Chapter 20

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"YAH, Kim Taehyung.... Why are you here?"I asked and he suddenly beamed with a smile.

"Cause I'm here to cheer you up,"He said proudly and that suddenly made my skip a beat.

"B-but what about school--"

"Don't worry about those things, what's important is that I'll be here by your side and that will never change... ever."He said and I was totally speechless.

I feel so happy but I can't help but be anxious and think that there is always a consequence when I feel happy. I shook off my thoughts and looked back at Taehyung.

Stop overthinking and focus on what's gonna happen today...

"So, let's go?"

"MISS Minatozaki, let me ask you again, did Jennie Kim really pushed you off the building?"The prosecutor asked and without hesitation, Sana nodded and started sobbing.

"Y-yes, she did..."She said and wiped her tears.

Psh, now she's putting on a show...

"According to her, Jennie Kim has been bullying her because she was envious. She met with Miss Minatozaki inside that room and there she started bullying her again and ended up pushing her off."The prosecutor said and my blood started boiling.

I clenched my fist and sighed. I couldn't do anything but look at her furiously while she started smirking at me. I looked away from her and saw Taehyung look at me.

Once I saw him smile, I started to get calm. I felt that everything will be alright because of him. He mouthed 'it's okay' and smiled.

The trial went on and Sana's show is going well. The table's are turning and now everything is pointing me as the villain of this case.

I couldn't say anything, I kept my emotions inside me and waited until the trial was over.

After a while, it was finally over. I immediately went to Taehyung and he hugged me.

"Everything's gonna be alright. You did a great job today."He said in a soothing voice and that me smile.

He let go of the hug and faced me. He patted my head lightly and told me that we're going somewhere. To get there, we rode his car.

I don't have any idea where we are going. I just trusted him and let him take me to the place he's talking about. Minutes passed but we're still inside the car, I didn't even realize that I was dozing off to sleep.

"WAKE up, we're here,"I heard his voice. I opened my eyes and saw him, smiling. I smiled lightly and looked around.

"A beach?"I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, a beach."

"Why did you take me here?"

"Stop asking so many questions, you'll see later."He said and we both got out of the car. He immediately went at the passengers seat and grabbed a plastic bag from it. As he said, I didn't ask and we both walked near the sand. We took of our shoes and sat near the shore.

I stared at the sunset and my feelings started to get calm.  The cold breeze felt so good. Siting beside someone that I've been longing for felt better than being alone.

"Nothing feels better than alcohol with deep talks,"He said and grabbed a beer from the plastic bag. He gave it to me and gladly took it.

We took a sip and it felt good. Enjoying alcohol at this kind of moment helps me to forget about the reality.

Kim Taehyung's POV

IT'S been almost half an hour since we started drinking and talking. She told me stories of what happened when I left her back then but it was obvious that she's drunk.

"You're really a strong girl, aren't you?"I said and lightly patted her head. "I know you're keeping everything to yourself, tell me how you're really feeling, I'm willing to listen,"I said and her eyes suddenly softened.

"To tell you the truth, I'm not okay,"She said and her tears started welling up. "Whenever I'm reminded of my parents, it keeps hurting here..."She said, lightly pounding her chest. "I miss them so much that all I wanna do is follow them there,"She said and those tears that she was hiding finally showed.

You can cry all you want, I'll be your shoulder to lean on...

"But fate gave me you, you became my strength. Whenever I see you, I feel like I will never have to fight alone. I feel safe around you and those times when it's hard to be happy, you made me happy."She said. She smiled lightly and stared at me with eyes full of tears.

"But you know what's ironic? You're also my weakness..."She said and my eyes furrowed.

"What do you mean?"I asked.

"When you're not by my side, all I could think about is how are you doing and I feel scared... Scared that you're gonna leave me like before..."

I could never leave you again...

"I don't wanna lose you now that you've become my shoulder to cry on, the first person that comes in my mind everyday... I just couldn't lose you, I don't even know what I'm feeling. I may be crazy or... Maybe I just love you--"

I don't know what's gotten into me, all I know is that I pilled her closer as our lips finally met each other.

"I love you too, more than you know..."

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