Chapter 12

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Taehyung: Did you get
home safely?

Taehyung: Are you still

Me: Yeah, thanks for today,
Taehyung-ah... I really enjoyed
you pestering me.

Taehyung: Oh no prob...
I could always pester you
whenever I want

Me: Oh then I guess
you would die too early

Taehyung: That's not a
funny joke... You're still a

Me: Baby my foot.

Me: Now shut up, I really need
to rest, okay? So goodnight
you idiot.

Taehyung: Aish! Okay...

Taehyung: Goodnight too!
Sleepwell and sweetdreams
my nini :))

I smiled at myself and then turned my phone off. I settled on my bed and closed my eyes. I forced myself to go to sleep but my mind and body can't seem to cooperate. A part of me wants to sleep but my mind keeps on reminding me of what happened earlier.

The way Taehyung made my day, the way he smiled at me and the way he makes me feel like I'm safe when I'm with him. I felt like I didn't want this day to end. My problems suddenly disappeared because of him. I don't know what has gotten in me but it makes me feel relieved. I smiled for the hundredth time and stared at the ceiling.

"I guess meeting him again was not a wrong happening after all..." I mumbled to myself and closed my eyes, slowly dozing off to sleep.


"Yah! Why are you late? It was so hard for me to get this restaurant ready all by myself!"Irene ranted, once she saw me. I smiled cheekily at her and she glared.

"I'm sorry but I can't work for today, I'll be taking my extra leave, just tell manager-nim, please?"I begged and she sighed.

"So now you're gonna leave me here alone with all those costumers coming?"She raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest.

"It's just an emergency-"

"What kind of emergency? A date with that boy over there?"She said pointing at Taehyung who was looking at me. My eyes grew wide and I looked back at Irene. 

"A-Ah- I..."I continued stuttering and she chuckled.

"I'm just kidding HAHAHA! This is the first time I've seen you this flustered because of a boy!"She continued teasing me and laughing while I just sighed and literally facepalmed. "You can go, I'll cover up for you so that you wouldn't need to use your extra leave."She said and I smiled.

"Yes! That's why I love you, Irene!"I said with enthusiasm. "Goodbye! See you tomorrow, I guess!"I waved her goodbye and ran to Taehyung's direction.

I ran and ran to his direction, it was a good thing that the traffic light is green , meaning that pedestrians can walk. "Yah, why are you here? I though we're gonna meet at the park?"I asked eyeing him, pretending that I'm annoyed with that gesture.

"Uhh... I was just curious on where you work so I visited here"He said smiling, forcing me to believe him.

"Okay, let's just pretend that I believe you-"

"Yah! So you're saying that you don't believe me?"He asked pouting.

I laughed before replying, "Stop pouting you look like a duck!"I teased and he hissed at me.

"Aish! You're so mean! Let's just go home!"He said still pouting. He turned his back at me making me scoff.

"Yah! I was just kidding you freaking idiot!"I exclaimed and punched his arm. "Stop acting like a baby and let's just to the place where you are taking me"I said. He suddenly faced me again, making me a bit flustered.

"So you're agreeing that I'll borrow you for a day to make you happy again?"He smiled cheekily, looking straight at my eyes.  It seems like his eyes were hypnotizing me.

'Calm down, Jennie... He's just your childhood bestfriend, okay? Nothing more than that, please!'

"S-stop with those cringe words- let's just go, okay?"I said, being flustered was somehow obvious. 

"Arasseo, my nini."With his charming smile attacking me, my heart suddenly feels like melting. He turned his back on me but held me at my wrist. "We'll be enjoying the day, so ease your mind."He said before pulling me lightly with him.

TIME passed by so fast when I'm with him but again, I didn't want this day to end. After a day spent with him, it was already time for us to go home. He started to walk me home, deep talks happening right now.

"Tae,"I called him. He hummed as a response and looked at me. "I've been bothered by this question ever since, so I hope you would answer it clearly"I said, jokes aside.

"Sure, just ask me."

I felt a bit hesitant but this is the only way to clear all my thoughts about that. "When we were still young, why did you do all of that?"I asked, lowering my head afterwards.

I heard him sigh, "What do you mean?"

"Those times when I thought you'd be there when I needed you the most but instead you left me without giving me hints why..."

"I'm sorry, Jen... I didn't mean to."He said and suddenly stopped walking. He grabbed me by my shoulder and made me face him.

You're still my weakness...

"I know that I'm such a jerk back then but I regretted that. I will never do that to you again, Jen... I will make everything up to you, I promise. I will always be by your side no matter what cause you're a very special person."He said with a convincing smile. I smiled back at him and reached for a hug. 

"I hope you'll keep your promise cause I don't know what I'll do without you."

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