with their calm music plus the pleasing view outside.

In no time, Irene arrived with our orders. She sat beside me and placed a drink and a piece of cake in front of me. I quickly took a sip of what she ordered me and it was Iced caramel cappuccino, my fave.

"You really know me well."I said and she smiled at me. We both high-fived each other and chitchat after.

While drinking, I looked outside and while looking around. My eyes suddenly found someone that caught my attention. It was a figure of a man-- a very familiar one. I stopped drinking and squinted my eyes to take a clearer sight but since his back was facing me, I couldn't.

Am I seeing things again or is it really him?

After being drowned from my own thoughts again, I couldn't find him. I lost him in this crowd of people. I really wanna sigh in disappointment but I don't wanna ruin the nice mood with Irene so I chose to just stay quiet.

It didn't last long when the café's bell rang, signalling that someone came in. Two familiar figures of men came in. I'm sure Bogum is the other one and I couldn't believe who I was seeing right now.


Our eyes met and in that moment of time, I had mixed feelings; Happiness and sadness. Memories from the past came flashing through my mind as my heart kept on beating so fast and I couldn't help but feel the pain again. Our eyes were glued to each other. I can see the shock from his eyes.

Irene looked at where my eyes were fixed at and she gasped in shock. She was surprised but that couldn't match the feeling of how shocked I am too. As Bogum was approaching us, he didn't move an inch and his gaze was still on me.

Destiny must really be playing with my feelings...

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