Chapter 27

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2 weeks later...


"OH- Jennie, are you finally awake?! Oh my-- Nurse, she's awake!"I heard a scream of a female voice once I opened my eyes.

Everything was all blurry and I couldn't even move my body. Nurses and doctors came rushing to me and did something in front of me. They we're all busy examining me, I looked at my side and saw someone beside me worriedly biting her nails.

Irene unnie...

"She's okay, right?"She asked and the doctor nodded.

"She's recovering well, after a bit more time she'll be fully recovered. Just don't over do things cause that's won't be good because of the surgery."The doctor explained and she smiled in relief. "So, we'll get going."

The doctor added and she bowed to thank them before walking away. She approached me and looked at me with a smile. Before I could say anything, I tried to move my fingers and surprisingly, I can.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"She asked and I tried to sit up. She helped me up but the pain on the left side of my tummy really stings.

That must be the place where I got stabbed.

"Be careful! You're stitches might hurt badly."She said. When we I finally sat up, she hugged me. "Finally, after 2 whole weeks of sleeping."

"T-two weeks? Are you serious?"I asked surprised and she nodded.

"Yep, you don't know how worried I was when the hospital called me, saying you were stabbed."She said and sat at the chair beside my bed. I suddenly realized things and remembered the night this happened.

"Taehyung... He brought me here, right?"I asked and her eyebrows suddenly furrowed.

"I don't know, I just frantically ran here when they called me."She said and I suddenly became sad.

"Didn't he visit me this past few weeks?"O asked and she shook her head.


My heart sank knowing that. I expected that he'll be the first person I'll see when I wake up. He should be here, I should be hugging him right now but he's not...

Let's think positive... I'm sure he'll show up sooner than later.

"What happened actually? I don't know anything since I was alarmed."She asked and I sighed.

"I was with Taehyung that day, after a lomg day we went walking. We decided to get some snacks before going home. So I went to the restaurant without him since he someone called him."

I even remember how he smiled at me...

"Then, he was taking a while on his phone. I started playing games on my phone and in just a blink of an eye, a man riding on a motorcycle approached me and stabbed me real hard."I said and Irene gasp.

"Gosh, did you see his face?! I'm really gonna kill him if I see that bastard!"She exclaimed and I chuckled. "Then, what happened next?"

"I just suddenly collapsed and saw people gathering around me. Taehyung showed up with a worried face and hugged me. His face was super worried and he was crying. Then, I just realized I lost my conciousness after that."I explained and Irene pouted.

"I'm glad you're finally awake after all that."She said and held my hand while smiling, I smiled back at her. After a few minutes of talking, a nurse suddenly came in and approached us.

"Ms. Jennie Kim, right?"She asked and I nodded.

"Yes, why?"I asked. The nurse grabbed something from her pocket and gave it to me. It's a white envelope.

"What is this?"I asked.

"I don't know either, someone just asked me to give this to you."She said and I nodded. I thanked her and then she went out after.

"You should go and read it, it might be something important."Irene said and I nodded. "I'm just gonna buy some snack, be right back, okay!"

I opened the envelope and a piece of paper was in there. I took it and unfolded it to read. One thing that caught my attention was that it smells really familiar.

The person I want to see right now...

Hi, Jennie...

        I heard you just woke up, right? I'm glad to hear that. I knew you could make it, you're a strong girl after all.

       I'm sorry if I couldn't even visit you. I know I'm such jerk for that but I wanna say something that I didn't get to say weeks ago. I love you too...

       Anyways, you said two weeks ago that you want me to be happy no matter what the outcome may be, right? Well, I'm happy you survived and I wanna ask you that favor too. I'm sorry I couldn't say this to you personally but please be happy.

       Let's break up...

      I know this is a bad timing to say this but I don't wanna keep it longer. I'll be leaving for good, and don't wait for me. Just be happy even though it's not me.

       Thank you for everything, I loved you so much. You're a precious gem that needs to me taken care of. The bas thing for me is that maybe it's not me who's gonna take care of you.

       So I guess this is how it ends. We're gonna go on our separate ways. I just hope for the best for you. I hope that someday, when the day comes that I'll meet you again. I wanna see you smiling brighter than the sunshine.

Kim Taehyung :))

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