Chapter 2

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Third Person's POV

A day wouldn't pass by without Jennie being hated for a day. Though she's really used to it, she can't hide the fact that she gets hurt and tired too. After all, she's still a human being with feelings.

Everybody knows her for being the "trash" in the University but nobody knows what pain she feels. She got in the University because of the help of her being a scholar. She doesn't have enough incomes to pay for school although she has a part time job. It was just enough for her daily needs. Her parents died when she's still a young child. She was adopted by her grandmother but it wasn't long when her grandma died and that's when she was literally left with no one.

Then, a day came when she met someone. The one and only person that she calls 'family'. Kim Taehyung, the person who helped her smile through the pain. They were each other's shoulder to cry and lean on.

They reached high school but then, he was suddenly gone from her sight. She doesn't know where he went and again, she was left alone. She had no one and she felt so hopeless that a day wouldn't pass without her crying her heart out.

That's the time when she decided to cover herself up. She never smiled genuinely. All she gave the other kids were cold looks, bitchy attitude and as much as possible she didn't let anyone near her again. She hides her true self behind a mask and built a wall around her.

Everybody started hating on her, she became everyone's punching bag when it comes to hatred. She endured those pain for who knows how long. She wanted to cry for help but felt like it's no use because she feels like at the end, they would all just run away and leave her again.

After harming herself, she felt tears welling up as she was reminded of the days were everything was going well for her. Now, everything just felt wrong. She got up from the armchair and wiped off all the dust on her. She covered her cuts with her blazer even though it still stings.

"What's the point of crying now? Nobody even cares."She mumbled to herself while wiping of the tears that were about to fall. "You survived all these shits for 18 years, get used it."

Her expression changed like nothing happened. From a sad one to her usual face, a cold and bitchy face. It's the time again to cover weak and tired self.

She ignored everyone that was around her, she didn't care if they're talking bullshits about her. All she want is to have someone she could trust and tell everything she wants but that's the problem, she doesn't have one.

This is gonna be another long day...

"OKAY, class dismissed!"Mrs. Han announced. Jennie stood up and prepared herself, getting ready to head out of class but then ms. Han called her. 

I just want to get my ass home. She irritatedly thought.

"Jennie Kim, I heard you're gonna assist a student starting today?"She asked as Jennie nodded. "You should stay here, he'll be here in a few minutes... And please, be good to him, okay?"

Jennie had no other choice but to nod at her words. Ms. Han lightly smiled at her before leaving the classroom, leaving her alone in there. She sighed in defeat and just lifelessly sat at her chair, whilst staring at the skies through the window.

"I wonder how my life would be if he's still by my side..."She muttered to herself before releasing another heavy sigh.

While she was drowning in her own thoughts, she didn't notice that the boy student was already beside the door frame of the classroom. He looked at her, he felt that familiar presence and he's aware of it but he ignored it and faked a cough to catch her attention.

He succeeded in catching her attention. She turned her head to his pace and her eyebrows immediately furrowed at the sight of the familiar face. He instantly greeted her with his signature boxy smile.

"Wait up..."She said whilst she was reminded of the scene earlier. "Aren't you the boy from earlier?"

"Oh yeah, you're the 'Imma punch the wall' girl, right?"He said as he was walking a bit closer to her seat. Jennie glared at the boy's answer.

"Tss..."She hissed at him. "Anyways, let me just remind you to not get your hopes up, okay? You might not actually learn anything from me."She said, coldly.

"It's fine, atleast you're not those kind of girl whose gonna get me irritated,"He said giving her a light smile.

"Yeah whatever, let's just get this over, I still have a lot to do."She said, emotionless and stood up, grabbing her bag with her.

She led the way to the library while this boy was following her from behind. She sat at an empty chair and he sat parallel to her.

As soon as he sat parallel towards her, Jennie gave her an 'are-you-serious-look'. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as to why is she looking at him like in any moment he's about to get killed.

"What?"He asked innocently.

"Do you really think I could teach you with this book upside-down to my view?"She asked. He realized the situation and immediately sat next to her. Silence engulfed the both of them but since he couldn't stand silence, he broke off the ice.

"So, uhm... Jennie,"He called her. Her eyes immediately darted to him.

"How did you know my name?"She asked sternly.

Okay, shit... He swore to himself.

It was a good thing that he's quick-witted that he immediately thought of something to use an excuse.

"Because of that."He said, pointing to her name tag attached on her blazer.

Jennie felt somehow disappointed and embarrassed. She was kinda expecting of something. He just feels so familiar to her. Then, her eyes darted to his name tag.

Kim Taehyung.

She wanted to rub her eyes to check if she's really seeing it right. She blinked too many times and realized that it's really his name. Her heart skipped a beat but she can't get her hopes up.

Is he really the Kim Taehyung I know? She asked herself. She tried to shake tried to shook off those thoughts and tried to act normal .

"So you're Taehyung?"She asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, anyways I didn't even introduced myself properly."He said. "So, I'm Kim Taehyung. I just transferred here and I'm from the other class." He smiled once again.

Is it dumb to think that he is the same person as my past best friend? 

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