Chapter 31

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["JEN, I'm on the way to your place right now."]Irene said on the phone.

"H-huh? Already?!"I asked while frantically running around my room. The phone was on loud speaker so I can definitely hear her while packing.

["What do you mean already? Girl, it has already been 5 hours since I told you to pack. We can't miss our flight, you dumbo!"]

"Bijj, I can't find my things!"I screamed in horror and I heard Irene sigh.

["Finish there in 30 minutes or else I'm gonna leave you, I swear."]She said and I was about to answer when she just hanged up the phone.

I sighed and looked at the clock. Again, I'm frantically running around my room. Tossing clothes here and there, grabbing anything I could, and just placing them inside my luggage.

I really can't pack alone...

I looked at the clock once again, it has already been 20 minutes and I still look like a complete mess.

"Fvck this, I still need to look like a human before I leave."I exclaimed to myself and ran inside the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and before I knew it, I'm done and just grabbed out the clothes I'll wear. Since I had no time to fix myself, I just grabbed a hoodie, cargo pants and a denim jacket. Incase it gets cold.

I didn't bother to put anything on my face and just dried my hair fast. I looked at the clock and it's already 7:55am, Irene would totally be here in any minute now.

As I suspected, I heard the door unlocked. She can totally just barge in here since she knows my passcode. I trust her that much, she's not my best friend for no reason.

The door suddenly opened wide, causing a loud bang when the door hit the wall. I totally got a heart attack from that. She looked at me in disbelief and sighed.

"Wow, I dressed so beautifully like this and here you are, wearing some comfy clothes. How unfair can life be, huh?"She sarcastically said and I just smiled mischievously while grabbing my luggages.

"You don't even have a boyfriend to impress, so what's the point of getting dolled up?"I dissed her and she acted all offended while placing her hand above her chest.

"You're definitely not going with me."She said and I laughed hysterically.

I'm in such a good mood today, something good must be happening later...

"Just kidding, let's go!"I said but she glared at me while I clang on to her arms and hugged her. "I heard it from the daily horoscope today, y'know, you'll be meeting your future boyfriend today!"

"Omg, wait-- really?"Her face suddenly lit up and I nodded. "This dress is not going to waste afterall!"She said and clang on to my arms too.

Bijj you thought, I literally just made that up.

"Now I'm in a good mood thanks to you!"She said and we started walking our way to the car she brought along with her driver.

On the way to the airport, I just dozed off to sleep. I barely have time to sleep because of work. Even at home, I just work and again work. Gotta make this vacation a blast before facing another hectic life.

After a few minutes of dozing off, I felt someone nudged me, it was Irene. I looked around me and saw we're already in front of the airport. We grabbed all our things and went inside.

We still have a few minutes before we board on the plain. We took the chance and grabbed some drinks and snacks at Starbucks. Need a coffee to keep me alive hehe.

After buying we kept on walking around with the drinks on our hands. We went to different stores and ended up going shopping. Which is I kinda regret since we'll need to pay extra because of the weight limits of every luggage.

Since we didn't want to end up shopping more. We walked to the counter to fix our flights whatsoever. I started searching for my passport inside my bag but it wasn't there!

My heart is beating crazy right now. I looked at my wallet but luck wasn't really on my side, I guess. It's nowhere to be found.

"Hey, promise me that you won't nag and scold me, okay?"I said and Irene looked at me with a devastated face.

"Okay cut that bullshits, don't tell me your passport is missing?!"She screamed, receiving attention from the people around us.

Uhm... Can I take my face off? I'm just so embarrassed!

"I'm gonna kill you this instant, I swear--"She was cut off when a man suddenly approached us.

We looked at him in confusion. He looks a bit older than Irene but not to much. He also has luggages, so I'm guessing he's here for his flight.

But why is he here again?

"Uhm... Jennie Kim, right?"He asked me and I was shocked.

Holy-- how in the world?!

"Yes. What do you need?"I asked, trying my best to stay polite while smiling.

"I think this is yours, I found it on the floor earlier."He said, handing me the love of my life! My effin passport!

"Oh, you must be an angel! I almost lost my shit because of this!"I said enthusiastically and grabbed my passport from my hand. But I realized that I just literally cursed In front oh him.

Can't I just be polite?!

"Oh, sorry for cursing. Just got drag by my emotions anyway thank you!"I said and he nodded with a smile.

"It's okay no prob."He said. I thought he was going to leave but he suddenly faced Irene.

Ohhh I smell something...

"By the way, can I get your number?"He asked Irene and she was literally standing there like a statue while blushing.

Can I just slap the shit out of her? I'm embarrassed on behalf of her.

"U-uhm, it's okay if you don't want to--"

"No! I mean-- it's okay, give me your phone."She said and the guy chuckled. He gave his phone and Irene typed her number.

"Anyways, I'm Park Bogum."He introduced himself, he brought his hand forward, a sign for a handshake.

"O-ohh I'm Bae Irene."She said and gladly took his hand. They kept on talking and I just standing there bitterly, when will they even finish?

"E-ehem!"I awkwardly faked a cough, getting the attention of both of them. "Oh look at the time, almost time before our flight."I said, acting like I'm talking to myself while looking at my wristwatch.

"Oh yeah, what flight are you going to?"He asked.

Can I just go by myself? I lost my patience.

"To Canada, you?"Irene replied.

"Oh same! Let's meet there, okay?"He said and they smiled at each other.

And in the end, we have the same plane to ride and congrats to me. I'm officially a third wheel! Thank you for this opportunity.

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