Chapter 8

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"WHEN will you ever learn your lesson, ms. Kim?! We've brought you here and talked to you so many times already, but why can't you just stop being a war freak?!"The Dean scolded me.

I lowered my head and didn't give a damn to what he was talking about. It was always the same.

"Aren't you tired of making all these chaos?! If you aren't, well we are! We're tired facing you again and again and giving you sermons! We're so done with you, ms. Kim. Bring your parents here tomorrow so that we can talk to them-"

"I won't"I simply said. He wes shocked and it looks like he's loosing his temper on me.

"W-what?! Are you out of your mind, ms. Kim?! Just bring your parents-"

"I said I won't."

He scoffed. "You really don't have any manners, don't you? How did your parents even raise you to have an attitude like that huh?! You even have the guts to pick a fight with Sana?! What is with you, ms. Kim?!" He madly yelled at me. I didn't reply and just looked down.

Yeah, blame me for everything.

"Bring your parents tomorrow or say goodbye to this school."He firmly said but I didn't reply. "Now get out. I don't want to see you and that attitude of yours."

I nodded and stood up. "Goodbye, Dean."I emotionlessly said and bowed. I headed towards the door and got out.

I heaved a sigh and walked my way to my class for today. As usual, students were gossiping about me.

"Ugh! I hate that girl! Why can't she just get out of this school!"

"Yeah, she's just ruining the image of our school."

"She even fights with Sana unnie, how dare she?!"

"Such a bitch."

I heard. I didn't give any attention and just continued on walking. I was gonna walk on the stairs when a hand suddenly touched my shoulder. I looked up and saw Taehyung in front of me.

"You didn't attend classes yesterday, where were you? I also heard that the Dean talked to you, why?"He asked continuously but I ignoree him. "Answer me, Jennie..."He said and I sighed.

"I told you to stay away from me, didn't I?"I asked and he scoffed.

"And you think that I'm gonna do that?"He asked laughing sarcastically.

"Why do you even care?"


"See you can't even say a word."

"You don't have to know, just tell me why."

"As you've said, I don't need to know, so you don't need to know too."I said and forcely removed Taehyung's hand on my shoulder and walked pass him. He was left there glued.

I walked my way to my room, I didn't mind to look at people around me. I didn't even notice someone was in front of me again. What's up with people that they kept on blocking my way?!

I irritatedly looked up and saw a familiar face. "Stop blocking my way, Taeyong. I'm not in the mood."I said and he looked at me confused.

"On your period?"


"Then why are you in a bad mood?"He asked.

"It's none of your business-- I don't want to be rude, so just please don't talk to me for now."I said. I didn't wait for his reply and just instantly walked away from him.

I made my way to my classroom and didn't pay attention to others. I just sat on my seat and laid my head on my arms that was om the table. I wasn't sleeping but my eyes were closed... I just want to be peaceful for today but the noise from my classmates weren't helping, but since I'm in a bad mood, I didn't have the guts to yell at them like how I usually do when I'm irritated.

"Yah, Jennie."I heard a classmate of mine said and knocked on my arm chair. I raised my head and looked at her.

"What?"I asked.

"Somebody wants me to give this to you."She said and handed me a milk and a pack of cookies. "And here's the note."She added and gave me a sticky note.

"Yeah, thanks."I mumbled and grabbed both the note and the milk with cookies.. My classmate nodded and went back to her friends.

I looked at the note and started reading it.

Hey Jennie, I'm sorry for being an annoying ass. I know that you're not okay and you haven't eaten anything since earlier so here, at least drink this milk and eat this cookies. Don't tire yourself out, I'm always here for you when you need me.

Sincerely yours,
Tata <3

"Who the hell is Tata?"I asked myself and looked at the food and drink this person gave me. "But the nickname Tata reminds me of someone..."I mumbled and tried to think but all that happened was I spaced out.

I recovered after that and hid the sticky note in my bag. I opened the milk and the cookies and started eating it. "Whoever you are, thanks because my stomach is already growling."I mumbled to myself and eaten fast so that the teacher won't see me.

Moments later, our lecturer finally arrived. "Good afternoon, class. So today, we're going to prepare for the upcoming sports league next month. Every student will go to their respective teams, since there are new students, they'll have their own assembly so that they can assign the students to their team. Each and every one of you, please proceed to the gymnasium, the Dean will be announcing something."Our lecturer announced and everyone stood up bringing everything that's necessary.

I also stood up and just brought my phone and wallet. I slipped it inside my skirt's pocket and walked out. I wasn't close to anyone in our room, so I just walked alone-- I'm already used to it. A lot of my classmates were chattering while I stayed silent, walking while my right hand inside my skirt's pocket.

"Oh!~ how I wish Taehyung oppa will be in our team!"

"What? No! I want him in our team, not yours."

"Aish! Then I'll have Taeyong oppa then"

"Oh gosh! I almost forgot! That handsome guy-- are they even humans?!"

A lot were fighting over those two boys and I don't give a damn. Let me tell you some things so that you can understand things here. The university's students will be divided into five teams. The team members will be rambled, which means they'll have students from 1st year college to 4th year college. The team captain from 4th year college will need to lead their own team.

1st team, Silver Spartans. 2nd team, Golden Vikings, my team. 3rd team, Ruby Pirates. 4th team, Bronze Warriors. Lastly, the 5th team, Emerald Guardians. I'm actually cringing with the names and it sucks.

In no time, we arrived at the gymnasium. I sat at an empty seat and the seats at my right side were empty. It didn't matter though, I just waited patiently and didn't care about my surroundings.

"Good afternoon, students."The Dean greeted us with a smile.

Psh and earlier you were screaming at me without even knowing the truth..

The Dean continued to announce things about the upcoming Sports League and I can't even focus, since I'm not interested.

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