Chapter 36

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"I'M sorry,  I'm such a pain in the ass."Jennie said, guilt was evident from her voice. Irene sighed and shook her head, trying her best to reassure her that everything's okay.

"Geez, don't blame yourself. I understand you, okay? And I don't want you to act like you're having fun when you're really hurt inside,"Irene answered with a sincere tone while Jennie lowered her head.

"But this trip would go down to waste... You even paid for it."Jennie said with a soft voice. Irene lifted her chin up and gave her a comforting smile.

"Your feelings are my priority. Money can be earned but your feelings need to be healed before it worsen, okay?"She said and Jennie couldn't do anything but to nod lightly.

Since Irene already booked a flight back to Korea last night, they already packed their stuff this morning. Although Jennie still feels guilty, that feeling can't defeat the pain inside her.

They immediately went to the airport early in the morning and it didn't last long when they're finally riding the plane. Jennie is at a window seat while Irene is beside her. She slipped in her airpods inside her ears and played songs.

The whole ride, Jennie was all gloomy and her eyes were dull. Of course Irene noticed it, but she expected it. Irene tends to let her be like that, but when things worsen, she makes sure to comfort her even if she refuses.

Once they were back to Korea, Jennie immediately drowned herself with paperwork. She barely even gets out of her office. Irene was so worried by how she wad acting but she couldn't do a thing.

During a whole week, Jennie continued overworking herself. Irene would constantly visit her but she barely even spare her time. Irene would always leave her office in defeat.

Jennie sighed as she looks outside the window of her office. It was already dark outside and there, she was welcomed by the bright streetlights. She looked at the hanging wall clock and wasn't even shocked when it was already 11:30 in the evening.

She fixed her table and packed all her stuff. Once she was out of the office, only a dim light was open and there was no one else there. All the employees went home and even her driver, so she has to drive on her own.

When she reached her house, it was the same like in her office. The maids were already asleep only a few lights were open to guide her way to her own room. Then, she reached her bedroom in no time and took a quick shower.

After that, she plopped herself on her bed and stared at her blank ceiling. Although she was tired from all the work, she couldn't get herself to sleep. It was normal to her anyway, sleepless nights, bugging mind and aching heart.

ANOTHER morning came and nothing changed, Jennie was still trying to distract herself from the pain by overworking herself. Though she gotta admit, it wasn't a big help either but it was enough to stop her from overthinking from time to time.

As she was so busy with doing her stuff, her secretary came in. Her attention shifted to her and she instantly bowed to her before approaching her. She then placed a velvet square shaped envelope on top of her desk.

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Oh, what is this?"She asked.

"It's an invitation from mr. Yang, it's a party for YG company's anniversary. All the major stock holders and employees are invited."My secretary explained and I nodded at her.

I signalled her that she can already go. She bowed before leaving out of my office. I immediately paid my attention to the invitation, it's a black velvet kind with a touch of gold.

I started reading it and as my secretary said, it will be exclusive only for the people who received this invitation from him. I immediately checked my schedule if it won't overlap any and luckily, there's none. It would be a shame if she couldn't go, mr. Yang helped him a lot when it's business matters.

She told her secretary to add this to her schedule and the day went by again with Jennie overworking.

Once the clock stroke to 11:30 again, she went home. While laying down on her bed, thoughts of him just came flooding her mind like a river. Every memories brings so much pain.

This was the reason why she never let herself have a free time. Overthinking just became a habit of het when she's doing nothing but it doesn't mean overworking is a big help either. Maybe it's just an escape from all the pain.

She reminisced those days when they maybe suffering from different pain, but they found the antidote to that. It was each other. They helped to heal each other.

A single tear dropped from her eye and her heart feels like shattering into pieces. She thought about so many "What if..."

What if I didn't became a coward?

That was the main question but she can't even tell herself her own answer.


A/n: This is totally a filler chapter lol but anyways the end is nearing!

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